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Xenoblade Chronicles Mafia: Destructive Reawakening

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ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
I've seen your posts but am on my phone - will respond to your posts when I get back to a computer


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
50/50 chance here, I'm literally the last Townie probably, which is obvious. My decision is huge right now. I got this post legitimized last night:

What I learned is that ALiT did roleblock Linkdude that night but it wasn't a “prominent” point of that night sequence. Gosh, so right now I'm leary of you both, but honestly I feel like Cody is probably the last remaining Mafioso in the game. The way I see it both of you have killing roles either way, it comes down to which one of you is Mafia that is what will decide the game. I'm thinking of voting for you @Cody but I want to give you atleast a chance to explain yourself to me - are you saying you are the cop and that you have no killing role? As for you @Linkdude74 your claiming vig now? If you were the Vig why the heck have you been killing Townies in the night? Night 2 two Townies were killed in the same night, how do you explain that?
Well on night one, as you know, sulk ended up shuffling us all around. I went for JC Hurin on night one but then our dreaming God messed all of that up. I figured maybe that was a good sign for JC and he was actually town. I only came back to him last night because ALIT brought up some good points. Night 2 I went after pokalink and yes I fired wrong. Pokalink's lack of posting in day 2 made me suspicious of him and so I decided he would be the best shot.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
@Cody turns out it was actually JC who was the person who defused the Musicfan lynch, not you. You realize this makes you look even more suspicious, right?
I definitely recall fighting Diego over it. Right now I'm having trouble finding a thread search button for this thread though. Am I missing it or does Xenforo not have it?


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
What I learned is that ALiT did roleblock Linkdude that night but it wasn't a “prominent” point of that night sequence.
Yeah I would agree, the prominent point of the night was the fact that the Cult leader got killed, which considering he'd probably been recruiting for a few days was reaching dangerous levels. Here's something else to note: On the night that Linkdude74's kill got role blocked, the "community service" kill that helped the town actually came from the other killer.

Gosh, so right now I'm leary of you both, but honestly I feel like Cody is probably the last remaining Mafioso in the game. The way I see it both of you have killing roles either way,
What is this based on?

I'm thinking of voting for you @Cody but I want to give you atleast a chance to explain yourself to me - are you saying you are the cop and that you have no killing role?
I literally can't make a full claim due to game rules (GM has declared no more claims today), but informative/investigative roles are a whole subset of mafia and in the mafiascum wiki it shows around 30 standard informative roles. Another hint: we've also seen examples of people with multiple roles or choices between abilities.
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ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
As for you @Linkdude74 your claiming vig now? If you were the Vig why the heck have you been killing Townies in the night? Night 2 two Townies were killed in the same night, how do you explain that?
I want to reiterate that the death posts show that there isn't a vig. You're very likely overthinking this. We caught a killer who got role blocked and caught. He's claimed to be a vig and yet read these death posts :


I'm not sure if you have any experience with the game Xenoblade itself, but there's no good kills in these kills. One of the kills has clearly been pointing to the main villains of the game and the other has been pointing to a sadistic serial killer Mechon, I suspect it's the villain Metal Face. There is no possible chance that either of them would be on the same team as Shulk.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I want to reiterate that the death posts show that there isn't a vig. You're very likely overthinking this. We caught a killer who got role blocked and caught. He's claimed to be a vig and yet read these death posts :


I'm not sure if you have any experience with the game Xenoblade itself, but there's no good kills in these kills. One of the kills has clearly been pointing to the main villains of the game and the other has been pointing to a sadistic serial killer Mechon, I suspect it's the villain Metal Face. There is no possible chance that either of them would be on the same team as Shulk.
Ok, one last question. JC was a Mafia Framer, he tried pinning Linkdude at the end of Day 4, after we lynched ALiT. If Linkdude was his comrade why would he throw him under the bus? Explain that to me. Are you saying Linkdude is the seriel killer? If so, why are we going after a seriel killer when we should go after the last remaining Mafioso (I'm guessing you think Ezlo is the last Mafioso?). Think about it, we lynch the SK, in the following night either me or you will be killed (assuming you aren't the Mafioso) and in the end the game ends with a stalemate.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
Ok, one last question. JC was a Mafia Framer, he tried pinning Linkdude at the end of Day 4, after we lynched ALiT. If Linkdude was his comrade why would he throw him under the bus? Explain that to me.

Same reason he threw Eoghan under the bus probably. If you read Eoghan's final posts where he got upset he mentioned being upset at being bussed, and with JC-Hurin shown as mafia now that explains why. Some people have a very "I'll survive at all costs" attitude to the game.

Are you saying Linkdude is the seriel killer? If so, why are we going after a seriel killer when we should go after the last remaining Mafioso (I'm guessing you think Ezlo is the last Mafioso?). Think about it, we lynch the SK, in the following night either me or you will be killed (assuming you aren't the Mafioso) and in the end the game ends with a stalemate.
Assuming the game is set up the way you've suggested, lynching the last mafia and lynching the last SK ends the same way for the town.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Linkdude74 (1) - Cody
Cody (1) - Linkdude74

Day 5 ends on Friday, August 14th, at 8:00 PM CST. With 4 players alive, it takes 3 for a majority vote.


Mellow Ezlo has been replaced by Blackkirby.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008

Not sure what to make of this. This is such a late time to make a switch. Let's give Blackkirby time to catch up. Luckily we have another three days or so to decide.

@Blackkirby Have you been following along with the thread?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
@Cody after some long thought the whole SK thing just hold no water anymore, it seems like it was just a notion JC created to cause paranoia and confusion. Remember at the beginning of the game there were only 3 Mechons, the towering mechon, the mechon with no face, and the mechon with the metal face. There were 3 mafioso's in the game, only one remains which means we have only one mechon left, not two. The last mechon is the last Mafioso, there is no mechon which represents a Serial Killer. The towering mechon obviously can be linked to Eoghan's role as the two shot Mafia muscle man. The Mafia with the metal face seems like JC, a framer like he wears a metal frame... idk that one might be a longshot. The faceless Mechon seems like the last remaining Mafioso, the mafia boss who has layed back and slipped this far through the game. I can't remember a fourth Mechon, so the 3 have to have been an analogy for the Mafia this whole time.

I'm voting with my gut, this is who I think is the real Mafioso.

Vote: Cody


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
"Gut instincts" aside, your logic is provably wrong. Voting wrong would be deadly for the town, it would lose us the game today. Please reconsider.

I can give an in-depth run through of the death scenes, I didn't previously as I just pointed at them for others to read, but now I realise for someone who hasn't played Xenoblade it could be very confusing. The night scenes spell out exactly who is left in the game.


ZD Pokemon Champion
Dec 4, 2008
All I want to do is talk out potentially the last day in the game so the town doesn't mislynch, I don't think that's unreasonable. As a show of being willing to listen I'll even unvote Linkdude74.

Unvote: Linkdude74

@Linkdude74 This is also relevant to you. Whether you're town, Mafia or SK if you mislynch here you lose the game, we have until Friday, let's make a proper decision.
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