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The Confession Thread *SERIOUS REPLIES*


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
Ok, gdi Mezlo and Rep. You guys got me thinking and I think I could possibly be bisexual. Like, I never was really sexually attracted to a female until I got put into a situation which made me discover I could be. I used to be certain I was asexual. Maybe that's the same with guys. Maybe if I was put in that situation but they were a male instead I would grow sexual feelings toward them. I am not certain about this, but I haven't really put down the idea of being attracted to guys. I would kiss a guy if I was in a relationship with him. I don't know if that's more romantic than attraction though. But... Now that I'm thinking about it I'm not really against having sexual relations with a male and maybe I could be attracted o men???

But then again... Maybe gender doesn't matter to me sexually... I am not totally against again having sexual relations with a male, female, or transgender... I could be attracted to anyone no matter what the gender is... Maybe I'm pansexual?

God damn it, I confused myself and... ugh!
Sep 23, 2013
United States
Two things:

1. I hate being female. You can't do anything you want compared to males & I have no freedom because of it.
2. I don't belong anywhere. I feel like a nuisance to everybody.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I used to steal way back. I think I've told atleast a few of you that I was in an orphanage for a year of my life when I was between the ages of 3 and 4. The place was really underfunded so they didn't exactly feed us enough. Since I was hungry some of the older kids convinced me to sneak out with them because they knew how to get food free. So we'd sneak out in the evenings and go to local grocery stores, they taught me how to steal from people when they looked away from their carts, and how to steal from inside the store.

When I was adopted I never stole again. Eventually I realised it was wrong. Its not something I'm proud of.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
I'll be brutally honest. I would kill people to fix my current issues. I mean literally, not just "oh I could kill for a pizza now." No. Actually trade someone's life for my happiness.

I mean, I won't. I can't. But it doesn't change the fact that if I could I probably would.
Jan 30, 2015
I am afraid to tell my parents about my boyfriend. I shouldn't be, because they are not that strict. It is just that we don't really talk about those types of thing, so I don't know what to do.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
After thinking about this for a couple of weeks I am in fact Bisexual. To be very specific, Demi-grey-bisexual Demi-panromantic. I've debated on this topic for so long and I guess I've been in denial because I thought being an lgbt male would be worse than an lgbt female. Bisexuals are also perceived as confused or fake and I didn't want to be bothered with that. So, there's my confession post. :P


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
After thinking about this for a couple of weeks I am in fact Bisexual. To be very specific, Demi-grey-bisexual Demi-panromantic. I've debated on this topic for so long and I guess I've been in denial because I thought being an lgbt male would be worse than an lgbt female. Bisexuals are also perceived as confused or fake and I didn't want to be bothered with that. So, there's my confession post. :P
So many prefixes :O

But I'm proud of you for coming out. :) Join me and mez in a big gay 3way?


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
What is it when you sort of want to be a guy but you don't exactly want to give up being a girl either?

I mean… I don't really like much about being a girl, but I still act like one on occasion. But only on occasion. I don't even know anymore… I sometimes hate the way I look just as a girl, but sometimes I don't. I guess I feel like I'm not appreciated at all this way. I don't like wearing 'girly' clothes, and I would much rather hang out with guys too since some other girls I know are pretty annoying. But… everything just feels really awkward. I guess I've been locking myself up in my room as often as possible because I'm still trying to figure out how deal with all this. It's not like I feel like a guy, I still feel like a girl, but sometimes I'll just be all like meh, what am I doing anymore.

this is awkward


Kissing Link is like chocolate; rich and sweet.
Jun 20, 2014
Sucking Link's eartips.
What is it when you sort of want to be a guy but you don't exactly want to give up being a girl either?

I mean… I don't really like much about being a girl, but I still act like one on occasion. But only on occasion. I don't even know anymore… I sometimes hate the way I look just as a girl, but sometimes I don't. I guess I feel like I'm not appreciated at all this way. I don't like wearing 'girly' clothes, and I would much rather hang out with guys too since some other girls I know are pretty annoying. But… everything just feels really awkward. I guess I've been locking myself up in my room as often as possible because I'm still trying to figure out how deal with all this. It's not like I feel like a guy, I still feel like a girl, but sometimes I'll just be all like meh, what am I doing anymore.

this is awkward

That's called genderfluidity. I have some of the same issues, so hit me up if you need anything.
Jan 30, 2015
I'm actually in a very similar situation.
Ugh, it is so much more difficult than it should be. I attend school away from my home town, so I don't get to see my parents often. But I don't really want to tell them over the phone. Bit I also don't really want to keep it from them until I see them again so I should tell them over the phone. But I don't really know how to say it, and I want to tell them both at the same time so it would have to be on speaker phone. GAH!

Sorry for the rant.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I'm actually in a very similar situation.

Ari, having just dealt with your exact situation, I would advise you just do it and be honest. Say that it'll be hard, but you're serious and willing to try to make it work and that you're mature enough to handle it :)

Ugh, it is so much more difficult than it should be. I attend school away from my home town, so I don't get to see my parents often. But I don't really want to tell them over the phone. Bit I also don't really want to keep it from them until I see them again so I should tell them over the phone. But I don't really know how to say it, and I want to tell them both at the same time so it would have to be on speaker phone. GAH!

Sorry for the rant.

Take a deep breath and go for it. You don't even have to make a huge announcement out of it, just slip in 'I was talking to my boyfriend' and if they're like WHA??? then be like oh yeah his name is... etc. Once it's done you'll feel better, it won't be hanging over you :)

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