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  1. zeldan

    Will the Lens of Truth Ever Come Back?

    I think the Lens of Truth should only be brought back if it brings somthing new to the table or they can think of interesting new ways to implement it. for example they could utilise the WiiU gamepad with the lens of truth (perhaps using it as the lens of truth itself) which could be...
  2. zeldan

    Zelda's Popularity Around the World (particularly in the UK)

    Hey guys, I'm a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda series and have been since I was a child but I've noticed that the series isn't as popular with the vast majority of people where I live. I have lived in the UK for my whole life and I know very few people who actually play Zelda personally. I...
  3. zeldan

    Skyward Sword Tips for Final Boss

    If your struggling too much but know what to do you should consider making it a little easier on yourself! get yourself some bottles and stock up on potions and get the hylian shield! or alternatively just keep practising I'm sure you'll beat him eventually
  4. zeldan

    My Zelda Timeline

    but the picori do grow up! ezlo is an old man....... I dont buy that they are decendents of the kokiri as i dont see a race of tiny imp-like creatures evolving into a race of children who never grow up there only similarity is that they both live in a forest but I suppose it is possible. as for...
  5. zeldan

    Zoras: Then, and Now.

    they might well be a different species but they could also be the same species! a whole race doesnt have to be united or have a collective conciousness! maybe a group of zoras break away and become enemies of hyrule! its just speculation and there's not much evidence I can use to back it up but...
  6. zeldan

    Do You Use the Shields?

    I used a shield but never needed to like upgrade it or anything! I just used the basic iron shield! I did get the hylian shield but only because it looks awesome! :D
  7. zeldan

    Which Silent Realm is the Hardest?

    oh god I hate the silent realms! I had to do every single one twice! and on all 4 occasions I was hit after having collected all of the tears! by the skyloft one I was ready to throw my wii out of the window :) i particularly disliked the lanayru desert one though! its probably the longest so...
  8. zeldan

    Most Hated Enemy in Zelda

    leevers are pretty annoying in the original legend of zelda but the all time most annoying enemy in my opinion is the keese! especially the fire keese so many times i forget I've only got a wood shield and it gets ruined! :)
  9. zeldan

    The Whip Sucks... >.>

    the whips ok but its defiantly the most underused item in skyward sword! the problem is that every other item in the game is used so well that it makes the whip look bad but I think its still used a lot when compared to other items in other zelda games (for example the ball and chain and spinner...
  10. zeldan

    Funniest Zelda Game to Date?

    yeah SS is hilarious! theres so many moments that actually had me in stitches! groose falling from the sky was my favourite though! i also liked when beedle gets angry at you when you leave without buying anything and dumps you out of his shop! XD
  11. zeldan

    Skyward Sword: The Worst 3D Zelda Title

    this is an opinion war! no-ones going to win! :) personally I think skyward sword is a really good zelda game with an awesome story and great dungeon design but its not the best zelda game ever and doesnt deserve perfect 10s from game reviewers as even a huge zelda fan like me had problems with...
  12. zeldan

    What Shield Did You Use Most In Skyward Sword?

    I used the iron shield mostly! although the hylian shield is the best i just never felt as though I needed it and you dont get it till very late on in the game!
  13. zeldan

    Zelda Shirt and Animated Series Giveaway - The Hardest Zelda Level or Dungeon

    it has to be great palace from zelda 2!! I must have died like 100 times trying to beat that temple! :)
  14. zeldan

    Spoiler What Did You All Think of Skyward Swords Ending?

    I loved the ending! it doesnt explicitly say anything about the formation of hyrule, the temple of time or what happens next but it does what nintendo does best and leaves things to be speculated and discussed! also Fis goodbye was awesome as was the whole impa is the old lady thing.....sooooo...
  15. zeldan

    Three-Branched Timeline Split Explanations

    this is an excellent theory! it's so well argued that I'm inclined to believe you! :) I didn't like how the timeline split into three as it was argued that ganon defeated link which to me was a fairly weak argument that was used just to clear up the argument! but this theory is plausible and it...
  16. zeldan

    Is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword That Good?

