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  1. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro shrugged. "I'm actually very wide awake right now. I've had quite a lot of excitement for one day, actually. But yeah, it's probably about time to get to bed. Hey, where's Robin?" ((Seriously, where is he?))
  2. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro saw Aspira run next to the inn. A crazy idea popped into his head. Catching the Twili (and Aspira) by surprise, he jumped from the roof, the Twili breaking his fall.
  3. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro looked over at Robin. "Hey, what's that noise? Sounds like it's coming from the roof." He started to make his way up. No one was there. However, from this area, he could see where Midna was. Looked like she'd hurt her leg again. What'd she do, jump off the roof? He rolled his eyes. Wait...
  4. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro left behind Aspira, not sure if the Zoras really noticed them leaving or not...
  5. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Blahblahblahblah ((There, I posted. Happy now? :P))
  6. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Yeah, he holds everyone new he meets at swordpoint Rauro rolled his eyes at the way Aspira phrased that. "Thank you," he said. "May we please leave now?" ((And where the heck is 27Hooray?!))
  7. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "Sorry", said Rauro. "Robin can be an idiot at times. We mean you no further harm, can we please just leave you in peace? If you are worried about us harming you, this would solve your problems."
  8. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Ugh, how could Robin be such a dolt as to attack 2 armed Zoras and a Twili?? "Sorry, I think he's just a little tense. When we passed by the Twili a while back, it really startled him to see one of them in our world again. He's a rather fragile little guy, and the smallest thing could upset...
  9. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro joined Aspira at the window. "One of the guys in the group is...different." something about him reminded Rauro of something he'd seen..."What does he remind you guys of?"
  10. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((lol)) "Right behind you," said Rauro.
  11. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro frowned. Are we really that predictable? "Fine, you got us. And I guess you can come along if you like, but you better not tell Midna about any of this!" ((27 where aaaaaaare yooooooooou??))
  12. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "We heard something and came to investigate. Turns out it was you. Sneaking off or something? What is your excuse?" he asked, an eyebrow raised. So what if that's what we were gonna do! She couldn't know that yet!
  13. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro got up and stretched. Then he grinned a little evilly. "Sounds like fun," he said, and followed his friend out of the inn, making sure not to wake anyone.
  14. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "Huh?", says Rauro, distracted.
  15. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "Hey what's with all the hush-hush whispering going on over here? Seems like you've been having some kinda group meeting with everyone but me and Robin!"
  16. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((I have no idea what to do here))
  17. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro was totally amazed when he saw the girl literally jump out of Aspira's shadow, and remembered Robin talking about the Twili a bit. He wasn't really listening, but remembered some things about them, and was frankly too lazy to ask Robin or Midna anything about them.
  18. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((I really don't know how to say anything until we start moving again :P))
  19. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((So are we waiting until night to move on?))
  20. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro saw Aspira talking to her shadow and assumed he had lost it, then facepalmed when he realized where the Twili was. ((Did Madi say her name already?))
  21. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro looked around. "Uhh... where?"
  22. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro had actually taken a nap.He woke when he noticed that everyone had moved. He looked around and saw that they were all clustered around a rock. Interested, he walked over, and saw that everyone was just staring at Aspira's shadow in awe. There was nothing else there... "Uhh... what's going...
  23. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((I was kinda dropping hints about that...:)))
  24. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro watched Aspira and his friend playing around in the water. He glanced at Midna and Rengo, who were tending to Midna's injury, and realized just how bored he was. With Robin off with the cute new girl, he had nothing to do, no partner in crime.
  25. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro climbed on the back of the horse, right behind Robin, ready to set off.
  26. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "How far exactly is it from here to Kakariko?" asked Rauro impatiently. To tell the truth, he was mostly irritated because his arm was still hurting a bit. It kept him up for a good portion of the night, and he was ready to get to some town.
  27. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro looked over at her, then his gaze darted away when she glanced over. "Well, just play it right, and you might be able to take a souvenir home from this whole adventure," he said with a wink. "She has been over there arguing about bringing us along for some time now though." ((Shouldn't we...
