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  1. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    That isn't even scratching the surface of the wonderous things you can do with onions and garlic. For instance, onions and garlic can be added to a variety of dishes to enhance the flavor. Nature is beautiful.
  2. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    What they don't teach you at school is that you should always have a fresh onion on hand in your refrigerator. Just in case. And some garlic too.
  3. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Man. School year's almost over. My kiddos are going to high school next year. I've known some of them since they were in third grade. I feel emotional about it. :(
  4. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I find it funny that at the end of the work day today, myself and two of my coworkers each independently decided we needed some sushi after the week we've had.
  5. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I got to see the solar eclipse with my students today! We had 88% totality, which is a lot more than I expected. That was so cool! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go invade the Fire Nation.
  6. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Once again making bracioles for Easter. Keeping my aunts recipe and tradition alive even after she's gone. It's the first Easter without her, but a part of her is still here...
  7. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Anyone else thinking about how pistachio ice cream is an underrated gem of the ice cream world...
  8. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    When I was out getting lunch today, there was a dad and daughter selling girl scout cookies. I went up to buy a box, and while I did, the dad said he loved my boots. He said they reminded him of Link from Zelda. And of course, I had to show off my Zelda tattoos when he said that. He geeked out...
  9. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Today I finally sat down and finished peeling off all the pieces on the zonai arm cosplay glove. I thought maybe I could just reapply them in a way that fits my arm shape better, but the glove itself, even after i peeled off the stuff that was constricting it, still doesn't fit very well. It's...
  10. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    13 years since I joined ZD today. Woah...
  11. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Saw a road-salting truck in action for the first time today. Those buggers sound like the alien war machines from War of the Worlds, they're so loud.
  12. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Its the first Christmas without my grandmother so it's feeling a bit somber.
  13. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I wish it hadn't taken me this long to realize that I'm an adult with my own money and I can make the decisions to buy what makes me happy and no one gets to tell me I can't. I only really started actually actively acting on my desires this year. For example, buying the knee-high boots. They...
  14. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Even if they don't remember the toy when they get older, it's still good for their development to interact with and play with things. It's the same reason people bring babies on trips; they're not going to remember, but in the moment it's stimulating their development.
  15. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    My grandmother passed away this morning. Today happened to be her wedding anniversary. She'd lived at home with me and my family for four years now. It's gonna be very different without her...
  16. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    My grandmother had a severe stroke the other day and we just got confirmation that she's going into hospice care. She's not gonna be around for much longer...
  17. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    My grandmother took a spill down the stairs at 5 AM two weeks ago because her dementia makes it hard for her to recognize what time it is and thought it was morning. We just put in a new door to block the way downstairs at night so if she does get up that early again we can hear her messing with...
  18. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Already thinking about my plans for next Halloween. I think that I don't need to buy any more decorations. I'm pretty satisfied with what I have now, especially after going full tilt with a lot of new ones this year. Instead, I'm going to put my money toward new costume pieces. I like what I...
  19. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Turns out we didn't get to go today due to a very frustrating and avoidable snafu with the nurses. That sucks. We're trying to reschedule, but the kids were really upset about it. :(
  20. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm excited to go on a field trip with my students tomorrow. It should be a lot of fun. I didn't get to go on any of the trips last year because my one-on-one's behavior made it too unsafe for him to go. But this year, he's mellowing out more, relatively speaking. I think he can handle it this time.
  21. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Whenever people find out that I work with autistic kids, or special education in general, I often get a "wow, you must have the patience of a saint, I could never do that" or something close to it. And I know they mean well by it, but I do think it kind of betrays what they really think about...
  22. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Got my first "wide-eyed little kid stares at my tattoos" today. That was cute.
  23. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Can't believe October is already half over. I've been celebrating hard, though. I did my yearly watches of Over the Garden Wall and Scary Godmother, I did my decorating, and I went to the Bates Motel on Friday the 13th. I'm having so much fun. This month is pure serotonin. I'm going to an...
  24. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I just ate a peanut butter & jelly burger. I saw it on the menu and thought it was weird, so naturally I had to try it. And I was very pleasantly surprised. It was extremely good, so good I almost wanted to order another, lol. My taste buds were very confused, but happy.
  25. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    God, I am so excited for October. My celebrations begin next Saturday when I go looking for some more outdoor decorations, and of course on the 1st when I actually put them up. My yearly rewatches of Over the Garden Wall and Scary Godmother, 31 Nights of Halloween, I'm going to the Bates Motel...
