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    WW-Wii U How to Actually Play This Game These Days

    Why did they take the gamecube disc reading ability away from the wii!? That's so stupid!
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    Easter Egg

    That looks nothing like Midna, nice find though.
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    Spirit Tracks Still Playing

    I haven't played it for a while. I'm stuck on the final boss. It is a fun game though.
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    Luigi's Mansion.....

    I love Luigi's Mansion. 30 char.
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    It is an OK game. Building creatures is very fun.
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    I got pikmin 1, and liked it better than pikmin 2!
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    I just got Pikmin 1 after playing Pikmin 2. I have 22 parts, and i'm stuck at the distant spring. Best Game Ever!
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    Definition of the RPG Genre?

    It is when you have more control over the plot.
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    What Games Do You Feel Are Underrated?

    Pikmin one and two. (30 characters)
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    Latest Video Game Purchase

    I got pikmin. I think first one is better then the 2nd.
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    General Modern Scope of Wii U Zelda

    A massive Hyrule field, with warp points like in TP.
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    General Modern Spirit Tracks: Is My Game Broken?

    Is one of the shoulder buttons stuck?
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    I have only played Pikmin 2, but I want to play Pikmin. Should I?
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    Games Other Than Zelda?

    I play many games, but pikmin is the best.
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    Could Ganondorf Control the Power of Majora's Mask?

    I think he could... But he would be warped by the power of the mask.
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    Which Link Do You Like Best?

    I like the Ocarina of Time Link.
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    The "Way" Between Hyrule and Termina

    I think the entire thing is a dream that Link had.
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    What Zelda Game Would You Like to See on the 3DS?

    I agree. Majora's mask would be perfect.
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    Which Temple?

    The shadow temple is more challenging than it is scary, but the earth temple is not scary at all.
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    What Will Become of Skyloft?

    I think Skyloft will disappear, much like Hyrule in Wind Waker.
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    Have We Seen Any Mini-maps?

    I sure hope they keep the minimap. It is very handy.
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    I want to see an explanation of why the OoT temples were made.
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    Goddess of Time

    Actually, it is called the triforce because it is made of triangles. In loz, there were only two pieces.
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    Ocarina of Time Bongo Bongo Oddity

    Maybe his hands are visible because he's playing the bongos.
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    Majora's Mask Majora`s Mask...seriously?

    I'm playing majora's mask now (snowhead temple) and It is not really that annoying when you get the song of soaring.
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    Ocarina of Time Okay Lets Settle This Once and for All.

    I walked. It adds to the effect.
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    Best Race?

    Oh yeah, I forgot about those guys.
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    Best Race?

    Don't forget to vote!(30 char.)
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    Best Race?

    I personally like the zora the best.
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    Ocarina of Time Item Equipping

    Thanks 425, that's my first compliment at ZD.
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    Ocarina of Time Most Annoying Boss Not Including Ganondorf

    Ganon took me about an hour to beat. Twinrova is really tricky though.
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    Hardest Boss in the Whole Series

    Ganon, from oot. Although I havent played all the Zelda games.
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    General Modern Spirit Tracks: Bosses

    I had trouble on this guy too. You just have to keep at it.
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    Why is That Woman Making Soup??

    I think she's just making soup. Skyloftians get hungry too you know.
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    Tingle in SS!

    Tingle cant be in ss. He was 35 in mm, and I doubt that tingle would appear in mm ww and ss
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    Why Wings?

    Ah, that makes a whole lot of sense.
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    Why Wings?

    Ah, it makes sense now. But where did the gorons go?
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    Why Wings?

    In ww zora evolve into rito, right? But wouldn't it be better to swim if the world is a giant ocean? Flying is cool, but swimming would be more useful
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    Deku Tree in Skyward Sword?

    I Hope the deku tree shows up. He was one of the coolest charachters.
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    Ocarina of Time Item Equipping

    Hey, I was wondering what items you guys like to have on your c buttons. I like the bow on the left button, the longshot on the bottom button, and the ocarina on the right button.
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    Majora's Mask Should I Get Majoras Mask?

    Thanks! I need to finish tp and ww first though.
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    Majora's Mask Should I Get Majoras Mask?

    I just beat oot, and I am wondering should I get mm for the virtual console?
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    Ocarina of Time How Hard is Ganon + Gannondorf?

    Thanks! I can' wait to beat it! Best game ever! Just beat ocarina of time! Thanks for the help!
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    Ocarina of Time Fire Temple Easy Or Hard?

    Pretty easy. Just keep at it.Make sure not to get sidetracked.
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    Ocarina of Time Favorite Temple in OOT

    Water Temple is the best dungeon ever. I did not find it that hard.
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    Ocarina of Time Killing Beast Ganon: Blood or No Blood.

    I agree. It seems unnecessary to take out the blood. Not that I like blood or anything.
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    Ocarina of Time Mido

    Mido is a jerk. I always try to hit hi. With my bow.
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    Ocarina of Time Whats Your Favorite Ocarina Warp Song?

    Prelude of Light, because it is easy to remember.
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    Ocarina of Time OoT

    It is supposed to be stuck that way. I just beat oot this afternoon.
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    Your Favorite Zelda Game

    I'm in the process of playingWwOotStTpOverall I like oot. Sorry, my message got mixed up.
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