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GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

Sorry I haven't been keeping up. Gonna be scummy and do the excuse thing to explain why: I've had panic attacks at stupid o'clock at night the past few nights, and the combination of this further messing up my already awful sleep schedule and the panic attacks themselves has been really bad for my migraines. Sorry, I know this doesn't negate the fact that I committed to this game when I signed up and should be doing my best to keep up with posting and stuff and its not like I'm busy enough that I don't have time or anything... I'll be trying to keep up more going forward.

From the end of Day One I feel a lot about Ex. I don't think scum Ex attempts to self-destruct like that basically ever especially when there was a wagon he could've easily self-preserved on.

While it didn't turn out scum I'm okay with the Killjoy CFD. I'd given him a soft town early on but as he continued to do nothing he was looking pretty meh. If I'd come back to see Ex trying to self-destruct I imagine I'd've been pretty willing to join that wagon. I wouldn't say there's probably not scum on the wagon but I definitely get the sense the wagon was being mostly driven by town.

Minish's comment about Ex being the obvious place to look today feels off to me. She's been townreading him, and if I recall right from my backread confirmed town Kreaal was the main advocate of the Killjoy CFD which makes it most likely in my mind that the wagon was primarily town motivated. Otherwise Minish hasn't overall pinged me.

I do agree with Ex's post the Fext, Minish, KoD, and Rag are decent people to focus on for discussion this phase- I still overall feel pretty good about KoD and Fext and at the moment would not prefer to lynch them, but I do think putting them especially Fext at the centre of discussion would be good for getting solider reads on them. Absolutely nothing Rag has said has stuck with me at all which is maybe not a good sign, and like I said Minish saying Ex is the obvious lynch for today while townreading him in the same sentence is odd (especially since Ex really isn't the obvious lynch for today I don't think).

I'm feeling a lot stronger about Numbers being town at this point, in part because of the Seanzie kill and just because they've overall felt better to me.

For Eli I do remember a few of his points but I don't feel like I've gotten much of a sense of his alignment from them.

Funnygurl could try actually reading the thread at some point? I feel like a large portion of her posts thus far are just saying she hasn't done so and isn't going to. Which is not helpful.

Is that everyone who's not dead or MIA?


Staff member
Yea that's everyone.
Take care of your health man, if you feel like needing a replacement or taking it easy during some phases. Feel free to ask for tl;dr from people to help you catch up every once you're feeling better if that helps you rest a bit.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Sorry I haven't been keeping up. Gonna be scummy and do the excuse thing to explain why: I've had panic attacks at stupid o'clock at night the past few nights, and the combination of this further messing up my already awful sleep schedule and the panic attacks themselves has been really bad for my migraines. Sorry, I know this doesn't negate the fact that I committed to this game when I signed up and should be doing my best to keep up with posting and stuff and its not like I'm busy enough that I don't have time or anything... I'll be trying to keep up more going forward.

From the end of Day One I feel a lot about Ex. I don't think scum Ex attempts to self-destruct like that basically ever especially when there was a wagon he could've easily self-preserved on.

While it didn't turn out scum I'm okay with the Killjoy CFD. I'd given him a soft town early on but as he continued to do nothing he was looking pretty meh. If I'd come back to see Ex trying to self-destruct I imagine I'd've been pretty willing to join that wagon. I wouldn't say there's probably not scum on the wagon but I definitely get the sense the wagon was being mostly driven by town.

Minish's comment about Ex being the obvious place to look today feels off to me. She's been townreading him, and if I recall right from my backread confirmed town Kreaal was the main advocate of the Killjoy CFD which makes it most likely in my mind that the wagon was primarily town motivated. Otherwise Minish hasn't overall pinged me.

I do agree with Ex's post the Fext, Minish, KoD, and Rag are decent people to focus on for discussion this phase- I still overall feel pretty good about KoD and Fext and at the moment would not prefer to lynch them, but I do think putting them especially Fext at the centre of discussion would be good for getting solider reads on them. Absolutely nothing Rag has said has stuck with me at all which is maybe not a good sign, and like I said Minish saying Ex is the obvious lynch for today while townreading him in the same sentence is odd (especially since Ex really isn't the obvious lynch for today I don't think).