  26. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I'm the type of person who would recieve that order and think it's weird but would not question it and do exactly that cuz that's how my brain works :crylaugh:
  27. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    It does my mental health so much good to see advertisements for 31 Nights of Halloween starting up. We're almost to the best month of the year... Almost there...
  28. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Actually I was reclining a bit. This calls for some science...
  29. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I just discovered that it is significantly harder for me to pour a handful of peanuts into my mouth from my left hand than it is from my right hand. That is so weird. Would my dominant hand being my right really make that much of a difference? Or is it just the orientation of my hands?
  30. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    The school year is about to begin... I had a nice enough break, I guess. I went swimming, got my second tattoo, went out to eat a lot, made a lot of progress in TotK and Sunbreak, and I started a new fic. Pretty productive for me.
  31. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Thinking about that authentic ramen I had the other day. I want more. I wanna try their donburi. Shrimp tempura donburi... Miso ramen... Unagi doburi... I gotta make a bunch of trips over there this summer break while I can. My new tattoo is gonna be healing for two weeks though so it makes me...
  32. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Tomorrow's my last day of summer work. To celebrate I'm going to a brand new ramen shop that just opened near me. I've never had authentic ramen before and I'm really looking forward to it.
  33. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    3 weeks to go until my second tattoo. I'm really looking forward to becoming symmetrical again. Having one only on one arm just doesn't feel complete. Gotta have something on the other arm in the exact same spot. I got the hylian royal family bird on my right arm so I'm getting the hylian shield...
  34. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Dreading the fireworks that will undoubtedly wake me up while I'm trying to sleep for work tomorrow night... Man I hate fireworks.
  35. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Second day in a row of Wild **** happening in my world. Apparently, not long after I'd left for work, a tree fell in our back yard. It came up just short of our house, but the branches fell close enough to shatter the glass on our back door and smush our bar table and grill. Amazingly, other...
  36. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Today was wild from start to finish. Woke up to discover our power was out so I couldn't do my hair this morning, which threw off my routine so bad I almost forgot my lunch and my water bottle, and I Did forget my playing cards that I let my students use. Then my kiddo came to a different...
  37. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    My aunt's funeral is this Thursday. Apparently, she'd requested that I do a reading for her. This gives me a feeling I can't really put to words.
  38. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    My aunt passed away from cancer this morning. She hung in there for a good few years, but these last few weeks we could tell was it. I'm glad I got to see her in march before she took her turn for the worse. I'm still processing the news, but man. It hurts.
  39. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Had to leave work early today due to some severe abdominal pain. Went to urgent care and they think I have diverticulitis. They prescribed me some antibiotics and hopefully that's all it's going to take. It's possible for this condition to cause a hole in your intestines and require surgery...
  40. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    ...getting some while we were in the store and she started yelling at me right there in the aisle saying she won't have her son looking like a f*g. And the several times I've worn them around her since she's never noticed they were there, like today. Kind of ironic for her. The takeaway here...
  41. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I woke up on Sunday feeling queasy and then ended up vomiting twice. Had to call out of work yesterday and today. I am finally no longer feeling like a zombie and I think I can go to work tomorrow finally.
  42. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Today's my 12th anniversary of being on ZD. Coolio.
  43. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Today's my last day off. It was a nice and productive break, but it didn't feel long enough. (when do they ever though.)
  44. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Recently my mom wanted to get rid of a reclining chair in our living room so she let me bring it up to my room. So now I have a super cozy chair to sit in while I game instead of laying on my bed. Probably much better for my back this way and also I heard its better for your sleep if your bed is...
  45. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I've got CPR training tomorrow. Another thing I've wanted to learn for forever. Looking forward to it.
  46. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Half the christmas presents I ordered for myself arrived today. Got a bit self-indulgent and bought a couple LEGO Star Wars sets. It's been so many years since I've had phsyical LEGOs. I think itll be fun.
  47. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    It's the same over here. It's awful. Unnatural. Unforgivable. :( I will have to becone a JRPG protagonist and defeat God Mother Nature.
  48. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    I had such a great October. I did so much to celebrate this year. Very satisfying. :)
  49. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    Gonna bake some apple pumpkin muffins for my kiddos at work on Monday. They were so excited when I told them about it. I got a long 4-day weekend to do it.
  50. Azure Sage

    Things That Are on Your Mind

    This morning I got certified in nonviolent crisis intervention. This training is something I've wanted to get for such a long time because of the population of students I work with, but subs aren't allowed to get it. Glad I finally can now that I've gone full-time.
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