i got bored and posted something
Yeah, they're out there. These games that people absolutely adore, but you just...couldn't get into them one way or another. I have a few myself, and was wondering...are there any games that you just couldn't get into, even though everyone else (your friends, gaming critics, etc) says they love them? This thread is actually inspired by a recent Caddicarus video I saw, so I can't take full credit for it, but I'm very curious to see what games other people just don't like as much as everyone else.
Myself, I'm not too huge of a fan of Banjo Kazooie (and I've only played the first one, so I have no opinion on Tooie). There are a lot of things to love about that love about that game: the level design, the music, the sound design (I love it when Banjo gets a Jiggy and he goes "DUH HUH!")...but there are some big flaws with it as well.
Namely, the music note one: If you die, you have to collect ALL the notes ALL over again. That. Is. Bullsh*t. There are 100 of these things in a level, and with each level they are harder and harder to collect. I get that its incentive not to die but...shouldn't failure/game over be enough incentive? Hell, shouldn't it be game overs that cause you to start over, not just a singular death? What's the point of 1 ups if continues are completely moot? This felt like a pretty big design flaw to me, as you needed music notes to continue on your adventure.
The other reason was my love and admiration for DK 64, which, in my opinion, is a far better 3D platformer collectathon. The levels were just as unique, if not moreso, the music was just as good (I mean, its Donkey Kong...come on...), the characters had their own unique personalities while barely saying a just feels like an almost perfect game (there are still flaws with it, but they aren't as glaring as Banjo Kazooie's...I'm looking at you, pointlessly infuriating and down right broken minigames
Phew, that's enough ranting for me.
Anyone else got games that everyone else loves but just couldn't get into? Share your opinions here!
Note: Please don't let this turn into some flame war on what games are good and what are not. Keep in mind we all have the right to our opinions. Thanks in advance
Myself, I'm not too huge of a fan of Banjo Kazooie (and I've only played the first one, so I have no opinion on Tooie). There are a lot of things to love about that love about that game: the level design, the music, the sound design (I love it when Banjo gets a Jiggy and he goes "DUH HUH!")...but there are some big flaws with it as well.
Namely, the music note one: If you die, you have to collect ALL the notes ALL over again. That. Is. Bullsh*t. There are 100 of these things in a level, and with each level they are harder and harder to collect. I get that its incentive not to die but...shouldn't failure/game over be enough incentive? Hell, shouldn't it be game overs that cause you to start over, not just a singular death? What's the point of 1 ups if continues are completely moot? This felt like a pretty big design flaw to me, as you needed music notes to continue on your adventure.
The other reason was my love and admiration for DK 64, which, in my opinion, is a far better 3D platformer collectathon. The levels were just as unique, if not moreso, the music was just as good (I mean, its Donkey Kong...come on...), the characters had their own unique personalities while barely saying a just feels like an almost perfect game (there are still flaws with it, but they aren't as glaring as Banjo Kazooie's...I'm looking at you, pointlessly infuriating and down right broken minigames

Phew, that's enough ranting for me.

Note: Please don't let this turn into some flame war on what games are good and what are not. Keep in mind we all have the right to our opinions. Thanks in advance