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What Made You Happy Today?


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
I'm excited for my sister's wedding in May. Less excited to have to write a speech for it, but everything else should be fun and I'm really happy for her. The thing I'm even MORE excited for though is that afterwards I'm finally getting my own room! I've always wanted my own room! This means I'll be able to have friends over now too since we'll have a spot to hang out that isn't occupied (I live in a pretty tiny apartment so there's always people in every room). It's gonna be so cool.
The wedding is this Saturday, I'm so incredibly excited. I'm taking the ferry to New York tomorrow so we can make it to the rehearsal dinner, and my two best friends are carpooling with me so it should be a blast. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Additionally my sister moved out a week ago so she could get moved in and situated before the wedding/honeymoon craziness. Which means my room is all complete! I've spent the whole week cleaning and redecorating like a madwoman, lol. It looks amazing. (Gonna share pictures btw once the curtains I ordered arrive)

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
Since its Link, you don’t have to. Sidin and Malon didn’t make character sheets, nor did I. :)
I wouldn't play Link, I have my own character that I use often, she's all fleshed out, but I don't make character sheets. If it's okay to join without one, I wouldn't mind joining.

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