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Who's Beaten What Games?

Jan 17, 2011
21 Jump St.
I've beaten the original, Adventure of Link, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Wind Waker, Four Swords Adventure, Minish Cap, and Twilight Princess. So basically I've beaten all of them except for the DS games.
Feb 23, 2011
Played, but didn't beatNever playedBeatWill beat

The Legend of Zelda | Adventure of Link | A Link to the Past | Link's Awakening | Ocarina of Time | Majora's Mask | Oracle of Ages/Seasons | Four Swords | Wind Waker | Four Swords Adventures | The Minish Cap | Twilight Princess | Phantom Hourglass | Spirit Tracks | Skyward Sword


Only completed OoT at this point.
Currently working on TP.
I played WW, LttP and MM but never finished. I plan on changing all that ;)


I will list them in the order I have played them. The order beaten will be in parenthesis.

1. Twilight Princess (1)
2. Ocarina of Time (2)
3. A Link to the Past (?)
4. Phantom Hourglass (5)
5. Majora's Mask (4)
6. Spirit Tracks (3)
7. The Wind Waker (6)
8. The Minish Cap (7)
9. Link's Awakening (8)

I hope to beat Link to the Past someday. Hopefully ZD will have a video walkthrough of it some day. I also have Link's Crossbow Training and have beaten that, but I don't think spin-offs count.

PK Love Omega

PK Flash's Good Twin
Jul 28, 2011
In a forest
Beaten, Ocarina of time, Wind Waker
Going to Beat: Spirit Tracks, MM, Twilight Princess
Played: Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, Phantom Hourglass.
Want to play: A Link To the Past, Four Swords (Free download ftw)

I can play every game, too. OoT for 3DS, Links Awakening, Oracle of Ages, The two NES Zeldas, Spirit Tracks, Phantom Hourglass for AKAIO, The Minish Cap on 3DS, Four Sword adventures, Twilight Princess, Link's Crossbow Training, Wind Waker, MM, A link to the past, etc.
for the wii


Call me Micky
Jul 19, 2011
The Middle of Nowhere
Completed 100%: A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker
Completed otherwise: Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask
Working on: Minish Cap, and the original Legend of Zelda

My faves are Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, and Ocarina. But I like the 2D games as well!

Caleb, Of Asui

I've beaten all of the games in the main series up to Spirit Tracks, including both of the Four Swords. I think The Minish Cap was the newest game at the time that I decided to play all the Zelda games I hadn't beaten because I was so interested in the timeline. It still took me until at least after Phantom Hourglass came out until I beat The Adventure of Link by myself, and I believe it was on a heavily-haitused save file.

Additionally, I've played (and beaten, I suppose) Link's Crossbow Training and all three Super Smash Bros. games, but no spin-offs other than that, at least not that I can think of. For what it's worth I also recently played and beat Ocarina of Time 3D, although I'd already played the original version (or rather, the GameCube port), and I've never played Master Quest and don't really have a whole lot of interest in it.
Mar 18, 2011
Beaten: ALttP, LA, MM, OoS, OoA, WW, MC, TP, ST
Completed: LoZ, OoT, PH
Played, but didn't beat: AoL, FS, FSA


I've beaten all Zelda games and The Legend Of Zelda, Zelda II, A Link To The Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina Of Time (once beaten with one game session), Majora's Mask, Four Sword Adventures, Twilight Princess are 100% completed. I'm now replaying the others to finish them at 100%. 3 Hearts only TP for now.

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