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Language Thread

Oct 6, 2016
I know two languages, Malay and English.

Malay is my native language, growing up in Malaysia. Sadly, though, my Malay isn't as proficient as my English, because throughout my younger years I grew up with English/Western materials. It's pretty rusty to say at least, but it's not as terrible as it is. My only problem with Malay is that I can never articulate my sentences right, and it's common in Malaysia to sometimes mix your sentences with English and Malay, so there's that. The place I grew up with also made me gotten really used to its slang, so I'm not very great in proper Malay.

I am fluent in English, because of what I stated before. My accent when I talk in English seems too Westernized.

I used to study Arabic when I was younger, though I wasn't very interested in learning it. Now being older, I have regretted that situation and I now only know how to count numbers and say yes and no in Arabic. I wish I could speak Arabic today. Oh well.
I have a Malaysian friend that has the same problem. Hearing that people in Malaysia normally speak a mixture of both languages actually kind of explains a lot for me.


Meme Connoisseur
Jul 30, 2015
I'm a native English speaker and I know a tiny bit of Japanese, Italian, Spanish and French. I'd like to be fluent in Japanese, Spanish and Portugese.


Best dude
Nov 1, 2016
I am fluent in Swiss German, German, English and French. Can understand Italian and Greek but not speak or write it.


Oct 1, 2016
French is my native language, I'm rather fluent in English and I'd like to learn Japanese


Staff member
English is my native language and I'm currently learning Japanese at University. I spent a day with a host family in Nagasaki this month and spoke in pretty much only Japanese for the 24 hours so I am getting to a fairly decent level now I reckon.
Oct 6, 2016
Lot of Spanish speakers, apparently. If u guys ever want to talk to someone or just some help, I'm a native speaker!


Gerudo Theif
Nov 13, 2016
The Desert
Native English speaker. I've taken four years of German so I can carry a conversation. I can read, write, and speak Hebrew, but I can't translate it well. I'm also learning a little bit of Yiddish for fun since it's very similar to German.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Native English speaker. I've taken four years of German so I can carry a conversation. I can read, write, and speak Hebrew, but I can't translate it well. I'm also learning a little bit of Yiddish for fun since it's very similar to German.

wow! Hebrew! thats not one ya hear every day!
Dec 29, 2016
Salisbury, Maryland, USA
Female...just female
I'm a fluent English speaker. In America, most schools only have either French or Spanish, so I picked the latter. I've studied Spanish since middle school. I don't think I'm fluent with Spanish, but if someone started speaking to me, I would know enough to have a delightful conversation with them. I'm also going to have Japanese 101 in the spring semester, so hopefully I'll pick that up too! I've always wanted to learn Japanese, if anything else because of anime and video games being in Japanese.


Obsessed with Toon Link <3
Jan 8, 2017
I speak Finnish and English fluently, with the former being my first language. I also know my way around German, French, some Spanish, as well as Norwegian. Presently, I'm also trying to learn Japanese. Apps like Anki and Memrise are great for that, in case anyone's looking for tools to help with their bad memory.

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