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Zelda in the Future? Will the Series Last? and for How Long?

Jul 18, 2010
Liverpool, UK
everything comes to an end. I dont think anyone could argue the zelda series is reaching its end anytime soon but how many more years do you think the zelda series has got left? 10 years? 20 years? or do you think its gonnna last forever? :D

also what do you think future zelda games will be like? do you think they will ever abandon the classic zelda formula or stick to it ridgidly for years to come? how do you think the controls will change? and what do you think the graphics will be like in the future of zelda? and what do you think about zelda in relation to other nintendo titles? do you think zelda will outlive mario, metroid and starfox?

what do you guys think?

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
This is a senseless question for many reasons. First of all, we all know that Zelda will continue its stride. It is one of the longest-running game franchises ever, and I doubt there's much that will stand in its way. Even new releases like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess have received amazing critic scores, meaning Zelda hasn't lost its touch.

As for Zelda sticking to its original formula... I would say "no", frankly. Also, the formula has already changed many times in the past, going from 2D to 3D to 2.5D. I don't really see why Zelda should cling to its roots when there's really not much to dig up there. I say that Zelda should move forward, but still pay enough homage to the classics to please fans. We've all been witnesses to easter eggs in Zelda games repeatedly throughout the Zelda franchise's history. There are references and very similar gameplay mechanics, but I would say that Nintendo shouldn't go so far as to making Zelda games play like God of War... *shudders*. But I do feel that Zelda games should occassionally stray from the ordinary, just to keep things fresh. We all complain about defining yet underappreciated games like Wind Waker and Four Swords Adventures... but the truth is the uniqueness and change-up in graphics, gameplay, etc. really keep the Zelda franchise from dying out. And with Skyward Sword on the horizon, I doubt the long-running Zelda series will come to an end.

As for outliving Mario and Metroid... most definitely. Star Fox? Star Fox is a franchise that is nearly extinct and will most likely remain so. I have no clue why Star Fox was even mentioned, since it's not that long-running and only has a few installments. Anyway, Metroid is a single year older than Zelda, but also manages to stay at the top of Nintendo best-sellers (not really). Zelda will outlive Metroid... without a doubt. Bigger legacy, more fans, better games, better critic and fan scores... there should be no reason why Metroid outlives Zelda.

As for Mario... that just cracks me up. I feel as if Mario isn't going to die out anytime soon, but I feel that some gamers are growing tired of the Italian plumber's antics. There have been too many "trashy" games released as spinoffs and too many terrible games that sport the "Mario" name in general. The truth (which most don't see) is that Mario's time is nearly up, with only few quality games remaining in his arsenal. Mario definitely was better in the old days, not overused and overly recognized as gaming's biggest face. I see Zelda outlasting Mario solely because Mario has starred (or co-starred) in over 200 games, and his flare seems to be dying a little in the hearts of hardcore gamers.


Aug 29, 2010
As for me, I think The Legend of Zelda will run for a long time, well, there are many fans, it's well know, Nintendo knows we love it, and it gives them a lot of profit. I think even after Eiji Aonuma and Shigeru Miyamoto pass away (sniff sniff) there will always (at least) be some one that will take their place. I think and for certain The Legend of Zelda will run for a good time. The Legend of Zelda FTW!!!!
Sep 28, 2010
Zelda will always be around as long as it makes a profit.....its a business and thats how it will always be. As long as it makes the money it will exist.

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
I personally think that Zelda will last forever if not forever then i believe that the older will modified to fit the future generation. I also think gaming will be Home Virtual Reality. Using Zelda as an example: You have a fake replica of a sword handle and the blade is a hologram of the current sword and a hologram of the Hylian shield or your current shield you have weapon wise controls will still be open an item switch menu but say to use use a deku nut you actually have to do throwing motion. Motion censoring will be extreme like to block an enemy with the shield you actually have to lift the holograhic shield to block the enemies attack.
Jul 18, 2010
Liverpool, UK
i gotta say i disagree with you on the whole mario thing! although i personaly agree that mario is dying out and needs to be laid to rest i dont think nintendo will ever let it die!!! at least not till miyamoto dies anyway :O i would also agree that zelda will evolve as time goes on and last a very long time! as for star fox i would disagree that it is dead i think its still got one good game left in it before it dies at least.....

so yeah i gotta say i think mario could outlive zelda but tbh i wouldnt like to see a nintendo with out mario because with out him being in every other nintendo game being made who would they use............... just imagine it super zelda kart and zelda golf and zelda football.

i think we can all agree mario needs to be there to avoid nintendo abusing its other series!


Oct 4, 2010
The Zelda series will probably run for a very long time. Just think; the creators of the Zelda games know that there is a HUGE amount of fans who love these games. It is their job to create the games and sell them. They make a lot of money on this series so they will probably not give up.


True and Noble
Oct 17, 2007
United States of America
This isn't really a dumb question if you think about it. Many games really have lasted forever, but there have also been series that you'd think would have had tons of games, but didn't. Zelda is still making tons of money, but eventually (who knows when) people are going to want something completely new and fresh.
Unfortunately there really aren't any great parallels, considering that we really haven't been in the gaming age for that long. In the grand scheme of things, thirty years of real gaming isn't that much. Think about it. A lot of Nintendo titles have their roots in the 80's. It's not that uncommon. I foresee that soon enough, maybe ten years, maybe fifty, the Zelda and Mario franchises will cease to exist.


I am the wannabe Kokiri!
Oct 9, 2010
Northern Ireland
Mario dead?

I think we can all agree mario needs to be there to avoid nintendo abusing its other series!
Although I think Zelda is a more worthy 'face of gaming' compared to Mario I totally agree, Mario will be used and abused until its tread into the ground and there is no money to be made from it. I doubt it will happen though. We who played Super mario 64 and Sunshine as we grew up are getting sick of it but a new generation who will grow up playing 'Super Mario Galaxy' and Galaxy 2 are surely not bored of it if they just realised it. When we play Mario sports mix we might think Ugh they will think Wow. If you get me so yea, I think zelda should be the face of nintendo but I don't think it will be and I hope it isn't because we will get more games like 'Links Crossbow training' *sigh*


The tree hugger of Hyrule
(*sigh*) I honestly think that the Mario franchise is being a little overused, so I kinda stopped buying them. I mean, Nintendo really needs to get fresh ideas into Mario, because I feel that there's nothing new in the game. It's like "Go save the Princess," which I would be okay if that happened in only a few games, but that concept seems to be used in every Mario game.

Now, onto Legend of Zelda, this is seriously a dumb question! Of course, there isn't going to be an end... or at least while this website's alive... right???

But here's the serious answer. It pretty much depends on the marketing and ideas in Legend of Zelda. If Nintendo is going to make a serious Zelda game about the most annoying characters in Zelda, then I'm pretty sure that there will be a specially made email address regarding flame mail from hard core Zelda fans and then Legend of Zelda will be obsolete. If there's good ideas and Nintendo pleases all audiences of gamers, then there won't be an end to Legend of Zelda anytime soon.

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