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General Art Second Hunger Games Fanfic


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Well, here is the next chapter.

Day 6

Zordo White
District 10

I wake up. My nightmares have been troubling me again, the nightmares of the previous days, except from the other tributes' point of view. First I'm the girl from 2, as I kill her. Then I'm Tekara, as I turn and see me holding a blade to Elliot's throat. Then I slit my throat. Then I'm Rio, who I'm about to betray, unsuspecting.

Quiro had volunteered to 'hurt' me, to fool Rio. He seemed to enjoy it. I, however, did not. At all. Rio's still sleeping. I am trying to wait as long as possible to kill him. Tekara was quick. I wanted to make it quick, so I wouldn't have to scream. I don't know why I decided to be a spy. Perhaps...just to survive......

A twig snaps. Someone's walking toward the tree. Rio has woken up. He sees my face and nods slowly. I feel a twinge of regret that I have to betray him. My hand goes to my waist. I slide the sword out of my scabbard. I point it at the unknown figure. Suddenly, something clangs against my sword, spinning it out of my hand.

Another sword comes toward my throat. Someone grabs me, keeping the sword at my throat. "Don't move," says a voice. A female voice. Could it be Chailyn, come to kill me? I don't think so. Her voice is different than Chailyn's. I think it's the girl from 11, Ashie. "Zordo?" says Rio. He notices my predicament and pulls out his sword.

"Don't," says Ashie, poking the sword against my throat. Then she leans in and whispers in my ear. "I know your little secret, by the way. If you try anything, I'll tell. If I don't kill you, Rio will." I nod. She's backing up, along with me. Rio's just standing there. I can only think about how I had done the same thing to Tekara, before I killed her.

She's led me back to the edge of the bog. Rio is gripping his swords. He walks toward Ashie. "What do you want?" he asks. She replies with only two words. "To survive." She spins around and throws me into the bog. Rio seizes his chance. He unsheathes his sword and runs at her. The three swords clang together.

"Go!" he yells. I stumble and get out of the way. Rio yells and unleashes into a wild frenzy. Ashie is driven back, and eventually stumbles away. Rio does not follow. I only have one thought as I lie down on solid ground. Rio had saved me, when I wouldn't have done the same for him.


Feb 25, 2010
I'm sencing that Zordo won''t kil them. I mean, what have the careers done for him? Used him like a assassin. The Anti Careers Actually helped him, but I don't know if they'll do it know...


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Ehhh.....there are no Anti-Careers in this one. I wanted there to be more separate, smaller groups in this one, not the big grand organization in the first fanfic. There's the Careers, the group of Sully, Alec, and Stella, and the current group of Rio and Zordo (Elliot, Zordo, and Tekara are disbanded). Ashie and Elliot are working alone.
I'll post the next chapter ASAP.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Your wish is my command.

District 10

The cawing noise resonates through the swamp, the signal for Zordo to bring Rio to the Cornucopia so we can kill him. I lower my cupped hands from my face. He got the message, I know. He'll be coming to the Cornucopia. I smile. I look around our camp. Glisten is tending the fire. Quiro is lying in his hammock, with his arms behind his head.

Maria is pacing around. Quiro and I are the only two calm, Glisten is nervous, Maria agitated. "Come on," I say. "In order to kill Rio, we have to be there. Tekara and Elliot were different. They were more trusting. And, the death of Rio's older brother must have told him not to trust easily. Plus, he's more physically fit than Tekara and Elliot."

Quiro yawns. "Let's go then," he says, getting up out of his hammock. Glisten yawns, and stands up. We pack up camp and go. We travel through the swamp to the Cornucopia. I hide behind a fallen over tree, and motion for the Careers to follow. We hide behind the tree, hearing voices come closer.

"Are you sure about this, Zordo?"

"As sure as I'll ever be about anything."

"Ok then."

They're walking up to the Cornucopia. They are now in my viewpoint. Zordo pulls out his sword. "Zordo?" says Rio. He realizes the truth too late as Zordo spin kicks him to the ground, sending his swords clattering out of his hands. Zordo points his sword at Rio's chest. At that moment we reveal ourselves and surround him, pulling out our weapons.

"Why, Zordo?" moans Rio. "Were you their spy from the beginning?" Zordo's face is quite impassive. I step up. "Kill him. Now. Before he has any chance to make you question your loyalties." Zordo hesitates, but nods. He brings his sword back. But instead of attacking him, he attacks me.

My blade flips up, blocking his attack. I smile. "Wrong choice," I say, and give a small nod to Quiro. Before Zordo has time to do anything else, the knife is thrown at Zordo, impaling itself in Zordo's chest. He falls over, and utters one last word. "Run." The cannon sounds, and Rio takes his chance, kicking Glisten out from under her feet, he grabs his swords and backs up.