I'm feeling a lot stronger about Numbers being town at this point, in part because of the Seanzie kill and just because they've overall felt better to me.

For Eli I do remember a few of his points but I don't feel like I've gotten much of a sense of his alignment from them.

Funnygurl could try actually reading the thread at some point? I feel like a large portion of her posts thus far are just saying she hasn't done so and isn't going to. Which is not helpful.

Is that everyone who's not dead or MIA?

Hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself before worrying about a mafia game!

I didn't say Ex was the obvious lynch. I said he was the obvious play to look. Which is true, considering he was the competing wagon. Doesn't mean I think he's scum, it means that everything surrounding him and his wagon should be looked into in comparison to what we now know to be town wagons.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
From the end of Day One I feel a lot about Ex. I don't think scum Ex attempts to self-destruct like that basically ever especially when there was a wagon he could've easily self-preserved on.

I've seen scum ex kill his teammate using the factional kill and then out himself the following day because he was unhappy that his teammate was trying to bus him. I think ex's self-destruction was a result of legitimate frustration that ex felt as a result of being the target of a wagon he felt was unjustified, particularly given how much effort he'd been putting into the game despite his life making it difficult. I don't think that's AI, as scum ex could feel that way just as easily as town ex could. Ex seemed to calm down towards the very end of the day but didn't remove his self-vote, which strikes me as scummy. While i can imagine that town ex might feel enough stubbornness to not remove the vote, i imagine scum ex would feel hesitant to remove it because it would make him look performative or would otherwise draw heat. I was anticipating ex survival voting the minute before the day ended if necessary. It didn't come to that, and so he had no reason to survival vote.

Minish's comment about Ex being the obvious place to look today feels off to me. She's been townreading him, and if I recall right from my backread confirmed town Kreaal was the main advocate of the Killjoy CFD which makes it most likely in my mind that the wagon was primarily town motivated. Otherwise Minish hasn't overall pinged me.

If i recall correctly KoD started it and pushed it quite hard. Kreaal may have also been a strong advocate but I would put KoD asthe principle source of the wagon. I think most people joined the wagon ostensibly because they preferred it over lynching minish, ex, or seanzie though, depending on the individual timing.

Funnygurl could try actually reading the thread at some point? I feel like a large portion of her posts thus far are just saying she hasn't done so and isn't going to. Which is not helpful.

She's only been a part of the game for like 12 hours or something. I wouldn't expect content from her given how little time has passed since she replaced in.
Dec 13, 2019
1. ExLight of Londor
2. Minish Link of Londor
3. Funnygurl the legend of Forossa
4. Ragnarokio of Astora
5. Seanzie of Mirrah (town)
6. Isett of Catarina
7. Fext of Thorolund
8. CynicalSquid of Astora
9. Killjoy of Forossa (town)
10. DawningWinds of Astora
11. Kreal of Carim (town)
12. King of Catarina
13. Eli, Psycho of Mirrah

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Current perceived town players: Ex, Cin Min, Numbers, Rag, Fext

Eh: CSquid, DW*

Current perceived scum players: Eli, Funnygurl**

* Regarding DW, I originally slotted him as scum from D1 when compared with Seanzie; however, given his post today I am actually on the verge of town reading him as I don't see it coming from a scum mindset. After all, I haven't encountered too many savage players, and DW doesn't seem like one.

** Funnygurl's slot was actually nonexistent until the beginning of D2. My scum reading of Funnygurl comes from just the few posts she's managed -- in particular:

ok so I forgot about this game and am busy today so like anyways

read the past two pages and just gonna day that what I'm prolly gonna only read is eod for wagon analysis

ex should be investigated or killed though based on what rag said

im not getting the discussion about fext because I think discussing strategy is NAI leaning scum if that's his main contribution, but I also dont know

based on 3 pages of reading seanzie looked town so not sure why he was a popular target d1??

The overall tone is what I would expect from someone else, and this is exceedingly light. That said, three things:

First, despite replacing in right away and reading a few beginning pages knowing full well what was ahead -- you don't forget that kind of task that is ahead. Coming from a town mindset I'd expect upfront honesty, and that's not what I see coming up first and foremost. Excuses first followed by what I would expect from a town mindset (the intent to not invest so heavily in the previous pages when there is a lot to do anyway going forward).

