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Game Thread Raccoon City Mafia (Game Thread)

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
You could be a Town Joat, maybe Kirino is scum, Idk. Do you think he got luckily with anticipating you targeted Doc, or do you think he is a Mafia Tracker?
Mafia Tracker is certainly possible. However, I want to hear what he has to say.

Right now, I am actually starting to lean more towards Kirino being a town tracker and you being the GF who simply chose an easy role to fake claim and decided to holster last night for exactly the reason you stated.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
ZD Champion
Site Staff
Mafia Tracker is certainly possible. However, I want to hear what he has to say.

Right now, I am actually starting to lean more towards Kirino being a town tracker and you being the GF who simply chose an easy role to fake claim and decided to holster last night for exactly the reason you stated.
I mean it's fair to have me in the PoE, but keep in mind if I was the Godfather and Kirino is a Town Tracker thsn Soneji wasted a roleblock on a scumbud which would just be terrible play.


Jun 19, 2010
In addition to what Rubik said, the flavor claimed that “nothing happened” last night. By contrast, if a kill was launched but was blocked, you’d think it would mention that, the same way that other kills that didn’t go through were mentioned in previous flavor scenes. So the most probable interpretation (and the only one from my perspective) is that mafia chose not to NK tonight.

There’s also no explanation for how I was able to track Tristan’s kill yesterday. The notion that I’m the mafia tracker doesn’t hold up because SMS claimed to investigate me and found that I was green. If he’s telling the truth, then I can’t be a mafia tracker, and if he’s lying, then I still can’t be the mafia tracker, because then SMS would be the last mafia lol. Not to mention that a mafia team without a Godfather seems pretty unlikely.

As for who the Godfather is, it clearly can’t be Rubik, and I don’t see how it could be Tristan either: I confirmed that he targeted and killed Doc the other night, someone else killed Moe, and there was also a third kill that didn’t go through. The only way I can think of that Tristan would be scum is if the mafia had some secret additional kill that they could use alongside their regular kill, which seems ridiculous, even in a game like this. So that would seemingly only leave SMS.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I mean it's fair to have me in the PoE, but keep in mind if I was the Godfather and Kirino is a Town Tracker thsn Soneji wasted a roleblock on a scumbud which would just be terrible play.
Unless I'm misremembering, Kirino tracked Soneji that night? My mind is a little fuzzy but I remember something along those lines.

If that's the case, I don't see any reason for Town Kirino to lie about his result, and there was no evidence of a redirector in this game, so that would be a completely valid point.

This is why I hate MYLO, there are reasons for both you and Kirino to be scum and just as many reasons for you to be town and it makes my head explode.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Honestly, at this point SMS is the only remaining player who has in no way been able to prove his role. I do find it strange that Soneji would target him, but it's also possible that he had another hidden ability of some kind?
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