((Too wordy, Mis? Have you SEEN my posts? XD If people can't take your wordiness, I don't know HOW they tolerate me. It's a good length, impto!))
A little ways behind Cyrus, Max leaned over, so that Gareth could see him clearly, and gave a cheerful, upbeat wave. Stupid? With Gareth, yes. But it was certainly fun.
"I'll leave you to your duties, then, Cyrus." Max said jovially, turning around and strolling off down the street, whistling as if it was a wonderful day and he didn't ahve black eye. Ow, okay, that actually kind of hurt when he smiled. A lot. But he kept smiling, because... why not. A man who could walk down the streets of the market with his right eye swollen and whistling a song nobody had ever heard of was a man who deserved Max's respect!
Now, where was soemthing interesting to do. These days, Max had little to do unless he was called. He still got payed. He just... did his own thing, claimed(not always untruthfully) that it was important, and came to do sciencey things when he was summoned. Worked for him.
Maybe Shannon was about or something...
((Because pre-decided Max/Shannon brotp must exist!))