Second, I believe the term is low hanging fruit wrt to Ex. Especially wrt to Ex given yesterday's debacle. Why dig in more elsewhere when you can point to something that is easy and, then, not go further?

Third, NAI yet leaning scum. Does not compute. Do not pass go and collect. The thought from Funnygurl here is dancing around the issue at hand -- reading Fext (wrt to the topic). You can't declare it to be NAI and, in the same breath, get a scum lean from it as it is no longer something that is NAI. Completely undermined herself here which speaks to a different intent in the mindset -- keeping an option open while not coming out hard against Fext so as to draw unnecessary attention from Fext perhaps (or others that are town reading him). With Fext being offered as a topic of conversation today, taking a stance one way or another isn't as safe (important) as being in the middle.

It is for this reason that Funnygurl receives a hard scum label from me and, also,

Vote: Funnygurl

That should be clear.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Eli will require more digging on my part since I've already had issue finding what I was looking for initially when I spoke of him.

I suppose the best place to start will be the beginning wrt to Eli:

First and foremost, I actually didn't pay much attention to Eli throughout D1. My focus was with Seanzie and DW. Because of my view that one or the other was scum, and then attempting to force Seanzie away from Numbers, I ended up focusing there up until the final moments of D1 due to the CFD on KillJoy.

That said, and if I find it I'll be sure to quote it, someone had mentioned, in passing and probably as a question towards Eli, about how Eli had, initially, been "defensive" of me (maybe not defensive, but more on the side of not looking at me badly) and then seeing a switch to me being scum. That was something I, too, had noted since I was well aware that Eli voted me for some reason that was not noteworthy. I was more interested, given that I was aware of Eli's vote, if Eli would come along and actually push their perspective and had commented as much somewhere. Ultimately, given that it was brought up -- by Fext or Ex I believe -- I said my piece on it and left it at that since, again, focus was elsewhere. Eli, for his part, eventually switched his vote up.

That's the basic groundwork regarding my scum view of Eli. Now

Congratulations on doing something!
Unvote: KingofDominaria
I don’t like this vote at all ngl

This is where Eli had commented in a positive manner, if you will, towards me. Or, rather, in a way that focused on DW though, given the context of his vote/unvote anyway, I can't help but relate it to me anyway.

In conclusion DawningWinds and King are theatre-ing

Vote: KingofDomaniaria

Here is where Eli continues, not long after no less, to connect DW and I by way of accusing us of theatering. Now I won't lie. In isolation I can see that coming from a town player who is out there doing their own thinking. But

While I overall still disagree with the scumread on KoD, this is a decent point that I can see where your coming from. But to me it strikes me as in line with his argumentative playstyle and his towny-seeming not really caring about the pressure I was trying to put on him.

for a minute i was about to go "isn't the day supposed to be over"
then i realized day 1 was 72 hours
anyways i've got some quotes
haven't read past page 15 tho, so
...nevermind it deleted them all
i still have this one tho
i can link some of my past games, if that's helpful
(i can explain how to ISO if need be)

Notably no response to DW's post yet. That's been a few good amount of posts past too no less.

I give excuses all the time in mafia games because I'm just the type of person to feel bad about not contributing more. And it's kinda annoying that people read excuses as scummy. Tried to stop saying them for a while since people would read into it, but I don't care anymore. Like the excuse that I'm finding it hard to focus on this game. Maybe from the lack of having played in a while, maybe because I can't focus on **** anymore. Who knows.

Probably didn't include any conclusions about alignments in that post because I was trying to remember my thoughts and was having troubles so the whole post just petered out.

I don't think the thought about trying to make my post denser makes much sense. I'm always wordy, but I would not feel bad about just dropping a couple of lines as my first post.

Anyways, I think KoD is likely town here. Lots of arguing over semantics, but surprisingly I agree with KoD on that matter. Numbers posited a plan and asked others for their ideas. I think Seanzie is reaching a bit by saying that Numbers reasoning of generating discussion was bad, rather than whatever else it was that Seanzie said he should've been doing. Numbers was obviously trying to generate discussion around what the play for the hider should be. And by other players giving possible plans, you can possibly deduce if they come from a scum or town mindset, depending on how helpful to each alignment they are.

