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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Trip plans are coming together y'all. I've decided my final destination will be Abeline, Texas. No real reason other than it's a big Texas town I've never been to. There's also an air force base there named for a distant relative of mine who went through the POW camps in WWII so I might as well get a pic of the sign or something.

Weekend of June 15th is the soonest I'll go, this weekend is kinda soon then there's plans next weekend. Thing is I might delay it another week because I kinda wanna see the Xfinity race on the 15th, and the track they're at the weekend of the 22nd is kinda boring, but I'm undecided.

Before I go I need to update the registration on my car and get the air bags looked at.
I know he's a Lego figure but dude's in desperate need of a nose
True, one of OoT Link's defining features is his spiky schnoz


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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