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What Made You Happy Today?


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Watching a nature documentary on toque macaque monkeys.


Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states

why yes, as a matter of fact this is a lord of the rings universes beyond card titled Horn of the Mark signed by the current world champion league of legends jungler Pyosik formerly of DRX now on Team Liquid, whose name "Pyosik" happens to translate into Mark in english, meaning this card in Korean (Pyosik's nationality) is Pyosik's Horn
and he's a world champion
and he signed it
and I got it


Southern Belle
Apr 16, 2021
I think this officially makes you the ZD member with the most flex power. (At a glance I thought that was Link's arm with zonai particle effects around it and assumed it was gonna be a custom card lol)
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
Reading great fanfictions about unconditional love like these is what made me happy today:

And I love sharing content about one of my top favorite canonical ships of all times, the Ineffable Husbands from "Good Omens" (a TV series and book by Neil Gaiman).

One of my top favorite books, TV series and canonical ships ever:

"Good Omens creator Neil Gaiman: Aziraphale and Crowley were in love long before their kiss":


""Good Omens": 16 Most Romantic Crowley and Aziraphale Moments":


""Good Omens” Stars Crowley and Aziraphale Talk Love, Doubt, and Saving the World from Certainty":


Maryssmith is telling it like it is and really hit the head on the nail (she explains it so much better than I do, the best comment ever made on this topic):


Check out this scene:

Some very interesting articles about this scene and the Ineffable Husbands:

I love the canonical ship between angel Aziraphale and demon Crowley from "Good Omens" (a TV series and book written by Neil Gaiman), that ship is called the Ineffable Husbands. I also love the canonical ship between half angel/half human (Nephilim) Alec Lightwood and half demon/half human (Downworlder and Warlock) Magnus Bane from "The Shadowhunter Chronicles" (a book series written by Cassandra Clare), that ship is called Malec. Those are among my top favorite canonical ships of all times.



Spoonman, come together with your hands, save meee
Apr 12, 2021
In your head, in your head. Zombie zombie zombie.

why yes, as a matter of fact this is a lord of the rings universes beyond card titled Horn of the Mark signed by the current world champion league of legends jungler Pyosik formerly of DRX now on Team Liquid, whose name "Pyosik" happens to translate into Mark in english, meaning this card in Korean (Pyosik's nationality) is Pyosik's Horn
and he's a world champion
and he signed it
and I got it
OK, that's sick.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Somehow I got roped into spending the entire day shopping with two of my friends. We had a lot of fun, we bought some stuff and had cinnamon rolls for lunch. One of them bought me a shirt with Rengoku from Demon Slayer which I can't wait to try on. I must say though, my social meter is officially tapped out now. I am exhausted lol.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
Today was a good day.

I went to a church potluck for the stake and I made a new friend. Well, my other friend was hanging around him when I got there so I didn't really go out looking for people hah, so I'm lucky to have gotten to know him, I talked with him the most out of everyone.

Turns out he's vegetarian, thinking of being vegan one day in the future. I found out at the line to the food and I freaked out. We had a good time talking, I was so excited, it was awesome.

He likes a lot of the same stuff I do, we got each other's numbers and we've been sharing music with each other and talking about vegetarian/vegan stuff.

I actually feel like I can make a close friend, one that I actually talk with more than just once a month or something.

I'm happy.
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
My prayer was answered, that makes me VERY HAPPY... ^_^

I just watched this short and it put a smile on my face:

This green light! It's archangel Raphael! The patron of happy travels, healing, health, love, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, lovers and marriage! It's Raphael, the healer, the archangel of healing! Sent by Jesus Christ! Praise Jesus! ^_^

And it's also the sign I was looking for, the sign that my prayer has been answered! Jesus did send Raphael the archangel of healing (and other angels of healing) to the poor innocent Palestinian civilians to bring them healing and comforting during these dark times! Praise Jesus! ^_^

Also, today I made a archangel Raphael beaded necklace with letter beads that spell "archangel Raphael" and I also used four different kinds of green beads. ^_^




Angels and archangels singing/humming sounds from a portal to the angelic realm in space (angels are real... this is the scientific proof that these high vibrational beings are something that is powerful... also yet pure...):

See more here on angelic miracles/contacts/healing/rescuing (testimonies from individuals and whole families) as well as real angels caught on camera right here:


One of many LGBT and pro-choice Canadian Center-Left Christians.


Also, see my posts about the situation in Palestine (posts #305 and #307) here:



I just came across this report on the situation:

Jesus Christ and archangel Raphael (the archangel of healing) bless those people who speak out against the war! My prayer has been answered! ^_^

I want to add this:

It's so sad and infuriating that the people who would have the best excuse to become irrational warmongers are instead some of the few that are brave enough to call for peace, while the people with the furthest distance from the conflict and the least of a stake in it are the ones frothing at the mouth and lusting for blood. Really strong example of how, in practically every war, the people driving it are not the ones who will suffer from it.

And also, the gall to have countless of your people murdered for being seen as ‘the problem’ or seen as being lesser than human during the holocaust and to turn around and do the same exact thing to another group of human beings (Palestinians in this case, innocent Palestinian civilians) is utterly disgusting, and is of course sheer hypocrisy and double standard. Also, collective punishment is a war crime, conflating Hamas with ALL Palestinians and ISIS with ALL Muslims is wrong, evil and unacceptable and a lot of people speak out against that right now and that's a good thing that people speak out against that...
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