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The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Me mother trying to send me to a hardcore homeschool co-op for my senior year. But I want to continue to do sports, so I am hoping that I can use that to not make me go.

I dont wanna make my senior year the hardest school year of my life. I mean, we even have to wear uniforms, thats not too bad I guess. Heck, we have to take a placement test to see where we are and to see where what classes we are going to be put into. Basically, we go to their "school" for two days out of the week and we follow whatever the want us to do for the rest of the days. And it is quite a distance away.
Bruh what, co-ops are supposed to be for stuff like arts and music and practical skills like basic auto maintenance


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
new parents are terrified of the public school system
I can't talk about every district, but northern utah is outstanding
Yeah, some time back, I was talking to my dad about how the local high school had a drug bust and my dad was like "Yeah son, that is why I dont send my kids to public school, because they will do drugs." I still laugh at that now. Because we will do drugs. Lotta faith you have in us pops.
Bruh what, co-ops are supposed to be for stuff like arts and music and practical skills like basic auto maintenance
Yup. It is basically a school that I go to for two days outta the week. I dont know if they dont have to follow certain rules that schools have to because they are a co-op not a school.


ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
I mean even if you wouldn't necessarily do them, being around people doing drugs can't have any sort of benefits.
It's not gonna be the majority, but yeah, my main concern of sending kids to public school is the exposure to things like that. When I was 14 (my first large school) almost every guy was openly viewing [redacted, ban prevention] and showing it to each other at school. There was a lot of sexual harassment happening too even at that age, I'm sure it's bad in lower grades but I was at small schools up to that point. OG could handle it at his age, but it can be ugly and gross if your heart isn't hardened to it.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
It's not gonna be the majority, but yeah, my main concern of sending kids to public school is the exposure to things like that. When I was 14 (my first large school) almost every guy was openly viewing [redacted, ban prevention] and showing it to each other at school. There was a lot of sexual harassment happening too even at that age, I'm sure it's bad in lower grades but I was at small schools up to that point. OG could handle it at his age, but it can be ugly and gross if your heart isn't hardened to it.
Some would argue kids need that exposure to get accustomed to it and to that I say being sheltered is based.

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