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  • Users: Mido
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  1. Mido

    Academia, as it would happen. :D I've been teaching high school writing during the year with a...

    Academia, as it would happen. :D I've been teaching high school writing during the year with a splash of other odd jobs thrown in during the summer, this one perhaps being more eventful than the last summer.
  2. Mido

    Hello, hello! Things have been going all right lately, if not a bit uneventful, especially in...

    Hello, hello! Things have been going all right lately, if not a bit uneventful, especially in the last couple of weeks. I hope things have been solid for you as well!
  3. Mido

    Excellent news! Are you looking to go into university work? For a second, I almost deleted your...

    Excellent news! Are you looking to go into university work? For a second, I almost deleted your comment because I forgot how layouts work around here. :sweat:
  4. Mido

    Yo! I suppose it seemed like a good time to do a quick check-in on things. I hope things have...

    Yo! I suppose it seemed like a good time to do a quick check-in on things. I hope things have been well on your end, too!
  5. Mido

    Thank you, ALIT! :pikalove:

    Thank you, ALIT! :pikalove:
  6. Mido

    Thank you, Meesh! :^^:

    Thank you, Meesh! :^^:
  7. Mido

    Many thanks, Killjoy! :cool:

    Many thanks, Killjoy! :cool:
  8. Mido

    Thank you, Echolight! :)

    Thank you, Echolight! :)
  9. Mido

    Thanks, Dio! :party:

    Thanks, Dio! :party:
  10. Mido

    Thank you, friend! :goron:

    Thank you, friend! :goron:
  11. Mido

    Many thanks, VikzeLink! :sword:

    Many thanks, VikzeLink! :sword:
  12. Mido

    Thanks, Jimmu! I hope things have been well on your end, too!

    Thanks, Jimmu! I hope things have been well on your end, too!
  13. Mido

    That sounds great! I hope it's a good time!

    That sounds great! I hope it's a good time!
  14. Mido

    Last person to post wins

    That is one powerful fly. Also this is the last post, so I win.
  15. Mido

    Ah, I see. It sounds like things are looking up! I'm happy to hear that! ^^ I've been okay I...

    Ah, I see. It sounds like things are looking up! I'm happy to hear that! ^^ I've been okay I think. Mostly been adjusting to the new job, but also kind of feeling the occasional moment of "quarter life crisis" creeping in these days
  16. Mido

    Sometimes it's nice to stretch the old forum legs. Even changed the user title after 4 years or...

    Sometimes it's nice to stretch the old forum legs. Even changed the user title after 4 years or so! :cool: What's the buzz on your end?
  17. Mido

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  18. Mido

    Males Vs Females Game

  19. Mido

    Last person to post wins

    I'm partial to Mr Engarde's perfectly ordinary butler, myself.
  20. Mido

    Last person to post wins

    Are we talking about bees in here? I used to know a thing or two about bees. (:
  21. Mido

    Last person to post wins

    What a legend, that Luke Atmey!
  22. Mido

    Last person to post wins

    Throwing shade might be dangerous, though. Without the shade one throws, said person can get sunburnt, and that's a-no good. (:
  23. Mido

    Last person to post wins

    Good afternoon, all. I'm just going to take the last post and be on my way merry.
  24. Mido

    Last person to post wins

    Only Edgey-Poo has the means to find out such information.
  25. Mido

    Last person to post wins

    Good afternoon, everybody.
  26. Mido

    Type the username above with your eyes closed!!!

  27. Mido

    Males Vs Females Game

  28. Mido

    Type the username above with your eyes closed!!!

  29. Mido

    The Best Non-Voiced Character Moments in Zelda

    The subject of voice acting in the Legend of Zelda series sometimes has been a hot topic for a series not known for it. The hype was reasonably high, as it seemed the series was ready to play with the big boys (or at least the big boys of conventional voiceover). Upon the release of BOTW...
  30. Mido

    Hope things have been well for you, too! :cool:

    Hope things have been well for you, too! :cool:
  31. Mido

    Thank you, Mr. Falch!

    Thank you, Mr. Falch!
  32. Mido

    I appreciate it, Chevy (as logging in today has destroyed the symmetry)!

