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Tears of the Kingdom Aonuma Confirms: No TotK DLC

Azure Sage

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Kind of not surprised, but also kind of disappointed. TotK already has more content than BotW and it spent such a long time in the oven that it makes sense. Still, I would have liked a Master Mode so I can actually replay the game without deleting my complete save... (no, other switch profiles do not count, I want all my playtime recorded on a single profile.) Other things like Master Sword upgrades, more map stamps, including Kass who is still missing for some reason, etc... I can think of a few things they could have done. But alas.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Was really hoping we'd get some sort of DLC to explain Kass' disappearance through Penn. Some more Zonai devices would have been cool too as well as more to do in the depths. Part of me doesn't mind if they were to reuse this world one more time just so we can get a new Zelda game sooner, rather than later, on next gen. Maybe this time it won't take as long as it did for Tears of the Kingdom, but I think there's still a lot they can do with this world to justify a third game.

Would love to see a proper dark world version of Hyrule and underwater mechanics that can further expand the world the way caves did. Being on next gen hardware, they can have a ton more NPCs and a much more flourishing Hyrule than before. There's also just so much they can do to streamline the gameplay experience and add a bit more structure to the story and progression of the game.
Feb 25, 2021
I honestly do think moving onto the next game in the series is a good move - I loved BotW and TotK, but I feel like the Era has lasted long enough now.

Of course, it would’ve been nice to get to learn more about… well, uh, everything that wasn’t explained in TotK. So much for seeing Kass too.
Jul 28, 2023
I guess that's fair.

But honestly? I hope the next game is closer to the classic-style with this engine. Not everyone has 300+ hours to burn on a single game.
In the Famitsu interview the question presented was basically "will we see a continuation of this game like this game is a continuation of BotW?"

Aonuma says no, they've achieved what they wanted in this game, so at this time they have no plans for a continuation.

This isn't talking about potential DLC necessarily, since I don't think that's what the question was about anyway.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
In the Famitsu interview the question presented was basically "will we see a continuation of this game like this game is a continuation of BotW?"

Aonuma says no, they've achieved what they wanted in this game, so at this time they have no plans for a continuation.

This isn't talking about potential DLC necessarily, since I don't think that's what the question was about anyway.
one of his quotes the article mentioned was "There is no plans to release additional content at this time"
Apr 20, 2023
Was expecting it, though not sure what they could add.

But it sounds like the next zelda is being brainstormed.
Wonder what it will be like? What kind of setting?

In terms of remakes, there's the Oracle games, Minish Cap, and the first two.
But what new stuff could come?


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
It's a bit disappointing, but understandable; Tears of the Kingdom is an enormous game already. If it means getting a new entry sooner, I'm okay with it. They're still releasing the new Zelda and Ganondorf amiibo, and I'm sure they'd patch a gamebreaking bug if a new one is found, for example.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
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I'm not too dissapointed, there's nothing we gained from the dlc content of BotW that we need in TotK. Shame we aren't getting the mastercycle again though.

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