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  • Lolz :D.Well I use the latest version of Internet Explorer and there's no problem except one, if I go to a foreign website it cannot translate the words not like GC :clap::clap:. (sorry for bad english.I'm an asian after all:P:P)
    Why not use Google Chrome?It's free,fast and reliable.It won't fail you.XD.
    What I really like about bolero of fire was the camera angles.
    What happened to your computer? Just curious....:puppy:
    shark island is in wind waker in sector F3. You activate all these switches then fall down a hole. DO IT. Anyways, I found a way to get Link to bonk his head. Once you defeat puppet ganon, climb up the rope, and you should see all these chains going off the platform you're on. Do a jump attack while facing one to get up, then just keep walking until your head is hit. I found it by accident, but it's so fun! (not for link.) I might seem a bit frazzled. that is because Carlov won't accept my photo of the helmaroc king and that was my only chance!
    Hmm,as far as I remember,when you play Song of Storms inside the windmill,the song will make it spin faster and then the water on the well drains???
    I like playing and watching basketball, NBA 2K11, everything related to Zelda, reading, watching TV and movies, and hanging out. Haha, it's a lot of stuff.
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