Koosholts Apr 6, 2013 It's cool. I had to budget cut because my pay check wasn't as big as I had originally thought, and I chose to use Linux over windows. I'm too impatient to wait for my next pay check haha.
It's cool. I had to budget cut because my pay check wasn't as big as I had originally thought, and I chose to use Linux over windows. I'm too impatient to wait for my next pay check haha.
Koosholts Apr 6, 2013 Have you ever used Linux Ubuntu? I'm going to use that instead of windows 7 to save money.
Yoda's LSD Dealer Apr 6, 2013 [video=youtube;j3q4RZz-PfI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3q4RZz-PfI[/video]
W W Wolf Sage Mar 7, 2013 [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Johnny Sooshi Mar 5, 2013 Awesome! I'm thinking of doing it on Scrubs just for a comical new twist to things. I'll let you know if plans change.
Awesome! I'm thinking of doing it on Scrubs just for a comical new twist to things. I'll let you know if plans change.
Yoda's LSD Dealer Mar 3, 2013 full size (aka your high school girlfriend you asked to prom while crapping)