My first video game was Twilight Princess. I got my first system and games when I was 9. Most of you probably got yours when you were much younger, but my parents wouldn't let me play video games until I was in 4th grade. (I failed at TP, I was stuck herding goats for like a year.)
My first video game was a Pokemon game for the Game Boy Color, I think it was the Pikachu special edition game (the yellow one). But, now thinking about it I also played some Power Rangers game for the Game Boy Color, but I can't remember if Pokemon or Power Rangers was first.
This is very hard to answer because I don't really know. My mom had the NES and the Sega Genesis when I was a baby. I know I at least tried playing a game at age three, though I'm not sure what game. The list of games we had back then is:
-The Legend of Zelda
-Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout
-Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
-Sonic the Hedgehog 2
-Sonic the Hedgehog 3
-Some golfing game...
-Some racing game...
Ocarina of Time was my first game I played. Please don't laugh at this but I was scared of going ahead because of the monsters. I would sit there and run away. Sometimes, My dad helped me beat the game.
Not exactly sure what my first video game was. May have been something on the SNES -- Super Mario World or Donkey Kong Country? I dunno. I do know that the first video game that I played extensively was Diddy Kong Racing. Great stuff.
There were a few video games I played simultaneously as my "first" video game, and they were Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, and A Link to the Past, all for the SNES.
The first game I ever played was Paper Mario on a built-in N64 in a hotel room when I was...gee, i guess I was 3. So you can soundly say that I've been gaming for as long as I can remember (and even THATS pushing it).
That's how I got into gaming! I rented SM64 first but Paper Mario was up there. Those were the glory days - paying $7 an hour for the first games of my life.