1. Twilight Princess
While not the most original -- nor the most challenging -- entry in the series, Twilight Princess is the definitive Zelda experience for me. Everything about it, from the combat (despite being somewhat antiquated by Skyward Sword), to the - for lack of a better word - epic boss battles, to the most emotionally engaging (and surprisingly romantically-themed) story that I've ever experienced in a game, makes Twilight Princess my absolute favorite video game.
2. Ocarina of Time
While it seems as though every Top 10 list that you come across has some spot reserved for Ocarina of Time, it’s not without good reason. The game set the standard for console adventure titles, with a revolutionary lock-on targeting system, a lengthy quest, a bittersweet story, and a musical score that will forever be engrained in my noggin.
3. Skyward Sword
It's a pretty tough choice in regards to the #3 spot, but Skyward Sword -- despite having my fair share of issues with the game -- just hit so many of the right notes for me. The orchestrated musical score, the vibrant characters (particularly Ghirahim and Groose), the head-scratching puzzles -- While it may not have had the same impact on me as OoT and TP, it's certainly one hell of a game.
4. Wind Waker
A breath of fresh air to the established Zelda formula (even having come off of Majora’s Mask), The Wind Waker is a one-of-a-kind gaming experience. Yes, the Triforce scavenger hunt that pops up towards the end of the quest is tedious to say the least, but with a story that deftly handles with themes of loss and moving on towards the future, a fluid, engaging combat system, a musical score that comes shining through at just the right moments, and a visual style that is sure to hold up for console generations to come, it’s a small price to pay.
5. A Link to the Past
A title that I regret not playing sooner, Link's SNES adventure is one that I didn't end up experiencing until a couple of years ago. The overworld is so immense that it just inspires exploration, the combat is much smoother than that of the initial two Zelda games, and the musical score is top-notch. In fact, I was surprised that several of my favorite tunes had actually originated from this game (including Ganon's Theme and Zelda's Lullaby).