  28. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((Sounds fine to me))
  29. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "Do you plan to stop us? There's no reason why we shouldn't be allowed to come along," Rauro said indignantly to Rengo.
  30. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "Good night everyone" Rauro lay down and pretended to sleep.
  31. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro backs off quietly. They've spotted me! He runs up the hill before they catch him.
  32. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro looked down the hill again at where Midna and the other girl were. He tried to listen in on their conversation, but they were too far away. He decided it wasn't worth the trouble of going closer, but then he heard his name being said, and crept a little closer, trying to hide in the bushes...
  33. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro walked over to Robin. "We're not going back tomorrow, right?" he asked once he and Robin were out of Midna's earshot. "The girl is the same age as us, and if Midna's letting her tag along with her, it makes no sense that we wouldn't be allowed to come along!"
  34. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    His breath caught at the sudden sharp pain, then the relief that followed right after. "thanks I owe you big! Can you help Midna too?" ((What do we do about the aerialfos and Robin?))
  35. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "Ahh..." said Rauro. "Can you help?" He asked, his arm visibly out of place.
  36. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((what is he doing anyway? Was he climbing up the clawshot chain when he last posted or something)) Rauro walked over to the others. "Ahh! My arm! I think....it's dislocated!" he gasped in pain
  37. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Unfortunately, she forgot about Rauro, who didn't remember to let go. He went airborne for a few seconds, then landed hard on his arm, dislocating it. He got up, grunting in pain, and looked over at Robin, who seemed to be frozen up again.
  38. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro quickly rushed to where the strange girl was struggling with the clawshot and climbed on the horse behind her. He grabbed the clawshot too and pulled with all his strength. He could feel the aerialfos slowly moving down. It took all their strength to bring it down. "Keep...pulling!!" he...
  39. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((Paging Robin! Your sister is going to get eaten if you don't help her!))
  40. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro leaps up and grabs a sword from the bags. Not that he can really use such a short-ranged weapon against an aerialfos... ((Should Robin kill it to prove to Midna that he can travel with them? Or saving her from being eaten would be good too))
  41. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    ((Uhh, before we bring out monsters, I don't think that Robin or I have any weapons!))
  42. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro peered down at them. "Dunno. Never seen her before. Should we ride down to meet them, or stay back away from your creepy sis and her new friends?" --------------------------------------------------------------- Tarul was coming closer to Kakariko Village. He wouldn't make it before dark...
  43. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Meanwhile, Tarul was busy riding back to Kakariko to make a few purchases. He was going to head straight back to Old Kakariko, but he realized that he would need to pick up supplies. He just got paid from his last job, and that would more than cover what he needed. He was close to Hyrule castle...
  44. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro sighed and jumped on the seat behind Robin.
  45. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro sees Robin coming near with a horse. "Hey, I thought you said you were gonna get two horses!" It sounded like the goat commotion had died down, and it would be a bad idea for two such "incidents" to occur in one day like that.
  46. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "Steal horses? Of course I'm in!!" Rauro quickly ran back to the village. Once there again, he made sure no one was looking, and kicked the door to a goat pen open. "Shoo, shoo!" He said quietly. "Help, help! The goats are loose!! They're getting away! Help!" He shouted. Once a lot of the...
  47. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro grinned. This was exactly the type of mischief he was looking forward to today. "Sounds like fun," he said. "But that's pretty far away. Are we gonna go on foot?"
  48. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    "That's fine. I actually just got up too. So, what do you wanna do today?"
  49. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro looked up and saw Robin walking toward him. "What took you so long?" He asked indignantly.
  50. HeroOfTime

    Twilight Princess RP

    Rauro was waiting in the woods for Robin. "*Sigh* Just like him to be late. Well, just like me, too, but it's still a pain." He decided that if Robin didn't come by within the next half hour, he'd go down to Ordon ranch and find him himself.
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