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Super Smash Brother Mafia

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Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I've seen a few people ask me questions about my johnny read; I asked funnier solely because I knew he would say it was johnny because he was voting him and I wanted to ask a question that actually had a point

That's fair. I figured it might be that reason but I wanted to make sure you didn't have another reason to exclude Johnny.

a question that everyone should be asking themselves is whether or not they think funnygurl is town
if the answer to that question is "no" I encourage you to vote for her

I don't think she's town (null on her), but there are others I don't think are town as well. I tend to vote more for who I feel is scummy over more inactive players because it typically seems like an easy mislynch.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
a question that everyone should be asking themselves is whether or not they think funnygurl is town
if the answer to that question is "no" I encourage you to vote for her
Idk about her tbh, I don't think I've ever played with her while she was scum. Both times I have played with her she was Town, one time she was super active as town, the ither time was in tje crossover game where she subbed in and wasn't too active but was Town. So I consider her null and I want to hear more from her today.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
Well funnier is my best town read, I'm feeling better about you. So that'd only leave Johnny. I might be wrong, but didn't he vote ALiT before the wagon on Contrainer began?
Thinking Johnny is scum is different. I just didn't like this whole idea that people seriously thought me and funnier would vote like that as scum. Lol.

I do believe he was voting Alit before that though. I know he was voting him fairly early on.
In all fairness, my ALIT vote was quite literally the 4th post in the game and I actually forgot I hadn't unvoted from

a question that everyone should be asking themselves is whether or not they think funnygurl is town
if the answer to that question is "no" I encourage you to vote for her

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
a question that everyone should be asking themselves is whether or not they think funnygurl is town
if the answer to that question is "no" I encourage you to vote for her
Fg Johnny counterwagons sounds awesome tbh

If we get down to this, it's pretty obvious where I'll vote, so it's kinda moot to argue between options for me. That said, I really am having a tough time reading FG purely on so few posts. The posts that are there have fit my initial thoughts on Funnier's aggressiveness, however the overly aggressive pushes seem to really not fit scum MO.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
In all fairness, my ALIT vote was quite literally the 4th post in the game and I actually forgot I hadn't unvoted from
iirc he was voting for ALiT since page 1
so I would not count that ALiT vote as being a very serious one

This quote came later on in the game though. Seemed like it was reasoning for keeping the vote on Alit.

This is where I am. I'm active ALIT has been known to go afk when Scum. In fact, he and I won a scum game (Sith Mafia, I'm an old man) where he was relatively inactive throughout, even as scum died off. It's tough to say cause of that, since he's been inactive as town too. He can be passive as easily as he is aggressive.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
This quote came later on in the game though. Seemed like it was reasoning for keeping the vote on Alit.

Right. I went through to check whether I'd unvoted or not. I saw I hadn't and stuck with the vote, if only for pressure. That's why I am where I am with my thoughts on you and Funnier. Both played off of the vote already on him and pushed him up to 3. The d1 push on ALIT felt very sudden and almost forced in the last few hours of the day. You both didn't like him coming in and contributing very little. I get that no votes could have come onto him and it would have the same effect, but it feels opportunistic to start building a wagon on ALIT. By EOD we get a 5v3 wagon vs counter, and the 5th contrainer vote was ALIT trying to keep himself alive. You and Funnier both climbing on less than 24hrs away from EOD feels weird and very opportunistic for me since it set the votes to 4v3, with potentially a different ending if ALIT hadn't come back in to pad the votes away from him and if Contrainer had decided to vote for ALIT to pad himself. That's why I feel like either one of you could be scummy.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Right. I went through to check whether I'd unvoted or not. I saw I hadn't and stuck with the vote, if only for pressure. That's why I am where I am with my thoughts on you and Funnier. Both played off of the vote already on him and pushed him up to 3. The d1 push on ALIT felt very sudden and almost forced in the last few hours of the day. You both didn't like him coming in and contributing very little. I get that no votes could have come onto him and it would have the same effect, but it feels opportunistic to start building a wagon on ALIT. By EOD we get a 5v3 wagon vs counter, and the 5th contrainer vote was ALIT trying to keep himself alive. You and Funnier both climbing on less than 24hrs away from EOD feels weird and very opportunistic for me since it set the votes to 4v3, with potentially a different ending if ALIT hadn't come back in to pad the votes away from him and if Contrainer had decided to vote for ALIT to pad himself. That's why I feel like either one of you could be scummy.

In my experience using later justification like pressure for an rvs vote is more of a scum tactic. And why would funnier and I trying to cause a separate mislynch if Alit is town when there's a perfectly easy Contrainer mislynch happening? I didn't vote for Alit until that late because he hadn't made the posts that I found scummy until before that when I was asleep. I woke up, saw those posts and saw he was a potential counterwagon for Contrainer who I didn't find scummy nor like his lynch. So of course I'm going to try and lynch someone I genuinely find scummy and try to stop what I see as a mislynch.

Not to mention your one vote on Alit wouldn't cause pressure. Especially since Container had so many already. Did you notice the reason funnier is now townreading Alit (and the reason I have some hesitation on him) is due to the extra votes on him causing him to react in a certain way? That wouldn't have happened with just your one vote.
Apr 30, 2019
Now with that said, I'd be fine with either Alit or Contrainer dying today. I don't remember the latter's play from the Pokemon Z game since he died early, and I have no real reference from the LA game since the account was shared, so I'm taking his actions so far at face value; that is, he didn't say a word, popped in to vote for Doc over an obvious joke with no explanation, and hasn't really done anything to defend it. Granted, that last bit does admittedly make me feel slightly inclined to townread him, but I'm keeping my vote simply because I've seen Alit do this as both alignments and he can be a useful player later on if he's town. On the flip side, if he's scum, I've seen Alit slip up more than once so I think we'll be able to catch him later. His Wildcard excuse was weak, especially considering funnier is in the same situation and is very active, so I'm wary of him, but I'm going with my gut.

That paragraph won't be winning any writing awards. Basically I'm saying based on their day 1 I'd be fine with either of them dying, but I would personally rather lynch Contrainer just because I feel like Alit will be a relatively easy catch later if he is scum, and useful if he's town.

uhh given contrainers flip and me not getting weird vibes from alit so far in my reading, ain't a fan of this

vote: mellow ezlo
Apr 30, 2019
its very early in the morning so I'm not here to try and get a counterwagon or change anything today since no one will be around
but I'm pretty sure funnier is scum
there's no way he'd be this content with a funnygurl push as town because of how he plays the game

last game on FFR he rolled his eyes sarcastically at me for lynching someone with 10 posts on the first day and for saying that its best to lynch inactives before actives

I find it hard to believe that he's content with lynching a 0-poster on d0 here, now, after that

He'd have to think that the entire playerbase is townier than null in order to be ok with than, which he doesn't given his switch onto AliT

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