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General Art Second Hunger Games Fanfic


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
I hope you all remember what Thurmal said at the end of his chapter...anyway, thank you, and HoT, they are the same number of people as you.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
No, he just threw up. Anyway, unfortunately, two real people will die. :(

Day 4

Elliot Karider
District 11

We're going to the Cornucopia. I've decided that. We need to take on the Careers, and anything they might have there. Me and Tekara had agreed that we should go to the Cornucopia. Zordo, however, did not. He felt that it would be too dangerous, we might be walking into a trap. But Tekara and I had agreed, so we're going.

We're walking toward the Cornucopia, through this swamp. Me and Tekara are taking turns carrying Zordo, but we have to stop every few minutes for him to throw up. It seems to be getting more spaced out though. Hopefully it'll stop soon. We finally reach the meadow that stretches out to the Cornucopia.

"Finally," I say. Tekara and I pick Zordo up, and carry him over to the Cornucopia. I finally get a closer look at it. It's ransacked. Abandoned. I kick around looing for something, but there is none. It's a few minutes before I realize something. It's been too quiet. There's some sound missing.....a sword appears at my throat.

I look to see Zordo standing over me. "Zordo," I say. "What are you doing?" Tekara is still scavenging on the other side and hasn't noticed my predicament. Zordo pokes the sword against my throat. "Cry out, and you die. Is that clear?" I nod my head a little. "But...why did you vomit?" He laughs softly.

He holds up a little pill which is about halfway chewed through. Rage fills me inside. "You've been....deceiving us.....for the Careers?" He nods. My hand goes to my waist, where my sword is hidden. Tekara has stopped scavenging. "Elliot, have you found anything?" She turns around, and her eyes widen.

Zordo pokes the sword against my throat again. "Attack me and he dies. That clear?" She nods, but I see her hand drop to her dagger hilt. I shake my head slightly, hoping she gets the message. Not yet, not yet. She seems to understand. Zordo smiles. "You were so easy to deceive," he hisses.

"You are too trustworthy. You can't trust anyone in these Games! You should have known," he says, heading backward, with me in tow. I nod subtlety to Tekara, and she understands. She flicks the knife from her pocket, and it hits Zordo's hand. He yells out, and his sword drops to the ground. I unsheathe my sword, and swing at him with an overhand cut.

He dodges, and Tekara unsheathes her other knife, and runs at him. He sidesteps, and grabs her wrist. He wrenches the knife out of her grasp. "Run, Elliot!" she cries out. But I can't. I run at the traitor, but as I'm doing so, he slits Tekara's throat. I yell in anger, in sync with the cannon. My sword twists his knife out of his hands, and positions itself at his throat.

"Do it then," he says. His voice is pained. As much as I hate the guy, it's hard just to kill him in cold blood. My sword shakes slightly. He's laughing at my weakness. A surge of anger sweeps through me, and I thrust toward his throat. The knife twirls up seemingly of its own will, blocking my strike.

He grabs my wrist, and slides his blade down mine. At the hilt, he flicks his knife, making it collapse on the ground. He's about to kill me when a voice calls out. "Zordo? You here?" He calls back. "I'm fine, Thurmal." The rest of the Careers come down, and look gleefully at him about to kill me. "Well, so you actually did come to some use, Zordo," said the girl from 10, Chailyn.

"I mean, I never saw you much in District 10, so I didn't know what you could do," she says, circling us. "Well, kill him," says the voice of someone I don't know, I believe it's the boy from 2. "Time for chit chat later." Zordo nods, but I can see him sweat. Strange, for one that killed Tekara so easily, without guilt.

He holds the knife, Tekara's knife to my throat. I look around for her body, but the hovercraft must have already come. "Kill him, Zordo," commands the one named Thurmal. His face hardens. "I...I will.." he says, and he brings his knife back, and then slashes. I duck, his hand still grabbing me, but I wrench myself out of his grip.

I run for it. I'm fast, faster than most everyone my age in my District. Most of the Careers stop trying from exhaustion. The only one to keep running was Thurmal. I realize that my sword somehow had gotten into my grip. I must have picked it up unconsciously. I finally tire, right at the division between the swamp and the prairie.

I pant for breath, as Thurmal comes closer, with a triumphant grin on his face. "I have you now," he says, and brings his spiked fist back for the punch. I'm too tired to defend myself. I wait for the inevitable. Then someone comes running out of the swamp, right at Thurmal, sword out.

The sword sticks itself in Thurmal's chest, but as quickly as it went into his body, it went out. The figure has his face covered with a leaf cover, and a hood. Thurmal's breathing heavily, about dead. The figure stabs him in the brain to finish the job. The cannon sounds. "Please," I say. "Make it quick." The leaf cover does not cover his eyes, which are a shade of grey.

Like a miracle, the figure sheathes its sword and scampers off. I collapse. One of my companions, dead, the other, a traitor. Poor Tekara.....Poor poor Tekara......Something snaps me back into the real time. It was the fact that Zordo seemed to hesitate before trying to kill me......
Aug 18, 2009
Lolz, that Thurmal ran into a little trouble. :lol: Too bad he's out...actually, that's good, I never liked that character anyway. :P

As to Keyari's character...rubbish. Zordo should have died, that coward, not even has the guts to finish the job. I just hope he doesn't end up winning this thing.


Jul 28, 2010
Among the stars
If I were Elliot I would have murdered Zordo, the stupid traitor. He killed a friend, he should die. (Sorry for being mad. I dislike traitors)

Master Sword13

Oct 16, 2010
South Carolina
Wait a minute... Grey eyes? Hood? Why does that sound like Rio to me...? Nice chapter, myriad. I'm waiting for the next chapter as hard as I can! (Yes, I can do that.)


Nov 12, 2010
Eh, Zordo wasn't so much a traitor, he was just a double-agent. Shame that Tekara had to go, I liked her. This definitely isn't the noble Zordo I remember from the first Hunger Games. This one could learn a thing or two from the one who almost won.


Feb 25, 2010
Eh, Zordo wasn't so much a traitor, he was just a double-agent. Shame that Tekara had to go, I liked her. This definitely isn't the noble Zordo I remember from the first Hunger Games. This one could learn a thing or two from the one who almost won.
:dry: I know. But hey, there's still a chane of him turning good. He did hesitate killing.


Jul 13, 2011
Rivendell, Middle Earth
NOOOOOOOOOOO! Why did Tekara have to die??? :( :( :( :( I knew Zordo was the traitor all along. (PM'd you Myriad) That traitor should have been killed. Hmph. Poor Tekara. At least Elliot made it out.

Even though my character died (she probably had to go sometime didn't she?), this was a very good chapter. Good job!

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