On that note I also think Numbers is town. He's been pretty level headed despite the discussion around him. And I actually like his first post. Don't recall if I've ever seen him as mafia, so he may just always be level headed in games. But this jives with what I've seen of him before.

I know that I have played with DW before, but I can't for the life of me recall any of the actual games. Kinda willing to trust Ex here on his meta reads, but also it's Ex so I don't know if I should. Lol. I like that DW has been generating a lot of discussion. It looks more town than scum. But the flip flop on Numbers is still kinda meh to me. I'll have to ISO them to get a better read.

Fext seems like he's playing like usual. Nothing stands out that he's said besides the recent post about townreading your hider claims which is actually a very good point. So I'm fine giving him town cred today for that alone since I see that coming from a town mindset and not a scum one.

Seanzie I don't have a good read on yet. Maybe partially because I keep confusing his pfp for Ex. Lol. I know he's said a lot but like, not much of it has stuck with me. His read on me was kinda meh. I did re-read my post and it was less conclusions than I thought I had, but also I did give some thoughts up until that point. The excuses and the making the post denser thing are reachy for me. I also think his issues with Numbers post is reaching. So might be leaning more scum there but will have to read all of his posts in isolation to see if anything stands out as more townie.
When me and KoD are in agreement you know it's gonna be quite a game.

As for Ex, I still don't see scum Ex here. Scum Ex sounds more logical and chill. His vote for DW doesn't come across as fake emotion to me. I feel like scum Ex doesn't make much of a show like he has. It's always town Ex who sees some posts sussing him, cries about all the votes on him, and then it turns out that there's only like one or two. Lol.

I think I could get behind a Seanzie lynch. No one stands out to me as super scummy right now. But Seanzie I feel like has been reaching for a lot of his suspicion. And trying to play up his town game, possibly in hopes of having people say that we could use a strong town player like him so that we don't lynch him. I also feel like Seanzie's flip could be an info flip since he's had such strong interactions with quite a few players.

DW has been flip floppy and Ex seems to see their scum meta here, but I can see more logic behind their motives. His Ex vote seems less like it comes from scum and more from frustrated town to me, even if I disagree with it.

Vote: Seanzie

I will post my target before EOD.

Just because you're posting reads doesn't mean they're good. Some people can generate tons of content and it can all be flawed.

An info flip isn't opportunistic. It's what I usually go for d1 if I don't have any strong scum reads. And it's honestly what anyone should go for if they don't. As long as they're voting someone they actually can see as scum. I'm townreading a lot of others, so that along with me disagreeing with your logic makes you the most scummy to me. I've said more about you being scum than I have anyone else, so it would be weirder for me to vote someone else at this point. Number's post was explained numerous times but yet you still seem to see it as scummy despite it not being so for the reasons you stated. I feel like latching onto something like that early on, ignoring the explanations for your own explanation, and continuing to read it as scummy is reaching yes.

Also you calling me scum off of one post seems pretty reachy too. Especially when that post wasn't just an easy pop in post to say that I was catching up or anything. It was a post trying to parse my thoughts on what I had read. It is fair to say that I didn't give any alignment reads but it was also my first post and I was trying to digest what was happening and how I felt which was obvious from what I posted. Town me is always more hedgy than scum me. Because as scum I know how to form fake thoughts on people.

Also, you being strong town also means being strong scum. So if you're scum here it would be better to lynch you early on. I don't agree that KoD is being anti-town (which says a lot coming from me), and I never tend to go for inactives on d1 unless it's like absolute last resort. Either Mikey will find a replacement or modkill them so it resolves itself. Going for inactives is a cop out to me because we get no info from their lynch.

I'll get back to this in a bit, because I'd have to re-read interactions to tell for sure. But if you flip scum, then Numbers looks even better. Because I don't think you bus there. If you flip town then I think that may look a bit better for DW.

I know there have been a lot more interactions between you and others that I'm not remembering. I believe you and Kreaal have had some back and forth that could possibly give insight depending on your flip.

I never said voting for you was completely for info and you're misrepresenting my position on you completely. I even said before my vote that I disagreed with your logic, so it is what I said originally.

