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  • Users: Azure Sage
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Azure Sage

    Hopes for Echoes of Wisdom?

    It's release month now, and there's already a lot of information available on the game, but still plenty we don't know yet. What are you hoping to see? We know there's amiibo functionality and we know there's outfits so I'd love to see a TotK Zelda outfit. Both of her outfits, actually. Can't...
  2. Azure Sage

    Tour of Hyrule Trailer!

    Brand new trailer today!
  3. Azure Sage

    Your Favorite Form of the Humble Potato

    What's your favorite way to enjoy potatoes? There's a lot you can do with 'em, but my personal favorite is mashed potatoes with some butter, salt, and pepper. Nothing else compares. What about you folks?
  4. Azure Sage

    Can story be a hindrance to a game?

    I'm not talking in terms of quality here, I'm talking about the presence of one to begin with, regardless if it's good or bad. For example, if I want to play an action game and get immersed, but I keep getting pulled along a path I don't want to go, the story is hindering my ability to enjoy...
  5. Azure Sage

    Tears of the Kingdom GDC 2024: Tunes of the Kingdom

    I can't recall ever seeing anyone talk about this on here, but this was extremely fascinating to me. The amount of work put into the physics in this game is amazing and impressive. Having to apply physics to every single individual object in the game world, AND having to create a physics system...
  6. Azure Sage

    What's Your Tannin Sensitivity?

    For those who might not know what tannin is: https://www.wineenthusiast.com/culture/wine/tannins-wine-guide/ I was just feeling curious about this. Are you sensitive to tannins or do you like foods with them? I think I'm fairly sensitive to them myself... I don't like dark chocolate, I don't...
  7. Azure Sage

    Best Girl Scout Cookies?

    For those American users among us, it's Girl Scout season! Which cookies are the best and why is it Samoas?
  8. Azure Sage

    Your Top 3 Dream Careers

    Let's say that money, skill and training, and location was no concern. What are the top three jobs you'd love to do? I'm already doing my number one; special education teacher. And I'm happy and grateful for that. But my number two would be to work at an aquarium. Whether it's as a guide inside...
  9. Azure Sage

    What Are You Looking Forward To?

    There's a thread like this for games/media, but I thought we should have a general one for things we're just excited about that are coming up in our lives. I'll start. I'm very excited to put together a costume for renfaire and attend one for the first time this year. I've already wishlisted...
  10. Azure Sage

    Christmas 2023 Avatar & Signature Competition - Voting Round

    Hey, there, everyone! It's time to begin to voting process! Please take a look at the original thread linked below, and then come back here and reply to this thread with the username of the person you're voting for in bold. Please only make one post in this thread to make it easier to count...
  11. Azure Sage

    Switch Year In Review 2023

    https://year-in-review.nintendo.com/en-us/ Share your stats! Mine were very unsurprising. Top 3 games were Tears of the Kingdom at 389 hours, Monster Hunter Rise/Sunbreak at 219 hours, and Persona 5 Royal at 137 hours. I kind of expected Age of Calamity to be my number 3 (but it was my...
  12. Azure Sage

    Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Wilds (2025)

    The 6th gen of MonHun has been revealed. I'm equally intrigued and concerned. No Switch release pisses me off. This thing better run well on my steam deck or I'll riot. The seeming over-reliance on the new mount also bothers me. I don't mind the existence of mounts, I just don't want everything...
  13. Azure Sage

    Christmas 2023 Avatar & Signature Competition - Entry Round

    ...new to fit the theme, so long as it conforms to the guidelines listed, and then post it in this thread to submit it. You cannot use fanart** that doesn't belong to you. Anyone found to be in violation will be barred from the competition. Please also follow the ZD Rules while participating. If...
  14. Azure Sage

    Have You Ever Participated in a Beta?

    Could be open or closed. I was wondering since I was playing the second open beta of GBFVSR. I also remember doing the network tests for ARMS and Dark Souls on the Switch. I've never been involved in a closed beta before. How about you guys? Ever done one?
  15. Azure Sage

    Halloween 2023 Pumpkin Carving Competition - Voting Round

    Hey, there, folks! October sadly ended mere minutes ago, but since I'm still awake, we might as well kick off the remaining part of the celebrations! I am a loyal subject of Jack's, after all. It's time to get the voting round underway! Take a look at the original thread here and share who you...
  16. Azure Sage

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    This is a few days old now but I haven't really seen anyone here talk about it. The first game is 10 years old so this sequel was a long time coming. They ported the first game to the switch, which was how I was introduced. It was a lot of fun to play, though I thought some of the story and lore...
  17. Azure Sage

    Tears of the Kingdom Aonuma Confirms: No TotK DLC

    https://gamingintel.com/zelda-totk-will-get-no-dlc-expansions-producer-confirms/ Kind of not surprised, but also kind of disappointed. TotK already has more content than BotW and it spent such a long time in the oven that it makes sense. Still, I would have liked a Master Mode so I can actually...
  18. Azure Sage

    The Concerto of Spirits

    ...of fun to write. Without further ado, let's begin! I'll be uploading this concurrently both here and on my AO3, linked in my signature. Enjoy! * * * At one time, there were heroes in Hyleigh. When the Realms were threatened, the Hero of Spirits rose to the challenge and saved the land...
  19. Azure Sage

    Do You Like Fighting Games?

