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Games so bad you personally retcon them

Agent of Majora

Herald of the Consumer
Oct 27, 2014
New York
Oh I remember another...Halo 5

Had I known what 5 would turn out to be I would have rather the series ended with 4. It seemed like they had a good direction going but 5 gets its diarrhea all over it.
I thought 4 would have been a really nice conclusion for the series. It seems to me that 343 intended it to be the end, but then they realized that they backed themselves into a corner and had to churn out two more sequels, thus leading to the travesty that was 5.
It's a shame, really. I actually really like Halo and its storyline, and 5 was possibly one of the dumbest video game plots I have ever seen.
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Reactions: Dio
Oct 14, 2013
Master of Orion 3
Remove it totally from existance and renake Master of Orion 2 then you'd have a great series of games

Mario Party 9 and 10
That train idea were you're versing the other players anymore is crap and has killed the franchise (in the way of good games being released)

Smash Bros
Brawl should have been the last game. SSB4 is worse than the afterbirth of an it abortion.

Sim City 5
Sim City 4 should have been the last game. Sim City 4 was amazing. The 5th game was just EA pissing it's game destroying piss all over the great Sim City IP.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
this actual reminds me of something funny,there was a small point where I legitimately forgot sonic 2006 existed,like I successfully blocked it off my mind for that time
i mean in my mind,sonic unleashed was the first mainline next generation sonic game,so if you asked me what was the successor to heroes,I'd answer unleashed,I just flat out forgot about 2006

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Four Swords Adventures I can however. They seem to have no connection to the rest of the series and makes no real sense being after Twilight Princess or anywhere else in the timeline. I retcon he capcom Zeldas as well because again they don't make sense in the timeline, elements present such as force pop up and are never seen again in the main games.

I personally think that FSA is one of the most lore heavy games and while it is not particularly crucial or substantial in the timeline, it brings to light a lot of lore that was previously unknown. But that's just my opinion.

Ok really bad games... how about Street Fighter: Final Fight 2010 for the NES? This game had so much potential but it really blew it. Instead of sticking to the mold of the classic street fighter, Ken travels to a future world where he embarks on a 32 bit side scrolling quest and collects bounties on various aliens aka killing them. You control Ken as he makes his way through many types of levels, some are classic side scroller, some are climbing type strollers,some are bossfights in small rooms, and some are enemy grinders. This would not be so bad if it were not for the fact that every dang time you die three times, you have to start from the beginning, and the levels ain't easy. Oh yeah and Ken doesn't start out strong either, by collecting energy orbs from various enemies, Ken (excruciatingly slowly mind you) gradually gets stronger. You can get 1ups every once and a while but overall it's just a frustrating game.


Best dude
Nov 1, 2016
I ignore anything after Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. I acknowledge RE0, REmake, RE2, RE3, RE:Veronica Chronicles. Anything after that is not a Resident Evil game, I refuse to play them or even talk about them.

I am a huge fan of the series and see your point and even kinda shared your sentiment at one point in time. But I am now pretty sure RE4 is dope as ****.

I'm replaying it now with my flatmates years later and there's so much I never realized as a young teen. Like how Leon is completely oblivious and kinda dumb but goes successfully through this adventure seemingly on sheer luck alone. All the dialogue is wonderfully awkward and what starts as a semi-serious atmospheric action game turns completely bonkers by the time you enter the castle. The gameplay is kinda neat as well, I'd say it's slow action and I think they put much more thinking behind the design of it than I thought originally. Add a cast of memorable characters (including helicopter pilot Mike) and you got yourself a great time.

Just appreciate it for what it is, it doesn't retroactively worsen the great games we have before it. REmake for example is in my opinion one of 3 games that are just perfectly made.

Also have some dumb quotes

skip to 00:24 for this gem



Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I am a huge fan of the series and see your point and even kinda shared your sentiment at one point in time. But I am now pretty sure RE4 is dope as ****.

I'm replaying it now with my flatmates years later and there's so much I never realized as a young teen. Like how Leon is completely oblivious and kinda dumb but goes successfully through this adventure seemingly on sheer luck alone. All the dialogue is wonderfully awkward and what starts as a semi-serious atmospheric action game turns completely bonkers by the time you enter the castle. The gameplay is kinda neat as well, I'd say it's slow action and I think they put much more thinking behind the design of it than I thought originally. Add a cast of memorable characters (including helicopter pilot Mike) and you got yourself a great time.

Just appreciate it for what it is, it doesn't retroactively worsen the great games we have before it. REmake for example is in my opinion one of 3 games that are just perfectly made.

Also have some dumb quotes

skip to 00:24 for this gem

This is what I think: I play and own RE4 for the GCN. I played it. I got half way and quit. Maybe I was bitter that it turned into a 3rd Person Shooter instead of a Survival Horror game. Maybe I was bitter that they went away from the original Biohazard plot. It's probably a combination of both.

I'm not saying the game was bad. I'm saying it wasn't a Resident Evil game. I'm also admitting to not having gone back to play it since I played it the first time, when it first came out. It has been sitting in its box for over a decade. I will play it again, and maybe have a different feeling about the game, but I'll think of it as a spinoff, not one of the main games. Resident Evil ended a long time ago.


Best dude
Nov 1, 2016
Yeah in terms of atmosphere, lore "feel" etc it's definitely like a spinoff and I see it and subsequent titles segregated from the earlier titles as well. I can just enjoy them, well only RE4 really, seperately as their own thing.

Waiting to see how RE7 turns out, looking forward to playing it tbh.

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