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  • Nope. Couldn't do that to save my life. Haha. I found it on Google by total accident. XD
    Ahoy Germ, no need to thank me! :D

    Anyway, I play theater, guitar and ukulele. I'm also a great fan of Nintendo, Narnia and the World War II. :)

    What about you?!
    sorry, I guess I got a little carried away there... or maybe a lot. But hey, it's true. I know this is really off-topic, but you still need to tell me how to pronounce linebeck's name. You promised. (Or I promised for you.) Here's also a weird thing that came to me suddenly: Spirit tracks is Phantom Hourglass's sequel, isn't it? So why does it take place in a living, un-flooded hyrule, if it happened after? The whole Zelda timeline is confusing now, because of all the paradoxes managed to be fit in. One final thing, then I'll leave you alone. Majora's mask. If you like Wind Waker, you obviously have the best Zelda taste, so is Majora's Mask worth getting? (assuming you've played it.) It seems to be a game viewed two, very different ways. Speaking of that though, what Zelda games have you played, Are playing, and want to play?
    As I've clearly stated on my profile, I'm in the Milky Way Galaxy, as I assume I will always be. Where have you been? Obviously not having a blast at amusement parks. Anyways... I'm getting the idea you hate spirit tracks. Debate finished. Sure it had its weak points, but to me, I liked it more that phantom hourglass. Finally, I have to say this. You say that the evil possessed undefeatable trains are the worst enemy. If only you knew... of the true enemy.. the one called... the
    Destroyed with one slash of the Blade of Evil's Bane... two whips of the parasite's weakness... you think its all over... but then... oh then... they come back... multiplied to an unimaginable amount! THEY CAN NOT BE DEFEATED! YOUR ONLY HOPE IS TO ESCAPE! BUT ONCE SEEN, ESCAPE IS IMPLAUSIBLE! THERE IS NO HOPE! YOU MUST SURRENDER YOURSELF UNTO THEM AND THE THE UNEVITABLE COME TO PASS! THERE IS ONLY ONE ENDING FOR YOU!x.x
    You're still playing the same game but as I said before the aiming is really crappy and very annoying to control so if you want to avoid that then get the GC Version.
    Germ's Words of Wisdom: "There are very few things funnier than a dog in a hat, and there are very few things smellier than a dog in a bath."
    Hey, viewers! Just in case you haven't noticed, I made a new banner for my signature:
    Logging Out

    First of all do you want the Wii or Gamecube Version. Wii version had really crappy aiming controls(Slingshot, Arrows, Clawshot) but everything else was fine so if you want to avoid the crappy aiming controls get it on the GC.

    If you liked OoT then you will like TP.
    Maybe not as much as OoT or maybe like me more than OoT
    Mine are OoT (Gerudo Valley) MM(Stone Tower and Deku Palace) TP(Hidden Skill, Hyrule Field, Hidden Village) AlttP(Sanctuary and Hyrule Castle)
    Stone Mask love killing Takkuri for money.
    World Peace(like no wars peace.)
    RECENT UPDATE: Anyone familiar with WarioWare Do It Yourself? Well, I'm recreating the Lost Woods theme on it, and I'll get back to you when it's finished.
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