I like a unique game that stands out from the others so I would not like to see too many aspects reused over and over again. With that in mind there are a few things that I do not mind at all seeing again in future sequels.
First is landscapes, almost every game takes place in Hyrule so it makes sense for the areas to be relatively the same from one game to the next. There should be a Lost Woods (or at least some forest region of importance) A desert and Death Mountain. The actual designs of these areas can change, as places to change over time, people erect new buildings, or leave old ones, land erodes, or other natural phenomena occurs. Essentially like the transition from OoT to TP, the kingdom was still there but a lot of time has passed and the land is different now. Obviously Death Mountain will still be there, but the Gorond might have constructed a few more mines or an eruption may have collapsed a few old ones. I want to wonder around in Hyrule again and look over the newer changed versions of places I have been to in the past, I want to see Hyrule Field again and view what might be there this time around.
Second would be enemies. Just as certain enemies from other series have become synonymous with their franchise, such as hardhats with Megaman, shyguys with Yoshi, or the Tonberrys and Moogles of Final Fantasy. There are certain enemies I would like to see in each Zelda game like moblins or octorocks. Hyrule has it's own wildlife that could become common sights like the dodongos of Death Mountain or the Skull Kids of the Lost Woods. Again, almost every game takes place in Hyrule it makes sense to see similar enemies from previous games roaming around the familiar areas. I would love to see some of the older enemies return as well. Lynels, Aquamentus, or keatons would be great to see again.