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  • Users: Bas
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  1. Bas

    Latest Video Game Purchase

    Bought Resident Evil 7 yesterday Was positively surprised to find all manners of classic REness after the first half hour of playing.
  2. Bas

    Let's Settle This Debate Once and For All...

    People who use B make me sick
  3. Bas

    Favourite Iced Cream flavour?

    Damn, there's so many great flavours of ice cream, it's really hard to say. Some faves off the top of my head: Fior di latte (flower of milk), it's a basic cream flavour and it's godlike Caramel/Salted caramel Pistachio Stracciatella Melon Also cone for life, **** tubs
  4. Bas

    Language Thread

    I am fluent in Swiss German, German, English and French. Can understand Italian and Greek but not speak or write it.
  5. Bas

    Favourite sounds in nature

    Oh, yes, why didn't I think of that. This has got to be in the top 5 at least.
  6. Bas

    Legend of Zelda question for English

    Oh, come on man, don't take this personal. I'll contribute to make it up to you: No I don't really care what my protagonists are/look like. Never have, I'll enjoy any game with any characters. All that matters to me is if the game is any good. Some character types fit a certain setting or...
  7. Bas

    Legend of Zelda question for English

    Keep your gender issues and -ism whining out of my videogames please
  8. Bas

    Video Games and Sexism (Or perverts)

    I know it can hurt, but "glorifying" sex or perversion as you put it is normal. It's in our nature pretty much. If you muster up the courage to be in a truly content open relationship you will know. I couldn't do it for long tbh, but it felt more carefree. Rigid relationships are good when...
  9. Bas

    Favourite sounds in nature

    Queefs during the act. It's not a nice sound, but funny as ****. also soft wind in the trees during early summer
  10. Bas

    When was the last time you played on a Nintendo 64

    my N64 and other older consoles are the reason I still own a CRT TV. I speedrun Goldeneye a little bit for fun from time to time. And it's always great when people come over and have a nostalgia boost and want to play the 64 again.
  11. Bas

    10 Years

    Damn, it's a funny thing to think about, but also scary. I am very content with the way things went for me, all mistakes and tragedies included, because I am now the result of all of that. I would have to do everything the same to get the girl that went on to become my girlfriend of 8 years...
  12. Bas

    Your Christmas List

    Nothing, I just want good food and am hype to chill with the extended family and get wasted
  13. Bas

    Ways to relieve stress

    Taking a long shower or bath helps immensly I find. Also cooking and eating something healthy, gets you going constructively.
  14. Bas

    Remember 2006?

    I was in high school, about to go to boarding School and I was hyped about the Wii and Twilight Princess. Otherwise not much, lots of masturbation and internet porn I'm sure
  15. Bas

    What is Your Current Music Obsession?

    When I cleaned out my old appartement to move into the new one, I listened to German military music way too much
  16. Bas

    Your 2017 gaming calendar

    I'm only really interested in Tekken 7 and Resident Evil 7 so far. Oh and Yooka Laylee of course, this will be interesting
  17. Bas

    Games so bad you personally retcon them

    Yeah in terms of atmosphere, lore "feel" etc it's definitely like a spinoff and I see it and subsequent titles segregated from the earlier titles as well. I can just enjoy them, well only RE4 really, seperately as their own thing. Waiting to see how RE7 turns out, looking forward to playing it tbh.
  18. Bas

    Games so bad you personally retcon them

    I am a huge fan of the series and see your point and even kinda shared your sentiment at one point in time. But I am now pretty sure RE4 is dope as ****. I'm replaying it now with my flatmates years later and there's so much I never realized as a young teen. Like how Leon is completely...
  19. Bas

    What Are Your Triggers??

    You need to work on that, son. Life's gonna be tough
  20. Bas

    What Are Your Triggers??

    people that use the word trigger unironically
  21. Bas

    That One Film That Everyone Hated But You Loved

    Not a movie, but there's many people I've talked to that really didn't like the series Arrested Development and it's one of my absolute favourites.
  22. Bas

    Favorite Kind of Science?

    I don't know what you would call it, but the art of magic (eventhough I don't really practice it) is very interesting to me, both from a psychological and social perspective. The science of deceiving or hustling I guess. I wacthed a very interesting movie about that topic lately. They go in...
  23. Bas

    What time do you usuallly get up?

    Yeah, I live on my own so that's why when I don't have to get up for work/uni I become irresponsible as **** with my sleeping pattern over the weekend
  24. Bas

    What time do you usuallly get up?

    0700 on weekdays, the weekend is a mess
  25. Bas

    Haha yes, I worked in wrestling

    Haha yes, I worked in wrestling
  26. Bas

    Best cringeworthy gaming related video

    That smosh video makes me want to take a shower in 1943 Here's another cringy one
  27. Bas

    That One Film Everyone Loved But You Hated.

    Saw some parts of Sausage Party Was some of the most unfunny **** I've ever seen. Nothing against politically incorrect jokes, but they have to have some kind of wit or work behind them at least
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