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General Art Second Hunger Games Fanfic


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
It wouldn't show that I actually posted it, so I posted it again, after deleting my post.

Day 2

Tekara Ki
District 9

I try to control my breathing as the Careers stop by the tree trunk I'm hiding in. They appear to have decided to set up camp here. On one hand, it could be a perfect opportunity to take out some of the Careers, but on the other hand, they might find me and kill me. I can hear them talking, not bothering to lower their voices.

I hear the girl from 4 say something to the boy from 1. "Which way do you think they've gone, Thurmal?" I see a muscular boy from the crack in the stump. He replies, "They can't have gone far. I suggest spreading out and finding them." The boy from 2 speaks up. "Could you remind me who 'they' is?"

Thurmal laughs. "Who? Have you been paying any attention at all?" The boy from 2 steps into my view point. He's scrawny, with a load of red hair. However, his cheeks are redder. Thurmal steps closer to him. "There are three tributes that might designate a problem. Their names are Sully, Alec, and Stella. They got the highest scores, and they are working together."

"Very terrifying," says the boy from 4, and there's laughter. Then a new voice steps out. "Why are we wasting time here when we could be tracking them down?" The girl from 10, Chailyn, steps into my viewpoint. She must have joined the Careers. Thurmal nods. "Quite right, Chailyn. Come on, let's get moving." They all start running to my right."

I step out of the tree trunk to see someone else climbing down from one of the redwoods on the edge. He jumps down the last couple of feet. I recognize Rio Blackpoint. I step forward to talk to him, but when he sees me, he scampers. I hear some voices nearby, so I scamper back into my tree trunk.

This day's not over, I'll post the rest later or tomorrow.
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May 21, 2011


Jul 13, 2011
Rivendell, Middle Earth
Yes! Tekara is in the story! (Watch out for those Careers Tekara! :lol:)

Great job with this story Myriad! You're doing a fantastic job. Very few spelling/grammar errors, which is good. ;) Keep up the great work!


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Alex Night
District 8

Me and Stella are waiting for Sully to come back. He was sent to go and lure the Careers on a false trail, so we could catch them by surprise. We're just thinking about looking for him when he comes bursting back, breathing heavily. "I gottem. I led a false trail over there, and knowing them, they'll follow it at first sight."

He laughs. "I suggest that we go and follow them, we could cause them a lot of pain and misery." He laughs some more. Stella nods, and says, "What are we waiting for then?" She smiles, and pulls out her machete. Sully smiles, and we all go over to where the Career's camp was, with Sully in the lead.

My eyes wander around, searching for enemies. Once or twice, I see a squirrel or a raccoon, but it runs away. Then I see something worth mentioning. I pull out my knives. "Show yourself!" I yell. Sully and Stella turn around at my voice. Someone stumbles out of the brush.

I recognize it as the girl from 11, Ashie. I remember her from her interviews, she was rather vague. "Who are you?" she says lazily. She doesn't seem to know what she's doing, but that could just be a ruse. I step forward. "We're not Careers." She nods, but her eyes are in the brush.

Sully is wearing a bewildered expression. Clearly, he doesn't know what to think of her. "Ok, hi, but we best be leaving now..." Stella says, backing up. Ashie turns her head toward Stella. "Oh, you're not leaving, are you?" She doesn't look remotely dreamy now. She seems impassionate, and she's drawing her sword.

Stella draws her machete, and Ashie looks at her. "You're going to attack me? How quait." She flips out and slashes downward at Stella. She barely blocks it. Sully decides it's time to attack. He draws his own sword and attacks her. She blocks, and he twists the sword out of her hand.

He points it at her throat. "What is the deal with you?" he yells. She looks at him, quite impassive. "I woke up on the train to the Capitol. I knew where I was going, but I didn't know about what I had left. Only that I was from District 11. I didn't know if I could trust you."

She turns to me. "You seem to be the leader here. So please let me live? For now." I look at her, and a surge of pity surges through me. I wave for Stella and Sully to stand down. "Leave now," I say simple. She scrambles around, picks up her sword, and obliges. Stella looks at her.

"Do you think the Capitol caused her amnesia?" I look at her. Already, I am forming possiblities for the cause of her amnesia. That coupled with the fact that the District 11 cameras in the reaping apparently malfunctioned, which is very suspicious. But now we've reached the Career's camp, and we decide to leave the matter for later.
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Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Well, this is the final part of the chapter. Special people, time to do your job.

Elliot Karider
District 11

Zordo and I have decided we don't need a fire. The swamp is quite hot and humid, even in the night, so we're covered. A food source, however, might be a problem. I have no clue what plants are edible here, or which animals we should eat. Neither, in the slightest bit, does Zordo.

"Maybe we should find food in the prairie," I say. Zordo nods, he isn't saying anything, but he's clutching his stomach and is looking miserably down into the bog. "Hey......you aren't going to vomit, are you?" He retches in answer, and I look away as he vomits into the bog. He gasps in relief, and answers.

"Better now," he says. "What were you saying?" I reply, "I said, maybe we should find food in the prairie. As I'm from District 11, I should be able to find some edible plants." He nods, but he's still clutching his stomach. "I don't know why I had to get this stomach bug," he says, as he retches over and vomits again.

"Maybe you should go," he says. I don't want to leave him vomiting all over the place, but we need food. "Ok," I say, and run through the swamp. It's like an obstacle course, sometimes with a bog that sucked on my feet, a broken tree limb in my way, etc. I finally get into the prairie, but worn out.

I'm breathing heavily, but I manage to gather some wheat. I think longingly of that last meal I'd had in the Capitol, mashed potatoes with lamb stew, served with hot chocolate. My stomach grumbles. I run back into the bog. I see Zordo, he still looks queasy, but that doesn't seem to be from his stomach anymore. Perhaps because of the sword to his throat.

It's the boy from 2, I recognize him from his interview, he was quite siilent. He's laughing. "Well," he says. "Two tributes I get to kill. So you weren't lying about another tribute, Zordo." He kicks Zordo, and I see slashes across his back. I pull out my sword and shield. He laughs, and then I attack ferociously. He quickly gives way.

"No, wait, I'm too young to die, I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" He yells, and scampers off. I'm breathing heavily, but in a satisfied way this time. The anthem sounds. No tributes died today.I look at Zordo with a smile. "I'm back," I say simply, and pull out my med pack, the only thing I'd got from the Cornocopia, the only thing I'd gotten besides my sword and shield. I'm glad it will come to use.

Well, the end of the second day. The DAWN OF THE THIRD DAY will happen tomorrow.


Jul 13, 2011
Rivendell, Middle Earth
Interesting, very interesting... :P Poor Zordo, he has a stomach bug! Thank goodness no one got killed. :D

Great Job Myriad! I am loving this fanfic. No complaints from me!

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