Okadoke DL7.
So, link's sister asked me to do a tutorial on how I do what I do. So here it is!
First off I start off with a blank image with a 400x150 size. Then I bucket a color that will look close to what I'm getting at.
Then I paste in all my C4Ds that will look pretty with my sig. I usually use three. And also, I ALWAYS pick a new layer for everything I add.
Next I'll move the layers around until the C4Ds are in the right stacking order.
Then I'll move them around until they fit where I want them.
Then I go to Colors, then Colorize and play with it until the color suits my taste. I also invisiblize the other layers so I can see. :3
Then I pop in my render! In this case I use Serge from Chrono Cross. And I move him to where I see fit.
Then I can play around with the layers to jazz 'em up. I pick each layer for something different. I always start with the bottom then up. And for this I hide the top layers to see. :3
Then I say, "That render looks dull." So I play with that as well.
Then I say, "It needs more." And some of my style is I take the render, enlarge it and put it in again. Mostly I take a different render and slap it in. But you do whatever speaks to you.
I also blend it in to make it look better.
Then I add the text. This makes it look so beautiful. <3
Now considering you can't read it I go to the Filters, then Light And Shadow, then Drop Shadow, and well, drop a shadow. I pick white because the text is black. I suggest not playing with "Allow Resizing" because that'll ruin it. Just un-check it and leave it alone.
And finally, it is %90 done. I first save it as my png and xcf (xcf to keep the layers, png to keep it not pixilized). When you save, click Save, then title it and save it where you want it. Then click Export (for png only) and make sure to keep all of these checked.
Finally the last touch. I first close evrything up and re-open the png file. Then I add a border to make it look neat. I go to Filters, Decor then Add Border. And you play with it all.
Then I save it once more, and tada! It is finished!
Here ya go DarkLink7.