People have refuted that Numbers post was sus. I even mentioned why it was sus, KoD explained how you were reading it wrong, Numbers explained how you were reading it wrong, and I believe there were others who didn't see it as sus. Even DW originally townread him for it until you posted your interpretation of it saying that it was scummy. I'm on mobile right now so it's hard to go back and search for stuff, but you said something like Numbers should have made a certain argument about his post rather than saying it was to generate discussion, because town sees how the post is helpful in a different way or something another. But that's not what Numbers was going. He asked for ideas on plans (good), gave his own idea (good), and stated that how people replied would determine how he read them (also good). Just saying that how people reply will determine how he reads them is a good play, because you don't even have to actually care about their plans, but you can read into just how they reply on the basis of thinking that their response will determine how people see their alignment.
Also you keep talking about how you've generated a ton of discussion, but Numbers post also has as well.

I'm not salty. I'm saying that you were reachy which you disagreed with, but now seem to also be agreeing with. I disagree that it's a protown tactic. Sure it can get reactions, but looking for any little reason to call someone scum is also a scum move.

It being my first post matters because I don't always just jump in with full on alignment reads right off the bat because that's not how I play. I wasn't feeling pressured to enter in a non-suspicious way and tbh my first post should actually reflect that. Lol. If I were, then I would have been less hedgy, and given more concrete content which ironically is what you're calling me out for not doing. Like even if I were scum here I wouldn't be salty because your reasoning didn't make much sense and you've called so many other people scum that of course odds are that one is right so it's not like some big deal. Lol.

I've explained my thought process though. I feel like you've just skipped it or something.

In simple terms the read on Seanzie went his read on Numbers -> me disagreeing with said read -> him arguing with KoD -> me siding with KoD's views -> Seanzie saying that Numbers' priority shouldn't have been to generate discussion but something else if he were actually town -> me saying that he's misrepresenting what Numbers actually said and that his plan to promote discussion was actually a good one -> Seanzie saying my post was scummy -> me refuting that claim by saying that his reads on both me and Numbers was reaching, voting him due to weak pushes as well as he'd be the preferable lynch to me out of him/Ex (leading wagons), also he would be a good info lynch -> him saying that he was generating content, my reasoning for voting him was weak because it was just for info -> me explaining that it wasn't just an info lynch, but instead that he was the one I was already sus of and I felt his pushes were reaching.

Ah HA! I found it!

kinda like how Eli goes from defending KoD in one post to attacking him the next

not anything incredibly townie but it does show thoughts that don't come from a mindset of "who can I attack"

It was regarding DW's vote on me due to disliking a post I had, and Eli commented that -- well,

I agree that it is a bad post, but I don’t think it’s particularly wolfy.
@KingofDominaria were you attempting to disguise yourself as a new player up until you admitted it, or did you just spontaneously decide to say it when asked?

My own post in response to Fext (later on)
Also also

I've been ignoring Eli.

Like, I'm aware she mentioned me. I didn't look at it though aside from knowing I was mentioned. That and that Eli voted me which gave me the impression that she had beef with me.

What I've been waiting on is to see if there is more force behind it or if it's just a place to lay a vote and call it good for the day. A potential Nader vote in the making if you will.

But you brought Eli up so I figured I might as well mention that I am aware of Eli even if I'm placing her at the back of the room for now.

No wonder it was so hard for me to find without the perspective of Fext lending to it.

Note: Fext - Eli/Ex probably ~(s/s)

Yeah I pretty consistently out myself within 2-3 days if I'm antitown y'all have basically nothing to worry about from a scum me because I'm **** at staying hidden for extended periods of time.

Boy, this will be hilarious if this turns out to be the case with the current stuff going on with you.

3h 10m before EoD and Eli only checked in the one time under the impression day was over only to find out it wasn't. Interesting.

~1.5h and Eli gets back to us:

i've read nothing besides the first two pages after I posted and the ping
ill give this soon, am sorta busy rn
give me cases on them and I might

Though it was at the suggestion of Fext for him to vote a wagon.