    I appreciate it, Chevy (as logging in today has destroyed the symmetry)!
  33. Mido

    What's The First Anime You Ever Watched?

    As far as the first anime I saw, Pokemon takes the cake with Yu Gi Oh! and Digimon closely following. I also vaguely recall getting into Shaman King before Naruto arrived as the first true gateway anime for me back in 2005. It does have a song that can do battle with even the most iconic anime...
  34. Mido

    What are 5 must play NON-Nintendo games?

    Now the jury's still out for me on RDR II, so I cannot wholly comment on that, but I surely second RDR as one of the all-time greats (now will say that my first impressions of RDR II are strong enough, but there is a part of me that finds the abundance of game mechanics almost "too immersive,"...
  35. Mido

    Game Thread Bok's Fantasy Book Mafia

    Yeah, I'm admittedly feeling a tad demotivated overall, but there are a few things I've been thinking about. In hindsight, while I still feel pretty good about Minish's approach not being too rigid on the front of her reads (a la Chevy), it does seem interesting that the push was primarily...
  36. Mido

    Game Thread Bok's Fantasy Book Mafia

    Good afternoon. I see what you mean, as I suppose it's not truly AI when it comes to blame shifting in that of itself. Still, I appreciated the turnabout of opinion on the Minish end.
  37. Mido

    Game Thread Bok's Fantasy Book Mafia

    That's a good question, because the first thing that would come to mind would be a distancing attempt assuming Chevy is also scum, but it would seem unnecessary to do something like that, so I ultimately find it more unlikely. Ultimately, I suppose Mikey's alignment is not as relevant as I...
  38. Mido

    Game Thread Bok's Fantasy Book Mafia

    Honestly, I'm not too sure about the oddness of Chevy's justification when approaching Johnny anymore. I gave him the benefit of the doubt there, and I think I'm going to sit on this porch for the time being if only because his pursuit of Mikey has been more brazen. I don't see scum making such...
  39. Mido

    Game Thread Bok's Fantasy Book Mafia

    We can have all the debate about the nature of time zones, but there are some traditions that transcend the zones confined in the walls of time. Exhibit G: Vote: Pen Waves at @Pen On another topic, it's interesting to note Chevy's transparency here on plan of action. I don't really have a...
  40. Mido

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  41. Mido

    Sign Ups Boks Fantasy Book Mafia

  42. Mido

    Oh no! :o Perhaps I've had that Spongebob worm picture on discord for too long! In any case, I...

    Oh no! :o Perhaps I've had that Spongebob worm picture on discord for too long! In any case, I hope it's been a good one. :cool:
  43. Mido

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  44. Mido

    Sign Ups Boks Fantasy Book Mafia

    Afternoon, everybody. If I were to throw in a favorite fantasy character when it comes to books, I might have to go with Percy Jackson, especially in the Heroes of Olympus storyline.
  45. Mido

    Ooh, that sounds pretty neat! I did not know it had an online feature! I forgot exactly, but are...

    Ooh, that sounds pretty neat! I did not know it had an online feature! I forgot exactly, but are you going for your Doctorate's? It's mostly just been Breath of the Wild for me with RDR2 the last game to finish. I'm working on the champions' ballad before going after Ganon at the moment.
  46. Mido

    When the Casting just "Isn't Right"

    Acting is one of those nuanced professions where performances resonate differently among audience members. Even the most skilled actors run into roadblocks on how to approach certain roles, especially ones with some level of history attached to them. An actor or actress can clearly put on a good...
  47. Mido

    Hey, ALIT! I'm doing okay lately. Just enjoying my breakfast and am nearly done with my game...

    Hey, ALIT! I'm doing okay lately. Just enjoying my breakfast and am nearly done with my game backlog. :sweat: How are things with you?
  48. Mido

    Super Bowl LV Discussion

    If I'm being honest, I did not expect Tampa Bay to make it to the Super Bowl, having had them pegged for wild card at most. It's been interesting in that regard, this season. I might poke into the game on and off tonight, with my allegiance going with the team some might call "Tompa Bay."...
  49. Mido


  50. Mido

    Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

    Yeah, I'm not proud of my performance either looking back. I wish I did more big-picture thinking about the game at EOD. :sweat: In any case, it was a fun one. Good game, folks!
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