    to put it simply! yes its that good!! :) it may be missing a few classic zelda elements and its overworld is a tad small but the dungeons are just utterly brilliant, some of the best in any zelda game in my opinion!! the items are all cleverly implemented and all of them are used throughout...
  17. zeldan

    Phantom Hourglass Figure Giveaway - Favorite Zelda Enemy

    darknuts! they're pretty much the pinnacle of zelda enemy, usually one of the tougher enemies in the games, making them no push over like some other enemies in the series! they look awesome and when you beat them you get a genuine sense of accomplishment! they were sorely missed in skyward...
  18. zeldan

    Is Banjo Kazooie Good?

    its definatly one of the greatest n64 games and one of my favourite games of all time! its sequel (banjo tooie) is good too but to me nothing beats running around treasure trove cove or click clock wood on the n64 classic! Oh and I will never forgive RARE for making nuts and bolts! (at least...
  19. zeldan

    Ocarina of Time Worst Enemy Ever.

    WOW I never realised just how many annoying enemies Ocarina has! :D but for me wallmasters are by far the worst! they dont grab me that often but when they do stay away from me! otherwise you're likely to find a controller thrown at your face :lol:
  20. zeldan

    What Makes One a True Zelda Fan?

    In my view there are no true fans! everyone who has played a zelda game and liked it is a fan of zelda. sure you can have bigger fans then others for example, someone who posts regularly on zelda forums and has completed every zelda game is a much bigger zelda fan then someone whos only played...
  21. zeldan

    Ocarina of Time Ocarina of Time Getting Boring & Disappointing :(

    yeah dont like the idea of ocarina of time 2 a whole lot! but maybe a sequel to majoras mask to finish the story of the hero of time? that would be cool!
  22. zeldan

    Ocarina of Time Favorite Temple to Beat

    Water temple feels good to complete just because its so hard! but its got to be the Forest temple for me just because the boss is cool and its such a deep and complex dungeon it genuinly gives me a great sense of achievment eveytime I complete it.
  23. zeldan

    Skyward Sword: Zeldas Greatest Hits?

    It seems that Skyward sword is taking an awful lot from other zelda games: Graphical Style: similar to wind waker except tonned down to seem more mature like Twilight Princess and Ocarina Siren world: A little like the dark world in link to the past and takes stealth elements from spirit...
  24. zeldan

    What if the Graphical Style Changed in Game?

    Ive often heard a lot of people complain about skyward swords graphics claiming that there "too childish" or beliving there a step in the wrong direction beliving firmly in the more realistic twilight princess aproach. i disagree and realy like the graphics in Skyward sword that being said heres...
  25. zeldan

    Ocarina of Time Favorite Sage?

    of all the sages i always liked impa the best because she looked the coolest and was the most mysterious as she had the least character development! (except maybe nabooru but you still see her character grow and know quiet a lot about her and her race. impa and the sheikah are a bit of a...
  26. zeldan

    Zelda's Overworld: Vast or Dense? Which is Better?

    a lot of people seem to complain that twilight princess had too big of an overworld with not much in it! in many ways this is true and there certainly should have been a lot bit more to do in the overworld but i always felt that it gave this great feeling of vastness and epicness (if that is...
  27. zeldan

    General Modern Which is Tougher?

    i gotta agree savage labyrinth diddnt provide me with any great challenge in comparison to the cave of ordeals THOSE GOD DAMN DARKNUTS WONT DIE! :D haha but i like savage labyrinth better just beacuse i prefere wind wakers enemy design!
  28. zeldan

    Zelda in the Future? Will the Series Last? and for How Long?

    i gotta say i disagree with you on the whole mario thing! although i personaly agree that mario is dying out and needs to be laid to rest i dont think nintendo will ever let it die!!! at least not till miyamoto dies anyway :O i would also agree that zelda will evolve as time goes on and last a...
  29. zeldan

    Zelda in the Future? Will the Series Last? and for How Long?

    everything comes to an end. I dont think anyone could argue the zelda series is reaching its end anytime soon but how many more years do you think the zelda series has got left? 10 years? 20 years? or do you think its gonnna last forever? :D also what do you think future zelda games will be...
  30. zeldan

