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  1. ExLight

    Your Favorite Form of the Humble Potato

    nooo they're poisonous and they do not taste good :kawaii:
  2. ExLight

    Your Favorite Form of the Humble Potato

    tried hashbrowns the other day and they kinda sucked ngl
  3. ExLight

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    that's cool
  4. ExLight

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    that was so morbid lmfao and whose phone number is that lmfao can we call it
  5. ExLight

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    welp lmao
  6. ExLight

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    oh, yea I can definitely see that US citizens should definitely be getting more socioeconomical care but like every time a politician comes up with proposals to mitigate issues like this they're labeled as a communist lol There are definitely multiple issues to be sorted out, and it's the...
  7. ExLight

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    almost 4am here i'll hit the bed nite
  8. ExLight

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    oh lol
  9. ExLight

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    Was the project as literal as the name
  10. ExLight

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    I don't want them to live in subhuman conditions. I think they should be welcomed and given basic living conditions so they can be integrated in society so they can do their thing. OG's image criticizes that sort of policy ("given $10,000 and free housing"), by explicitly claiming we should deny...
  11. ExLight

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    oh wait do you mean me going over there thats a long ass trip im good
  12. ExLight

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    he can come i wont tell the cops
  13. ExLight

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    can you also solve world hunger while you're at it
  14. ExLight

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    I mean, yea. That's... That's kinda the whole idea as to why their crime rate is lower. They behave and avoid trouble because they don't want to be sent back.
  15. ExLight

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    That's... That's not the point. These policies only became endorsed by law because of conformism of the population. I'm asking you not about the obvious legal status of them. I'm asking why you see them as bad. Humanitarian, economical, political. Any real reason. I don't think the numbers are...
  16. ExLight

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    Ask for work, work at almost or at subhuman conditions to make a fraction of what a proper citizen makes, and use that to try bettering their family situation. Are... are you looking at the graphs. They're much less likely to commit crimes than legal immigrants or US-born Americans. Bringing...
  17. ExLight

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    I'm asking why you think illegal immigration is bad. Your arguments as to why it is damaging to your country. You're telling me you just accept that it is bad because the law says so. The apartheid was endorsed by law, so was slavery. You can be critical of something that law endorses if you...
  18. ExLight

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    If you had bothered clicking and skimming the sources I sent you'd've known that because they already mention that, lol.
  19. ExLight

    Last person to post wins

    Lower on them all:
  20. ExLight

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    Another funny argument I see is that these illegal immigrants steal Americans jobs. To disprove this one I'll use a slightly older document, from a study done by the US Government. In it they noticed the opposite: illegal immigrants often made the sectors they worked on boom, which led to more...
  21. ExLight

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    Ur pinging Bowsette but you can't even beat the hyper woke radical leftoid moderator Why do you think open borders are a bad thing? It's more advantageous economically ( (...) open borders would result in an increase of 67-147% in GWP) and contrary to what many people go around saying the...
  22. ExLight

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    @Link&Midna hey fellow woke lib do you think he'd implode if he ever interacted with bowsette
  23. ExLight

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    are the woke libs in the room with us right now
  24. ExLight

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    i like my current one but i'll keep in mind once i go crazy with power
  25. ExLight

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  26. ExLight

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    Ah, yes. Completely unrelated topics.
  27. ExLight

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    Nobody called you any of that. The person who posted the image was OG and the one that decided to double down on it just to try to get a reaction was Chevy. You're the one putting these labels on them and on yourself. I loud and clear said I would be willing to sit down and have a proper...
  28. ExLight

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    also Linda I need to ask you some stuff cuz something happened here at ZD while you were gone can you hop in discord rq
  29. ExLight

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    it's whatever
  30. ExLight

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    keep yapping
  31. ExLight

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    hi welcome back are you back for realsies now
  32. ExLight

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    You know pretty well you would coward up regardless of me being a mod, don't use that as an excuse, lol.
  33. ExLight

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    uh huh must be tough to be burdened with the ultimate wisdom
  34. ExLight

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    although I guess words like pessimist and feminist and guitarist count towards that
  35. ExLight

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    that's an awful big number aiming for 420 or something?
  36. ExLight

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    based "let me enjoy things" and it's the average xenophobia enjoyer :skitty:
  37. ExLight

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    Yea, having a huge mass is very important in sumo lol But a pure sumo fighter probably wouldn't do very well in UFC, their legs and heads are too vulnerable to strikes and they're too slow overall, so the other fighter can just chip and zone them out slowly. I think there's a fight between a...
  38. ExLight

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    toy stores
  39. ExLight

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    yea tripping, slapping and grabbing the other fighter's belt is allowed but like kicking as a strike itself isn't
  40. ExLight

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    no punching or kicking whoever leaves the circle or touches the ground with anything but their feet loses
  41. ExLight

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    Yea, that's what I thought.
  42. ExLight

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    We can have a nice, long, civilized conversation on the topic if you want.
  43. ExLight

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    Go ahead, we're listening.
  44. ExLight

    Rate Your Day

  45. ExLight

    Who here is actually excited for Grand Theft Auto VI?

    I'm curious on what they'll do to step up their franchise. It's honestly wild we haven't heard much from it ever since it got leaked.
  46. ExLight

    :oink: :oink: :oink: :oink: :oink: :oink:

    :oink: :oink: :oink: :oink: :oink: :oink:
  47. ExLight

    I noticed that in the Emote Thread you mentioned making :oink: It's a pretty good emote, lol...

    I noticed that in the Emote Thread you mentioned making :oink: It's a pretty good emote, lol. Do you have experience with pixel art?
  48. ExLight

    Emote Suggestion Thread

    testtesttesttesttesttest testtest:zelda:testtest testtesttesttesttesttest
  49. ExLight

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  50. ExLight

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