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What Made You Happy Today?


❤️ love yourself ❤️
@Spirit @Sheikah_Witch @Azure Sage @Dizzi

I got Wind Waker!!! It took all month to get here, but it’s finally arrived this afternoon!! I played til I got to the island with the ritos and the dragon, Dragon Roost Island I think

I love the colors, and the atmosphere, and Link’s facial expressions lol, he has a lot more that most Links. Sailing is also really cool! And I got to meet some of the characters in your story Az :)

Can’t wait to play more and have so much fun

I’m so happy today ❤️


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
@Spirit @Sheikah_Witch @Azure Sage @Dizzi

I got Wind Waker!!! It took all month to get here, but it’s finally arrived this afternoon!! I played til I got to the island with the ritos and the dragon, Dragon Roost Island I think

I love the colors, and the atmosphere, and Link’s facial expressions lol, he has a lot more that most Links. Sailing is also really cool! And I got to meet some of the characters in your story Az :)

Can’t wait to play more and have so much fun

I’m so happy today ❤

YAAAAAY! Let us know what you think when you're done <3


I got hit up by the marketing director of WIGJ saying that they're (maybe) gonna have a virtual conference in September for rookies in the industry to showcase their work O_O
Just got some super awesome news!


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