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  • What's your favorite Zelda game
    I'm not really a fan of the Zelda franchise anymore now that I'm adult and mature enough to see that the Hylian royals and their lackies are not the "good guys" we've been socially conditioned to believe they are:


    I don't play Zelda games anymore and I much prefer reading Zelda fanfictions (fanfictions featuring a Link who has enough courage to question, think for himself, challenge the establishment, walk away from the Hylian royal family, who doesn't tolerate the Hylian royals' atrocities. injustices, and indoctrination, etc, you get that in the fanfictions, but you never get that in the game because in the game Link practices blind loyalty and blind obedience to the establishment/Hylian royal family, the fanfictions are far better and far more satisfying to me than the games).

    I mostly post in the "general chit-chat" section of the ZD forums, I like it here and everyone is so sympathetic and kind. But I don't post much in the "Zelda forums" section of the ZD forums, there are other games that I love more than Zelda now, like Animal Crossing and Pokemon.

    Take care and have a nice day,

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