Maria charges, but he sidesteps out of the way. He attacks Glisten, but I intervene, blocking his strokes. I lunge for his throat, but he spins his blade, and it's parried. Then he runs. Quiro hadn't even moved. Once Rio is out of sight, Quiro walks over and takes the knife out of Zordo's body.

"We might as well leave," he says. "They'll be here soon to pick him up. Let's go." We all nod. Today was a failure, no doubt about that. However, we did get rid of a traitor. I, in fact, expected it. Minds are so easy to predict. For example, the Gamemakers. They probably think there hasn't been enough action in these Games, and are going to change that......


Feb 25, 2010
Well, Darn. Zordo is dead already. At least he sort of went over to the good side. And both of my characters Died Saving someone.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
I've decided to push the one-shot after I'm completed with this fanfic. By the way, I have just determined who the winner is going to be. Also, here are some things to look forward to in this fanfic

-Venomous Snake Muttations
-Full scale battle between Careers and the group of Sully, Alec, and Stella, and Ashie is in it too
-A malfunctioning part of the Arena
-A three way battle at the very end.

May the odds be ever in your favor. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Oh, also, Elliot is going to be in the big battle, and I've determined four people are going to die in it. That's a big number.

Elliot Karider
District 11

I watch on as the drama unfolds at the Cornucopia. Zordo is there. He's caught another tribute, one I recognize as Rio Blackpoint. I hear their voices, Chailyn urging Zordo on to kill Zordo. The hesitation that was there when I was the one with the blade pointed at me was here too. Then, it happens.

Zordo swings his sword around towards Chailyn. I watch helplessly from 500 feet away as Quiro's knife impales itself in Zordo, and he crumples to the ground. Rio takes his chance and runs. He keeps running until he enters the swamp, supposedly safe. I watch as Chailyn, cool as ever, calls the others away from the body and moves on.

Something catches my eye. It is moving through the swamp, somewhat camouflaged. I back away from the forest. There's a noise, one I can't identify, like the unsheathing of a sword. Then, with horror, I suddenly realize it was slithering. Just as I realize this the serpent strikes. I yell, avoiding the creature's fangs.

My yell echoes across the Arena. The snake is slithering towards me. I start running into the swamp, as far away from it as possible. I literally run into somebody after turning past a tree stump. I unsheathe my sword to see the boy from 7, Sully. "Ow..." he says. "That hurt..." "Run!" I yell. He widens as he sees the snakes behind me.

I dodge, as well as Sully. "Help!" he yells, and two more figures come stumbling over. "What is it this time?" says a female voice. "If it's another pitfall, I swear I'll....." She cuts off as the snake rears toward her. The third figure gets in front of her. "I'm fine, Alec," she says. "Ok then." He charges at the snake as I watch. That happened to be the stupidest thing he'd ever do.

Another snake rears up and lunges at him. Sully pushes him out of the way as the snake bites him. He yells out in pain. The snake rears back for another lunge, but I intervene. My sword hits it in the throat, cutting its head off. The second one opens its mouth, and strikes at me. I yell as its fangs sink in to my skin. Then, suddenly, two more figures burst into the area, panting.

I recognize two of the Careers, Glisten and Maria. "You.." I say, but before I can attack, more snakes arrive. I notice Maria is clutching her arm, where there's a big gash. Snakes must have got her too. Then, as we're about to be overrun, they retreat. They've provided enough entertainment for now. Now it's the Careers and us.

That was what they were planning for, to lure the Careers and the others together. But where are Chailyn and Quiro? I don't have time to ponder the thought. Even though the two Careers are here, they're panting and out of breath. No one is attacking. "Do you think the snakes were venomous?" asks Alec, to Sully. Sully nods. "I think so..." he says.

I begin to panic. Three tributes, including me, have been poisoned. It may just be my imagination, but I think I can feel the poison spreading through my veins. Then Maria speaks up. "We won't attack you now," she says. "We just need to regroup with Chailyn and Quiro, and rest. We'll let you go for now."

We all nod. Alec and Stella carry Sully out of the way. The two Careers go toward the Cornucopia. I stagger behind a tree. There has to be a cure to the poison. But where? I panic as I hear footsteps. Behind my tree, I see Chailyn walking toward the one snake's decapitated head. She pulls out a vial and holds it under the snake's mouth. The venom drips into the vial. She stoppers it and goes.

Then, Claudius Templesmith's voice booms throughout the Arena. "Attention. You are all invited to a feast at the Cornucopia. Now, I know what you're thinking. Who cares about food? I must say this, what we have is not food. Those of you that have been poisoned might find this most useful. There will be three vials of antidote at the Cornucopia. So, choose widely. And may the odds be ever in your favor."
Apr 16, 2010
Hmm...very interesting indeed.^^ The action scenes were well written. I'm glad Sully showed some bravery.:) This race to the antidotes shall be exciting.

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