    I'm really not a fan of them. I used to play a bunch of Naruto and DBZ fighting games when I was a kid, but nowadays my only interest in them lies in Smash, and even then it's more of a party game than a fighting game to me. It's not fun without the chaos of explosive items and 4-8 fighters and...
  20. Azure Sage

    Tears of the Kingdom Rank the [REDACTED] (Story Spoilers)

    Hopefully you didn't click the thread if you haven't played the story stuff yet... This thread is for ranking the Sage Avatars and their abilities. Don't think I saw one for them yet. 1. Mineru's Construct - absolutely no way I can't choose this as my favorite. Your own personal mech that gives...
  21. Azure Sage

    Monster Hunter Sunbreak Bonus Title Update

    Last digital event is coming up soon, June 7. We don't know a whole lot about what this final update will have. We did see a couple QoL teases on social media but that's it. The last monster is almost certainly going to be a Malzeno variant. I just hope it'll be as challenging as Amatsu or...
  22. Azure Sage

    Got Any Plans For Starting Out In TotK?

    Part of the fun of BotW was letting your feet carry you to wherever looked interesting, and I'm sure TotK will end up the same way, but at least some of us must have some idea of where they wanna go first, right? Especially since this is a familiar world with new twists, there's a lot I wanna...
  23. Azure Sage

    Predictions for Game Structure

    So now that we have our last trailer pre-launch, we've seen a bunch of stuff. I wanna make some predictions here about the structure I think the game will be following. Keep in mind this is only based on the trailers and no artbook leaks, which I have not seen. So, first thing's first. Zelda's...
  24. Azure Sage

    Monster Hunter Sunbreak Title Update 5

    And so we have a digital event on the way at last. I can't say I'm very happy about the timing. It's awfully late in the month. The update itself is either coming the day of the event or the following Wednesday. Either way it's dangerously close to Tears of the Kingdom for me. I will never...
  25. Azure Sage

    Typical Easter Dinner Traditions

    So, today's Easter! If you celebrate it, how do you celebrate it? I'm wondering this because my family's tradition for it isn't really the norm, I don't think. We always have raviolis for Easter. That's our Easter food. I associate Easter with raviolis and I can't imagine eating anything else...
  26. Azure Sage

    Star Wars: Ahsoka Series

    We got a teaser trailer for it today. I'm cautiously optimistic. Having watched Rebels, I get the gist of what's going on, but there are a lot of characters I don't recognize, and I'm pretty curious to see more stuff about what happened in the aftermath of the Empire's fall. I really want this...
  27. Azure Sage

    Do Certain Sounds Help You Sleep?

    Some people can just fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow (unrealistic) but many others need some sort of aid, and music or ambient sounds/asmr are a pretty common one. Do you guys have a sound you like to hear as you're falling asleep? As for myself, I really like the sound of...
  28. Azure Sage

    Do You Play Cards?

    Just curious about how many of us know how to/enjoy playing card games. I ask because my students are bonafide card sharks and love to play uno, old maid, go fish, and even now blackjack (which we call twenty-one in the classroom to kind of divorce it from being a casino game). When the kids get...
  29. Azure Sage

    TotK Second Trailer

    Absolutely mindblowing. Thoughts?
  30. Azure Sage

    Monster Hunter Sunbreak Title Update 4

    We got an announcement for the next digital event, on Feb 1st. It's gonna be hosted by another in-game character with his actual voice actor, so that's cool. I like this trend. We still know very little about what this will bring. MonHun official social media has announced that they're adding...
  31. Azure Sage

    Do You Like Your Job?

    This one's more for the older folks among us. Do you enjoy doing what you do? I chose my job because I love the work, but I know that not everyone gets the opportunity to do that. So how do you feel about yours? I work as a special education para, and I love the work very much. I can picture...
  32. Azure Sage

    Christmas 2022 Avatar & Signature Competition - Voting Round

    Hey, folks! The holidays are coming closer and closer to the climax, so it's time we kick off the voting round for this competition! Please look through the entry round thread linked here, and then once you've decided who you'd like to vote for, please come back here and post their name in bold...
  33. Azure Sage

    Spirits, Winds, and Time

    ...check out my other two stories conveniently linked in my signature too maybe probably not ok yeah here we go. Spirits, Winds, and Time begins now! * * * The world has passed through many eras, each with their own stories and legends lighting the way. Every once in a while, however, these...
  34. Azure Sage

