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  1. jejaynes15

    Four Swords Four Swords DSiWare/3DS EShop Release Date

    September 28th? I need to finish Links Adventures asap.. so I have time to play this.
  2. jejaynes15

    Sidequests in Skyward Sword

    EPIC is right!! I love that idea!! (you should write for Nintendo. Im not being sarcastic either)
  3. jejaynes15

    SS on Wii HD?

    A part of me wants Nintendo to port it over for the next console.. but then another part of me doesn't want to wait along time for Skyward Sword.
  4. jejaynes15

    SS on Wii HD?

    Yes the Wii has been special.. AND you can play all those Gamecube Classics on it. :) I have lived through the lives of many consoles. Ever since N64, but the Wii is the first one I have ever really paid attention too..
  5. jejaynes15

    SS on Wii HD?

    I am starting to lean towards these comments now.. I do hope SS is Wii's last great adventure like Aero_Dynamic said... Im kinda sad that the Wii is slowly dying out though..
  6. jejaynes15

    SS on Wii HD?

    So alot of rumors are floating around the W.W.W. saying that Nintendo is going to announce a new home console. They are calling it "Wii HD" or "Wii 2." Rumors say that it will have a 2012 release date. Many big names in this industry are taking to twitter providing little pieces of info on the...
  7. jejaynes15

    Controls for Skyward Sword

    A to jump, B to run... ;) I really liked the way Twilight Princess' controls were laid out.. maybe Nintendo will model or have modeled the controls after TP.
  8. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time Italian Ocarina Of Time

    Like others have said, you won't be able to play the Italian version on your USA 3DS... ): but hey! At least you have something to really look forward to after your trip! :)
  9. jejaynes15

    Expansive Overworld Or Denser Overworld?

    Great topic!! I would much prefer a larger overworld. Don't get me wrong, OoT's simple overworld was very easy to manage around but like the original post said, TP's overworld is breathtaking. Since this is a new Zelda for Wii, Nintendo will prob. suprise us with something we have never seen...
  10. jejaynes15

    A New Race In SS

    What about a redead (spell check..) race? haha just a option
  11. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time Your Favorite Song?

    My alltime favorite song from Ocarina of Time is Lon Lon Ranch (Epona's Song) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1-ea_RsPe8 The other songs are amazing aswell.. but this one is my favorite. :) Whats yours?
  12. jejaynes15

    Ganon? Ganondorf?

    Hey! thankyou a ton! it kinda makes sense now. :)
  13. jejaynes15

    Ganon? Ganondorf?

    Im kinda confused. What ever happened to the original Ganon the pig like beast from LoZ? Is Ganondorf the same person? :huh:
  14. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time What is the Reason for Collecting Skulltulas?

    hmmm thanks guys! Im getting OOT 3D.. I can't wait. :)
  15. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time What is the Reason for Collecting Skulltulas?

    Why do you need to collect those golden Skulltulas? Is it something for getting 100 percent??
  16. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time NEW Ocarina of Time 3D Screenshots!!

    I agree with most if not all of your comments!! :) The game is shaping up to look amazing! Im sure Nintendo will touch up a few things.. (the fence and the "blocky" hands) Im happy Nintendo is taking their time with this one. Hurry up June!! :D
  17. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time NEW Ocarina of Time 3D Screenshots!!

    Here is the official logo and here is a comparrison of the shop from the N64 to the 3DS. I found this comparison at the Nintendo 3ds Forums. The detail from 64 to 3DS is obviously amazing! I cannot wait until June! :) N64: 3DS:
  18. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time NEW Ocarina of Time 3D Screenshots!!

    Here is a resolution close to the 3ds screen size: I think all of them look pretty amazing!! What do you all think?!
  19. jejaynes15

    If You Could Erase Your Memory of a Zelda Game and Replay It What One Would It Be?

