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Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

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Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I was pretty disappointed with my performance this time around, but there's always next game. Congrats to the scum team and thanks to ALIT for hosting.

Yeah, I'm not proud of my performance either looking back. I wish I did more big-picture thinking about the game at EOD. :sweat: In any case, it was a fun one. Good game, folks!

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Yeah, I'm not proud of my performance either looking back. I wish I did more big-picture thinking about the game at EOD. :sweat: In any case, it was a fun one. Good game, folks!
To be fair I kept trying to interact with you and say the right things so I could ease your doubts on me, haha. Like I didn't want you looking big picture I was getting you to think on certain individual things only. You did good to get town read.
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