God of War. I HATE THAT GAME. I think it is one of the most overrated, overhyped, bitter games ever. Hack and slash. Sex. Hack and slash. Murder an immortal god. Repeat. That's why people say video games are bad for people.
Kirby. My girlfriend loves this game. I just can't get into it. It's just...lame. Sorry, babe.
Final Fantasy. I tried liking this game, A LOT. Turns out the only person that I feel sorry for, care about, or even like, is Snow Villiers from FFXIII. That's my boi.
Shin Megami Tensei/ Persona. Sorry. Tried it. It sucks.
Bravely Default. I kind of feel bad for not liking this game. To me, it's just another Final Fantasy copy. No like.
Grand Theft Auto. Being a red-blooded American, I tried to like this too. But I can't stop killing civies and jumping off of big buildings. Plus, too distasteful.
Ultimate Monster Hunter 3. Sorry, couldn't get into it.
That's all I can think of right now.