I agree, the summer is definitely the best time for it. Also, I didn't think of Super Mario 3D Land when I said "the four 3D Mario games" earlier. I meant the four 3D Mario games for stationary systems (64, Sunshine, Galaxy and Galaxy 2). Do you have any of those? :? Alright, so Kid Icarus is an option then! When I think about it I don't think the Pokémon games are that good for versuses actually. I think it can become very tedious when you have to train your Pokémon if you should fall behind in training. So, out of the Zelda games, which ones can we consider playing? I think OoT, WW, TP, PH, ST and SS could work.
I suggest these for now:
Super Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Sunshine
The Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Super Mario Galaxy
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Skyward Sword
Kid Icarus: Uprising
If there is any game on the list that you don't want to play then we'll remove it, naturally. Do you have any suggestions for other games? Ones the list is finished we can decided what game to play!
Nice new avatar by the way!
It looks cool!
ty tho