D1 VC (not ending VC -- probably 30m before EoD)
4 Killjoy - (Kreaal, ExLight, Morbid Minish, KingOfDominaria)
3 ExLight - (Fext, Ragnarokio, DawningWinds)
1 Morbid Minish - (Seanzie)
1 Kreaal - (15377)
1 KingOfDominaria - (EliThePsycho)
unvote - (Killjoy)

3 ExLight - (Ragnarokio, DawningWinds, ExLight)
2 Killjoy - (Morbid Minish, KingOfDominaria)
2 Seanzie - (Fext, Kreaal)
1 Morbid Minish - (Seanzie)
1 Kreaal - (15377)
1 KingOfDominaria - (EliThePsycho)
unvote - (Killjoy)

4 ExLight - (Ragnarokio, DawningWinds, ExLight, EliThePsycho)
2 Killjoy - (Morbid Minish, KingOfDominaria)
2 Seanzie - (Fext, Kreaal)
1 Morbid Minish - (Seanzie)
1 Kreaal - (15377)
unvote - (Killjoy)

5 Killjoy - (Morbid Minish, KingOfDominaria, Fext, Kreaal, Seanzie)
ExLight - (Ragnarokio, DawningWinds, ExLight, EliThePsycho)
1 Kreaal - (15377)
unvote - (Killjoy)

That was, essentially, the ending VC (the one after this was the same as far as I can tell).

And there is Eli. Mentioning Ex no less.

this is scum faking emotions tbh

and this is OMGUS
Vote: ExLight

currently the move for you is to self-pres at very EoD so like
this is meaningless

So, Eli did go for Ex and had little to no in depth analysis/perspectives (more on the no side).

Ok here is where I am at with all this stuff I am compiling for myself.

Eli, after looking at it, does strike me as likely to be scum. The low activity and focus on Ex near the end certainly pushes me towards that conclusion. Back up above in the section I had for DW's post towards Eli, Eli never responded to it. In case I lost anyone in my thoughts, it's about Eli viewing both DW and I as theatering with one another. DW made a point to comment on that and address it in terms of how he viewed me as well as commenting that he didn't view me as scum/scumread me but was keeping the vote on me nonetheless as a placeholder and, iirc, for some pressure. Eli, notably, never responded to this which, to me, speaks to a scum mindset.

The switch of Eli's vote to Ex wasn't even necessary, unless there was an attempt to remove Ex due to how much emotion he was showing which *may* clear him (honestly it does in spades for me). Thus the lhf vote from Eli on Ex as that removes Ex and keeps KillJoy on the table for later pending content.

Anyway, I have to review those I'm town reading as I could be misreading one provided the last scum isn't CSquid.

DW actually came out of D1 looking decent to me after going through all those posts to compile this. But after today's post, as I mentioned earlier, I don't really need much convincing to look at DW positively.

Fext is an option. Mostly because I find it odd that he was willing to go for Cin Min though that may due to the arguments between Cin Min and Seanzie. I know a lot of that focused on Cin Min's own perspectives which, at a glance and further glance and then just reading just because, seemed decent to me.

Cin Min would be an absolute paranoid pick for me due to the argreements; however, at this point I'm probably obliged to protect Cin Min if only because losing Cin Min diminishes my own standing to combat any nonsense I see coming from pushback later on as the game progresses. We'll see how that develops.

If I had to rank them (my town reads):

Cin Min

That looks about right to reflect my feelings on them. For reference, Fext would be my main pick out of my town to be the last scum player if I'm wrong about CSquid (through elimination). Cin Min is ranked at her spot simply because of the paranoid view, otherwise she's pretty solid town to me as a basis for understanding how I am coming to this.

DW earns his spot due to how he ended D1 to me after reading through it, and, mostly, from D2's post which helps place him (again, don't see him as a savage player to lie using irl -- I mean imagine if I used my own issues hahahahaha, how scandalous).

Rag is solidly town because Rag is playing like town Rag. Actively posting, engaged in solving, definitely the hallmarks of a town aligned Rag. Strictly a meta read, but it is based on years of plays with minor fluxes (which are very far and few between).

Ex earns his spot because he's not playing in a way that is deflecting and acting like he doesn't know. That, and after yesterday's vote, he can't be mafia. Despite what Rag mentioned about Ex shooting me, there is a lot of missing context which helps lend to the idea of why Ex opted to shoot his own teammate in the first place. Not the least of which was being pushed to that by me actively trying to bus him (because it was a good move on my part). But yeah, like DW, Ex isn't so savage that he'd utilize that kind of lie to act.

