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That One Film That Everyone Hated But You Loved

This is similar to Tatt's other threads but this one is the other way around.

I liked all the dank bootleg movies like The Amazing Bulk, Kiara the Brave, The Room, and things like that.


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Can't name just one. But some particularly loathed ones I never understood the blind, venomous hatred for that I thought were pretty good are: The Star Wars Prequels. Eragon, The Last Airbender.


Best dude
Nov 1, 2016
Not a movie, but there's many people I've talked to that really didn't like the series Arrested Development and it's one of my absolute favourites.


May 18, 2013
Can't name just one. But some particularly loathed ones I never understood the blind, venomous hatred for that I thought were pretty good are: The Star Wars Prequels. Eragon, The Last Airbender.
I can't speak for Aragon but I found the Last Airbender and Star Wars Episode 2 to be very boring.

Episode 1 was just okay to be, not bad or good, I found it entertaining. even though I found the plot hard to follow sometimes, but it's okay, 3 on the other hand I loved, the only prequel I truly disliked like I said was Episode 2, I just found the love story boring and it seems like the whole plot revolves around that


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress

This movie is art, there is no reason to hate it like everyone who has ever seen it for some reason does.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Fifth Element

I hear people deriding this movie all the time but I think more people like it than hate it. It's an insanely fun entertaining stupid happy sci-fi action flick just like mother used to make. To that end it excels in all respects.

Also a movie with Guy Pierce (also from director Luc Besson, iirc) which is basically Escape from NY/LA in SPAAAAAACE!! and I think it even got sued for plagiarism (which Hollywood does all the time so I don't see what the big deal is). It's far from the greatest movie ever and I've only seen it that one time but it's good for what it is. Highly enjoyable, makes the best use of the scenario, features some pretty interesting characters and funny moments. But people seem to deride it for being a rehash/ripoff/schlock - which it very well could be but who cares?

Independence Day

Like Fifth Element, people seem to want to write this relic of the 90s off as schlock, but those who do are taking the movie more seriously than the movie ever does. And also like FE a lot more people seem to love it than hate it.

After Earth


just kidding that movie's crap
Oct 25, 2016
Everyone hates M. Night Shyamalan's movies but I absolutely love Lady in the Water, and The Village is really good. I like Devil a lot too.
Oct 17, 2016
I felt like people didn't like Interstellar, but I loved it.
Yeah loved Interstellar too. I think the problem a lot of the time was that if you judge it objectively then you could say that some of the writing was a bit cumbersome and awkward, some of the acting wasn't too engaging (although Matthew McConaughey was great), and the ending was a bit hammy. Plus it was just asking to be compared to 2001: a space odyssey, which is an unfair comparison (well in my opinion at least).

Ultimately though I couldn't care less about any of those things, because it was absolutely stunning! A genuinely enthralling, beautiful, epic film. I had an truly amazing experience when I watched it the first time, and when I walked out the cinema I was blown away. Conceptually it was phenomenal and the execution of these ideas was spot on, I really think that while some people overrate Nolan there is no other director today who could've made Interstellar. Went straight to the pub with the friends I watched it with and just discussed the film at length. Can't really ask for more than that from a film. And I've found that with every film fan I've talked about the film with, so I guess it was really just some of the critics who were finding faults (which is their job to be fair).

My choice for the films I like are arguably a bit less artful. I really like classic Jackie Chan films, they're always totally good fun. Granted some of them are bit dated (with regards to how female characters are represented especially) and they're pretty formulaic, but you can't argue with those action sequences. Nice to mention this in light with Jackie Chan's recent Oscar recognition too.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I think the Star Wars prequels have aged very well. The dialogue at times was terrible. The sand and security hologram lines were particularly horrific. If you don't know what I'm talking about google "Star Wars Sand" and "Star Wars Security Hologram" to find Youtube videos. Overall the films were creative and added a lot of detail to the Star Wars universe.

Looking back I now appreciate the level of complexity in the plots of the prequels. The original trilogy makes sense for anyone, but plots of the prequels are harder to follow. Once you can understand the emperor's plot, you gain appreciation for how complicated it is. The problem is that most people would first watch the films as children when it's virtually impossible to understand what's going on and understandably view it as a convoluted mess.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
The Phantom Menace
Super Mario Bros.
Adam Sandler movies
M. Night Shamulan movies
Micheal Bay movies (especial TMNT)

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