    Im going to have to say the original Legend of Zelda. I played it on my NES. My favorite part was walking into the room where Gannon was. :)
  20. jejaynes15

    Twilight Princess Last Fused Shadow Help!!

    :) thanks anyways! I found out how to do it now.... :)
  21. jejaynes15

    Twilight Princess Last Fused Shadow Help!!

    So I am wolf Link right now.. I am working on my last fushed shadow. I have all tears filled except for 2. Well when I try to reach the road, it is blocked by a boulder.. I cannot use bombs.. what do I do!? Please somebody help ASAP I am playing right now.. thank you
  22. jejaynes15

    Twilight Princess Goron Mines Help

    ooh! I feel so dumb now! :bleh: Thank you soo much! I am going to try this right now!! :) Okay Mission Accomplished!! haha. Thanks again!!!
  23. jejaynes15

    Twilight Princess Goron Mines Help

    So I am in the Goron Mines and I am on the second floor. I am in a room where you needed to cut the rope at the top of the bridge to lower it.. (did that) now when I cross the bridge there is a door with a lock on it.. How do I find the key for the lock? Im thinking it has something to do with...
  24. jejaynes15

    Zelda Art Link and Saria Moment

    Good job!! This sounds very nice. You should write for Nintendo! ;)
  25. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time What OoT 3DS Needs

    I really want some upgraded music.. not like an orcastra but some upgraded midi songs. (orcastrated music would be much appriciated though. :) )
  26. jejaynes15

    E3 2011?

    Just throwing this out there.. If they do plan on releasing SS with the "wii 2" I hope they at least include it on the Wii 1.. Kinda like how TP went. GCN and Wii. :)
  27. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time No OoT 3DS Until "after E3"

    I can't wait to get more info on OoT 3d and Mario Kart 3d at E3!!!! :D
  28. jejaynes15

    E3 2011?

    yeah Im pretty sure that is the case.. I just have a feeling the with the 3ds coming out in March.. they will hold SS till the Christmas season..
  29. jejaynes15

    E3 2011?

    Ah! That wouldnt be good.. it least we would have OoT 3DS to hold us over.. unless that is delayed! D: lets just hope for the best :)
  30. jejaynes15

    E3 2011?

    I think they might release it around Christmas..? That or early January.. Im pretty sure if it was released in January fans would be a little annoyed at the wait. SS would be a great Christmas gift tho! :) I know where your going with.. haha. Lets hope thats not the case!! Nintendo is going...
  31. jejaynes15

    E3 2011?

    I think they might release it around Christmas..? That or early January.. Im pretty sure if it was released in January fans would be a little annoyed at the wait. SS would be a great Christmas gift tho! :)
  32. jejaynes15

    E3 2011?

    Yeah.. good points. I really don't think they will release it before E3.. But who knows??! Nintendo is full of suprises. I just don't want them to rush the game. I want it now.. But I want it good. Know what Im saying??
  33. jejaynes15

    E3 2011?

    So.. I dont know if this is an obvious question, but do you think Nintendo will expand on release date info for SS this years E3?? I think they will. I hope they have another demonstration on how they have progressed on develoupment.. Well if they perform a demo lets just hope it goes well o.o
  34. jejaynes15

    Zelda Art Epic Zelda Montage!

    i cant watch it.. WMG has blocked it for copyright.. D:
  35. jejaynes15

    Bosses Gigantic or Man-sized??

    I like the bosses to be HUGE.. but they could throw in some mini-bosses link sized. for a change of pace and challenge..
  36. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time Will It Still Be the Oot We Know and Love?

    well it will be a little different.. ..(3d, updated graphics) but as others have said Nintendo is doing this for sales. So I hope they dont differ from the original. I remember how disapointed at Super Mario 64 DS I was.. with all the new added stars and content..
  37. jejaynes15

    Ocarina of Time Do You Think You Will Be Able to Complete OoT 3DS Quickly?

    Well I am currently playing it on VC.. so I think I could finish it in 2 weeks or 3 tops.
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