He is savage enough to shoot his teammate though. And that's why he burned to death in the last game. Or suffered in my dimensional zone when I had power. Because he deserves it. I told you, Ex, we're bound from now till the end of time.

Numbers is my waifu.

On a more serious note, this is the most I can contribute for the next two-ish days barring checking in for a couple of spam posts based on what quick things I can read, but definitely nothing on this scale. Alas, life.

And with that, I am done with my committment to wallsmithing.
Sep 27, 2021
I'd say my bad but I didn't

have half a mind to just sheep his wall without ever reading it ngl
Sep 27, 2021
for the record

I may post a lot

but at least it's not big walls

I much prefer small, spheal-sized chunks
Dec 13, 2019
There isn't much need to read most of his post, it's mostly just him **** talking funny and Eli for nonsensical reasons. Funny is basically him hard scum reading her for saying she forgot she agreed to replace in. I don't feel like I need to elaborate more on why that's nonsensical. Eli's is a bit more loaded. It builds off of Fext's post yesterday asserting that Eli defended KoD in one post but attacked him in the next which isn't strictly a true statement.

We need everybody on board for this to work, and I think the biggest problem with that strategy is the Mafia Roleblocker preventing us from full-clearing the hider targets. That’s one of the biggest advantages of a cop, and therefore cop cover. So if everybody- and I mean everybody- is on board, then I’ll follow along. Otherwise, don’t expect me to cover.

I agree that it is a bad post, but I don’t think it’s particularly wolfy.
@KingofDominaria were you attempting to disguise yourself as a new player up until you admitted it, or did you just spontaneously decide to say it when asked?

This reads like wolf salt to me, especially the last paragraph; there isn’t any particular reason to believe that the person in question is going to tunnel you after one vote.


I quoted this to give thoughts on how good the setup was but then I realized it would clog thread so lol

Thank you part 2

I don’t like this vote at all ngl

The only thing you can call in the post a defense of KoD is saying they don't think KoD's post saying he was waiting for something specific to happen was necessarily Wolfy. Yet in the same sentence they call it a bad post. Then immediately below that in the same post they point out behavior from KoD that they do feel is Wolfy and conclude the post disliking that DW unvoted KoD. The "attack" in the next post is mere minutes after this post with nothing in between addressing anything Eli said. It's more than reasonably fathomable that Eli took it upon themselves to clarify what they had just said and throw a vote. The rest of the case on Eli is not being caught up and only voting on real time incidents because of it.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Then immediately below that in the same post they point out behavior from KoD that they do feel is Wolfy and conclude the post disliking that DW unvoted KoD. The

I think, if I read KoD's post right, that he acknowledges that it was an unvote. But was saying that Eli not liking DW's unvote of him cast suspicion on DW, and in turn would make KoD look more favorable to him. Though Eli does then go on to call it scum-theatering which would mean he didn't view KoD better because of it.

I do think the case on FG isn't too strong. The forgetting about the game point is the weakest to me. But I can at least see the thought process behind the other two points. Thinking that FG is going for the easy target of Ex so she doesn't have to put in any work and being hedgy on Fext so she could go back later and scum read him if more people start to. Those are both actually good scum reads, though personally I'm not sure if I see FG as scum yet since she has a lot to catch up on. And her post about Ex I do understand as someone coming into the game and just knowing that he was the other wagon that was saved yesterday.

The Eli case is stronger. Though you did point out something good. I don't think Eli was necessarily defending KoD and then swapping to scum reading him right after. However, I think KoD believes his read on Eli from a town viewpoint. It doesn't look like building a fake case to me, but rather something that KoD actually took the time to look into and make a progression read on. Though it's a bit weird that Fext also apparently saw it as Eli defending KoD to the point he commented on it before KoD did.

And yes I did read KoD's entire post. It was one of his better wallposts I've seen.

It's weird to see you and KoD at odds, but I think you're both town here. What's your read on KoD? Also, do you have any scum reads atm?
Mar 6, 2022
This is where Eli had commented in a positive manner, if you will, towards me. Or, rather, in a way that focused on DW though, given the context of his vote/unvote anyway, I can't help but relate it to me anyway.
the post you quoted was not a defense. it was more of a, "attack on the perpetrator" which i later said read to me as w/w theatre, which doesn't mean i am defending you.

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