(You should feel bad, Tatl. I just wish SO many people hadn't just... left. That's all. I'm glad you've stuck with me this far though ^.^)
(Heh, this RP is really not all that. Once you figure out my canon, all my plots are pretty straight forward and predictable. Well, except maybe this one. Mono, you've figure almost everything out. Almost. You're missing a couple key points that tie the plot together, but that's it... heh.)
(Anyways, I probably will semi-open this rp for sign ups, once we get out of hell.. that is. XD. I'd just need someone to help me whip up a quick overall summary of what has happened so far...)
((SHOULD feel bad? Lol. Nice going, Freud.
Yes it freaking is. Shush. Dreamers is your Era. Trust me, I exaggerate slightly.
Also I like to have things in common with you ^^
I figure out a lot of stuff. I'm a freaking sharp cracker XD
I can help you out there. ^^ Gimme a little bit.))