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Game Thread Raccoon City Mafia (Game Thread)

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Doc was roleblocked by Poy, meaning Moe had to have been killed by the mafia. Otherwise, how would Kirino have seen me target Doc the same night? If you trust him, you have no choice but to trust that result, meaning logically I can't be the godfather anyway. So my own claim aside, PoE has to say something to you.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012

It is true that mafia could have simply holstered, and I am usually one to be critical of those who rush things during MYLO.

I gotta think on this more. I can see a mafia Tracker being a thing, and Backup is a fairly easy thing to fake claim since you can just pretend to have the role that the first dead townie had.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Mafia killing last night would have been pointless because tracker, roleblocker, and doctor could all narrow the PoE.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Mafia killing last night would have been pointless because tracker, roleblocker, and doctor could all narrow the PoE.
Not exactly true, because if they had killed you the poe wouldn't have changed, and it would have increased pressure on the remaining townies.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Not exactly true, because if they had killed you the poe wouldn't have changed, and it would have increased pressure on the remaining townies.
Well if they had made a shot and Kirino is a Town Tracker they'd be resigning from the game, so that could explain why there wasn't a kill.

Anyway, all kills are accounted for on Night 3 regardless of Doc being blocked. You killed Doc, the Mafia killed Moe, the third shot was Doc's blocked shot and doesn't matter.

Now interestingly, I recall there being an extra shot fired on Night 2 in the flavor and I believe it was on Ex? I'll take a look back real quick.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Not exactly true, because if they had killed you the poe wouldn't have changed, and it would have increased pressure on the remaining townies.
If they got caught by tracking or the other player had been rb'd when a nk succeeded it would narrow the PoE to 2 instead of 3.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
The city woke up to another explosion. Before the person who caused the explosion got away someone shot them in the head, killing them instantly. No one expected Morbid Minish to go down so easily. Exlight was the one she shot the rocket at. Everyone noticed that there was a knife lodge in his head though. He would have died anyways.
Here is the flavor I'm referring to. Back on Day 3 I believed Doc killed Exlight in addition to the Mafia killing him, however he claimed to kill Minish. This is worth analysis.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Well if they had made a shot and Kirino is a Town Tracker they'd be resigning from the game, so that could explain why there wasn't a kill.

Anyway, all kills are accounted for on Night 3 regardless of Doc being blocked. You killed Doc, the Mafia killed Moe, the third shot was Doc's blocked shot and doesn't matter.

Now interestingly, I recall there being an extra shot fired on Night 2 in the flavor and I believe it was on Ex? I'll take a look back real quick.
In regards to the first point, you say that as if it's exactly what the mafia godfather was thinking. My claim has been provable, and will be even more provable once Kirino comes in, meaning if Kirino is indeed a town tracker, the only other person in the game who has not proven their claim in any way is you.

Yeah, this is true, which is what I was saying. It was in response to you saying you though I was the godfather, which is not possible considering all that.
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