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Will the Lens of Truth Ever Come Back?

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
I haven't played SS but i was looking thru its items list and saw nothing that resembled the eye of truth.

So after majora's mask there hasn't been another item like it. And i wonder why.

I personally loved the idea of invisible walls, enemies, fake floors, and hidden chests.

It doesn't have to be the lens of truth exactly but I for one would love to see the illusions mechanic it brought to the games. Infact the WiiU can make use of this with the 2nd screen being able to see the truth with the lens of truth or something like it, or even on a new 2d game with this type of mechanic.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
A lack of a magic meter limiting the usage to only a few short instances to keep the player from cheating at all times is a must when adding something like that. Magic items in general have been absent in the most recent games. This has been a overall complaint by many players already even before we get into talk of anything specific items.

Something like the lens of truth would be fun, being able to spy on hidden walls or secret passages. However they did somewhat play with this concept in TP by adding in the wolf senses that let you do things like sniff out hidden items and see ghosts in rooms. And again in SS with the ability to dowse for secrets within areas. I have a feeling if anything like this mechanic is added again in a later game it might be something like that again. Some method of switching the view from ordinary to some kind of "search" sense. As far as the actual item, then I do not think we would be seeing the lens of truth again. Typically most items are only used in a single game and not really repeated. The boomerangs, hookshots, and slingshots seem to be the largest exception to the rule.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
The wolf sensing seamed like it was trying to mimic it, but didn't do as good a job at it.

There is still no good reason it can't be brought back, we've seen the lantern, Iron boots, mirror shield, hammers in some fashion, and other minor items come back even after skipping a few games. It was in OoT and again in Majora's mask and it worked wonderfully in both games, much much better then wolf sensing ever did. Granted it was already part of the game engine from OoT when they made majora's. But i've always loved the things aren't exactly what they seam here concept, or you're standing there and feeling something isn't quite right with this room.


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
I see no reason for it not to show up. I personally thought it was an amazing item that was used quite well. Often times to save magic, I would just spam the C-button so that I could catch glimpses of where I was suppose to go but without draining my magic the whole time.

The only reason that the Wolf sensing didn't work as well was more because of the fact that it didn't require magic, and also wasn't really needed. When you were following a path for the most part, it just followed the road and you would have been fine if you didn't use it. Not the Sensing being bad, but rather not having more possible routs to take and therefore not confusing enough.
It was a genius game mechanic that added a lot to OoT and MM, both in gameplay and atmosphere. The dark and disturbing nature of the Shadow Temple and Bottom of the Well was exemplified with the addition of hidden walls and passages. I remember feeling like some demon or ancient power was playing mind tricks on me. As a game mechanic it's great for puzzles and exploration. I think it would be great if in a come back they use it's capabilities more in the overworld. OoT did a little, MM a bit more, but I think it could be utilized even better. Think secret caves and passageways to discover throughout Hyrule.

The Lens of Truth is Exhibit 1 as to why the magic meter NEEDS to come back. Even if we ignore attacks and spells like Din's Fire in OoT or the Medallions in ALttP, there is a lot of great gameplay elements that, like the Lens, could only enrich the Zelda experience. Sadly, Zelda has woefully underused the magic meter in the past and now seem to be avoiding it all together. A shame really :(
Jul 18, 2010
Liverpool, UK
I think the Lens of Truth should only be brought back if it brings somthing new to the table or they can think of interesting new ways to implement it. for example they could utilise the WiiU gamepad with the lens of truth (perhaps using it as the lens of truth itself) which could be interesting. I just dont want them to bring it back for the sake of it :)

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
It doesn't have to bring something that new, just bringing back something old that was great, and sadly missing of late. Its very use was to hide things, or make you walk off cliffs you didn't know were there. The tablet for the lens idea had crossed my mind. But what about on a handheld? It hasn't appeared on handhelds at all, unless you semi count that thing in Links Awakening that was only there to see enemies in 1 cave to find the boomerang.


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
I think a Lens of Truth would be perfect for Zelda Wii U. If you use the game pad as the lens and have to look through it. Obviously it would still need to require magic to be worthwhile, but I think it's an excellent addition.

Azure Sage

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Seeing as there's been a lack of magic lately, and considering the fact that that doesn't seem likely to change soon, I don't think we will see it again. The Lens of Truth seems to be one of the forgotten gems from the past, much like the Hover Boots, the Pegasus Boots, Roc's Feather/Cape, etc. Even the Iron Boots seems to have been forgotten, even though they appeared in Twilight Princess. A lot of the old, classic items from Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, and even from The Wind Waker are either being forgotten or replaced. The beloved Hookshot was replaced with the Clawshots, and the Grappling Hook seems to have been replaced by the Whip. Sadly, it really seems like some of the classic items we know and love are going to be gone forever.
Jul 1, 2011
Tournament Of Power Arena
There are soooo many items I'd like to see back before the lens of truth. And "truth" be told, I HATED the lens of truth. Why waste my time looking for an item you need in ONE dungeon, or, if you played recently or have a guide, don't need at all? Seriously, I havent gone to the bottom of the well except on my 100% run, where it's helpful to get through the Treasure Chest Minigame.

Seeing as there's been a lack of magic lately, and considering the fact that that doesn't seem likely to change soon, I don't think we will see it again. The Lens of Truth seems to be one of the forgotten gems from the past, much like the Hover Boots, the Pegasus Boots, Roc's Feather/Cape, etc. Even the Iron Boots seems to have been forgotten, even though they appeared in Twilight Princess. A lot of the old, classic items from Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, and even from The Wind Waker are either being forgotten or replaced. The beloved Hookshot was replaced with the Clawshots, and the Grappling Hook seems to have been replaced by the Whip. Sadly, it really seems like some of the classic items we know and love are going to be gone forever.

So, appearing in every Console game since OoT, except for MM and SS (and FSA but it doesnt count) is forgotten? 3/5=forgotten...
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Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
I would love to see the magic meter return with items such as the Lens of Truth! I think the magic meter was one component in the Zelda series that made it truly unique. There are endless possibilities for new items, or even upgrading old ideas with the help of magic. I hope we do see this element return in Zelda Wii U.

The Jade Fist

Kung Fu Master
Jul 17, 2012
There are soooo many items I'd like to see back before the lens of truth. And "truth" be told, I HATED the lens of truth. Why waste my time looking for an item you need in ONE dungeon, or, if you played recently or have a guide, don't need at all? Seriously, I havent gone to the bottom of the well except on my 100% run, where it's helpful to get through the Treasure Chest Minigame.

So, appearing in every Console game since OoT, except for MM and SS (and FSA but it doesnt count) is forgotten? 3/5=forgotten...

And also even if i'm doing a minimal run, I always get the lens, cause 1, I count the bottom of the well as a dungeon, and 2, I don't think i could find my way thru the desert so good with out it, its not like there are land marks to help, as in Majora's Mask in great bay i can just speed through the murky waters because there are the signs there.

And granted the lens doesn't offer as much on a replay as it does the first time, that doesn't matter. At least in the games with the lens invisible enemies could be attacked if you knew where they were, unlike TP where invisible enemies couldn't even be hurt if you didn't use sense on them. It just added something to game experience as whole, it added a bit to the creepyness of the well/ shadow temple. It all in all added to the environment, even after you knew where things were and didn't need it.

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