    Gimmiks......are They Ruining the Zelda Series?

    many things in the zelda serires ARE gimmiks though such as the wolf in twilight princess and the train in spirit tracks did they realy improve the quality of those games? i dont think so.... i think that without these things nintendo would have to think harder on how to make the zelda series...
  31. zeldan

    Why Minish Cap SHOULDNT Be the First Game in the Timeline (WARNING HUGE RANT) :D

    (bbevington90) yeah i totaly agree with you! however you have misunderstood me a little, what im arguing is not whether minish cap does go at the start of the timeline but if it should! just because its not as good as ocarina of time and doesnt have the same feel as ocarina of time as an origin...
  32. zeldan

    Gimmiks......are They Ruining the Zelda Series?

    i think the seires should evolve in a different way, instead of just keeping the same old formula but putting a gimmik in it everytime to make it fresh they should improve and inovate on the things that make the zelda series good! such as its controls or its dungeons or its items that way the...
  33. zeldan

    Why Minish Cap SHOULDNT Be the First Game in the Timeline (WARNING HUGE RANT) :D

    many timeline theorists like to place minish cap first on the zelda timeline (aside for skyward sword) however i dont think it should be first on the timeline simply out of principle. Ocarina of time is considered by many to be the greatest game of all time let alone the best zelda game of all...
  34. zeldan

    Gimmiks......are They Ruining the Zelda Series?

    i totaly agree with you there i hope skyward swords motion controls avoids being a gimmik and just becomes a general improvement of the zelda seires' controls I also hope they try to avoid putting any other gimmiks into the game as i would very much like to see zelda return to its roots with...
  35. zeldan

    Musical Instument in Skyward Sword?

    hey guys! do you think they will bother putting a musical instrument in skyward sword? if so what do you think it will be and what role do you think it will have in the game?
  36. zeldan

    Gimmiks......are They Ruining the Zelda Series?

    many zelda games, in fact pretty much all of them actualy, have had a gimmik to make it stand out from other zelda games I belive this started with Ocarina of time (link being able to be either adult or child link) after the success of this game i belive nintendo tried to re-create this by...
  37. zeldan

    My Timeline Like No Other.......

    except for key areas of the timeline e.g OOT split timeline TP, MC etc most of the timeline is fan fiction, thats kind of the point in theorising the timeline!
  38. zeldan

    My Timeline Like No Other.......

    yes a single ganon theory does not work in my timeline and i beilive linear timelines are just stupid! :D i do like the idea of multiple ganons however i have one minor problem with it and that is the absence of the gerudo in most zelda games. ganondorf is supposed to be the only male gerudo and...
  39. zeldan

    My Timeline Like No Other.......

    oh right so you belive there are more then one ganon! ahh i see i hav a much different theory on ganon. i belive that ganon and ganondorf are (or at some point become) seperated from one another. so in the child timeline after TP ganondorf is killed by link however ganon (his evil spirt) lives...
  40. zeldan

    New Legend of Zelda

    I do think there needs to be somthing like this! even if it was just on the virtual console or somthing. id like to see somthing like Lttp with minish caps graphics. i.e somthing thats difficuilt and takes a whiile to complete like Lttp with the beautiful style of MC that would be cool and would...
  41. zeldan

    My Timeline Like No Other.......

    if Lttp goes after TP then how do you belive ganon ends up in the sacred realm? also if ganon is killed in Twilight princess then why is he still alive for Lttp?
  42. zeldan

    My Timeline Like No Other.......

    Yep i was going from north hyrule. loz is set in south hyrule and AoL is set in north hyrule. so therefore hyrule has advanced at a normal pace and has beacome very big in LOZ/AOL (asided from the south which is left in ruin from ganons invasion) as for lttps location i dont see any reason why...
  43. zeldan

    My Timeline Like No Other.......

    hey guys, i was thinking about the zelda timeline (which i do a lot) and i started thinking of Link to the pasts location in the timeline..... anyway heres my timeline ....../--MM--TP--MC/FS/FSA--LOZ/AOL--OOA/OOS (child timeline) OOT ......\--Lttp/LA--WW/PH--ST (adult timeline) as you can...
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