    Ys X: Nordics Reveal + Felghana Remaster

    This thread's for the 2 other Ys folks on this website. :right: We got our Ys X namedrop at last! We also got some screenshots and a look at how the gameplay will feel like. We also learned that Felghana will be coming to the Switch titled as "Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana" which tells me...
  35. Azure Sage

    Christmas 2022 Avatar & Signature Competition

    ...new to fit the theme, so long as it conforms to the guidelines listed, and then post it in this thread to submit it. You cannot use fanart** that doesn't belong to you. Anyone found to be in violation will be barred from the competition. Please also follow the ZD Rules while participating. If...
  36. Azure Sage

    Monster Hunter Sunbreak Title Update 3

    https://twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/1590633146818523136?t=bYW4oENN4N0KYk-tQWHY0w&s=19 Digital event announced for Nov 16. They've been pretty quiet about this update, as of yet they've only revealed a small handful of the qol updates it'll come with and nothing else. We still don't even...
  37. Azure Sage

    Halloween 2022 Pumpkin Carving Competition - Voting Round

    Hey, there, folks! Since it's no longer October, Jack had to go home and sleep for the next roughly 333 days until next October. But as his loyal subject, I will finish his work! It's time to get the voting round underway! Take a look at the original thread here and share who you are voting for...
  38. Azure Sage

    Design A Crossover Game With Your Faves

    This is another one of those things were it's buzzing around in my head and won't stop until I put it out somewhere and thus decide to turn it into a thread. Design a game with like, 5 or 10 of your favorite characters across all of gaming! What kind of game would it be? Which characters would...
  39. Azure Sage

    Fire Emblem Three Hopes Playable Character Tier List

    This kind of thread was inevitable for me at some point. Now that I've beaten all three routes and have unlocked everyone, I felt it was time for me to share it. Here goes.
  40. Azure Sage

    Your Current Food Craving

    I'm sure most of us know what it feels like to be ravenously hungry for one specific thing. Anyone feeling that at the moment? Right now, I'm really craving a good meat sandwich from this great Jewish deli that opened near me recently. I think I'll satisfy this craving after work sometime this...
  41. Azure Sage

    Monster Hunter Sunbreak Title Update 2

    We got our first trailer for the next title update. As was heavily predicted, one of the headlining monsters for it is an Espinas subspecies. This one appears to be entirely new. We also have a better look at the other silhouette now. Still looks like a Mizutsune to me. I like the popular...
  42. Azure Sage

    Fire Emblem Three Hopes DLC?

    For AoC, it took about three months after release for us to get a DLC reveal. If Three Hopes is following a similar pattern, we could see a DLC announcement by the end of September. But what do you think that could look like? Honestly we already have a lot of things I would've expected to be...
  43. Azure Sage

    Monster Hunter Sunbreak Title Update 1

    We have a teaser for a new digital event covering the first title update. Interesting that they're using a whole event for one update. I hope that means it'll be meaty. We have two confirmed monsters on the way with a couple others speculated, and the devs have already confirmed new afflicted...
  44. Azure Sage

    Planned Game Purchases

    Is there a specific game you want that you haven't gotten yet, for whatever reason? Or is there something coming out that you want and will eventually make the dive to get it, right away or otherwise? Currently, I'm planning to preorder Persona 5 Royal, Nier:Automata, and Bayonetta 3 all for...
  45. Azure Sage

    Fire Emblem Three Hopes: Demo Impressions

    Now that the game just got a demo, are you gonna try it? If you have, what did you think of it? Share your thoughts!
  46. Azure Sage

    How Often Do You Cut Your Hair?

    I was a little curious since I have to look for a new haircut place now that my old hair stylist retired. How often do you guys get a haircut? I usually wait like 3-4 months between cuts, typically. I usually cut it a little bit shorter than I like it so it has time to grow into the sweet spot...
  47. Azure Sage

    Your Current Binge

    Lately I've been binge-watching a bunch of Star Wars side series back to back. I've gone from the Clone Wars to the Bad Batch to Rebels to the Mandalorian and now I'm going to the Book of Boba Fett, and I'll be watching Visions after that. How about you guys? Anything you're currently binging?
  48. Azure Sage

    Daylight Savings Time To Be Permanently Ended

    https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-bill-that-would-make-daylight-savings-time-permanent-2023-2022-03-15/ It hasn't been passed yet, but if it does, will you be happy about it? Personally, I think this is long overdue. However. However. I am absolutely livid that they chose the...
  49. Azure Sage

    Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

    Starting this thread off with the digital event. It was a nice first look at the setting and a couple monsters. I love the new map to death, it looks fantastic. Excited for new silkbinds and weapon abilities too, and the new monsters look really neat. I'm sure there's still plenty of surprises...
  50. Azure Sage

    Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

    Today's Pokemon Presents gave us a reveal trailer of gen 9 Pokemon games, Scarlet and Violet. What are your thoughts? Personally I think its way too soon. The footage in this trailer is incredibly rough. Legends Arceus looks a lot better than this does. Hoping that will change in time, but...
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