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Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U Rumors


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
The problem is that this type of thing never applies to games that started off with female protagonists. You couldn't get a male Chell in Portal, and you can't get a male Samus in Metroid, and, no matter what people like to say about Link being an "avatar," he's been a male for 30 years. So what if his design changes a bit between games? I don't see Mario with brown overalls in Mario games anymore.
You are being a hypocrite in this argument. You are complaining of people bringing social issues into games, while bringing social issues into games over an option that you can very easily ignore throughout your entire playthrough. Male Link will still be a main design for the series and the representation of Zelda. However people will have an option to play as a girl. There's nothing really wrong with that.

Don't want to worry about a female link? Okay. Just play as male link.

You have been able to name link ever since the start of the series. He was actually the first to be a name your own protagonist. I think having an option for a female link is the next step.

Also, this is besides the point. We do not even know if Link is going to be the one who turns into a female. You could very well just have another character that's female. Which I think is far more likely then a gender swapping Link.
Nov 14, 2015
Linkle is not female Link. She is another character. I personally do not want a female Link however I don't mind an option to play as another female who is not link. For example Linkle would be fine by me.

In tomb raider for instance. If there was Lara and her male companion and you could pick either and both were characters in the game regardless. That could be fine. But male Lara just shouldn't happen.
The problem is, where was Linkle confirmed? The only thing mentioned was a gender option, nothing about a separate character.
You are being a hypocrite in this argument. You are complaining of people bringing social issues into games, while bringing social issues into games over an option that you can very easily ignore throughout your entire playthrough. Male Link will still be a main design for the series and the representation of Zelda. However people will have an option to play as a girl. There's nothing really wrong with that.

Don't want to worry about a female link? Okay. Just play as male link.

You have been able to name link ever since the start of the series. He was actually the first to be a name your own protagonist. I think having an option for a female link is the next step.

Also, this is besides the point. We do not even know if Link is going to be the one who turns into a female. You could very well just have another character that's female. Which I think is far more likely then a gender swapping Link.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Miyamoto himself say social issues and progressiveness would have no effect on Link or the series? It's stupid to try to modify the series by including gender options. There aren't gender options for movies, are there? No? Because protagonists are made in their specific images for a reason.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The problem is, where was Linkle confirmed? The only thing mentioned was a gender option, nothing about a separate character.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Miyamoto himself say social issues and progressiveness would have no effect on Link or the series? It's stupid to try to modify the series by including gender options. There aren't gender options for movies, are there? No? Because protagonists are made in their specific images for a reason.

What I was replying to was one of your replies to Lozjams post about Linkle. She hasn't been confirmed.
Aug 12, 2015
There aren't gender options for movies, are there? No? Because protagonists are made in their specific images for a reason.

What kind of comparison is that? Of course there are no gender options for movies because how would that even be possible without shooting two versions of the same movie?

You're creating an issue where there isn't one. A female player option, wether it's "female Link" or Linkle or whatever, is just that - an option for people who'd like to play as a girl. Don't like it? Don't use it. It has nothing to do with social issues or feminism, unless you make it about that. It's an optional feature. What's wrong with an optional feature?

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
What kind of comparison is that? Of course there are no gender options for movies because how would that even be possible without shooting two versions of the same movie?

You're creating an issue where there isn't one. A female player option, wether it's "female Link" or Linkle or whatever, is just that - an option for people who'd like to play as a girl. Don't like it? Don't use it. It has nothing to do with social issues or feminism, unless you make it about that. It's an optional feature. What's wrong with an optional feature?
Could you imagine if that became a thing in movies?
"If you'd like to watch Iron man go to theater A, if you want to watch Iron woman go to theater B." The movies are exactly the same just the main character is a different sex.
Nov 14, 2015
Could you imagine if that became a thing in movies?
"If you'd like to watch Iron man go to theater A, if you want to watch Iron woman go to theater B." The movies are exactly the same just the main character is a different sex.
Crazy, right?

Almost as crazy as expecting a different experience based on whether the character you're playing as has boobs or a dick. Honestly, summing it up, I just really hope these rumors are bull****, because they all seem like things people who barely play games or a tumblr feminazi would enjoy.
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A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Crazy, right?

Almost as crazy as expecting a different experience based on whether the character you're playing as has boobs or a ****.
Video games, unlike movies, focus on immersion and drawing you into the game. Some people are simply more immersed with a female link, of which it would do its job. You can just ignore the option that the game presents you with you know.
Nov 14, 2015
Video games, unlike movies, focus on immersion and drawing you into the game. Some people are simply more immersed with a female link, of which it would do its job. You can just ignore the option that the game presents you with you know.
I could easily say I could be more immersed with a male Lara Croft, but i would get flamed for trying to change a female protagonist. Honestly, if it's revealed that these rumors are 100% true and there are gender options, I'd be totally fine if it was just a different character entirely. Sure, feminism, cool, female protagonists, (even though there's been a massive flux in them in the past decade,) cool. I just don't see the point of completely trying to rip off Link and act like he's something he isn't. Say he's an avatar all you want, but Link is clearly his own defined character. All of the people saying that he reincarnates and therefore he can be anything is utter bull****. He's always reincarnated as a male with blue eyes, brown to blonde hair, as either a young boy or a growing teen. Why can't they just do an option of either playing as Link, or just playing as a customizable character? No female Link needed, just a whole customizable option. You want a black Link? Sure, go ahead. An older Link? Why the hell not. It just seems like a cleaner method than slapping tits on Link.


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
I'm done with Zelda if Link is customizable or a girl. I will not support a completely unnecessary butchering to an iconic video game character to appease people who never got the memo that he isn't suppose to look like them. These rumors better be false as I may be done with Nintendo as well.
Rumour #1- voice acting
Not surprised here, its over due, I just hope its done well.

Rumour #2- NX & WiiU release
Not surprised here either, I do hope though that the NX version doesn't have added content. I want both releases to be the exact same and I want it to perform just as good on the WiiU as the NX.

Rumour #3- choose Link's gender
I know that someone will have something to say about my opinion but, frickin finally!
Yeah, after 30 years Link IS his own character, to me he never really was an avatar, he was always Link. But Nintendo opting to keep him silent and constantly reminding us that he IS supposed to BE an avatar just underlined how much they failed in each game, time and time again, with the avatar concept.
If its true that you can now switch genders then they may finally make good on that avatar they've been promising us.
We won't HAVE to make him a girl, we can still choose male and call him Link, nothing will be lost with the gender option, and to be honest, going off what Link already looks like in Zelda U, I dont think changing his gender is going to change anything but his chest size.

I just hope Nintendo drops something soon they only have around 2 months before E3, I'd like to know if these rumours are at least true before then.
Feb 7, 2014
I don't know how to feel about gender options, it seems like a nice idea on paper, but his could be all it takes to start something awful with the franchise, as well as the fans. I am strongly in favor of voice acting dual releases though.

Of course, I won't believe this 100% until I see footage. I've learned long ago not to trust "rumors from credible sources."
Feb 9, 2016
I wouldn't want to play as Female Link any more than i would like to play a male Samus or Female Solid Snake. He is an iconic character for me and changing the genre would have a great impact on my experience. I wouldn't mind a game were i would play as Zelda though. Much better option than destroying a beloved character imo.
Aug 12, 2015
I could easily say I could be more immersed with a male Lara Croft, but i would get flamed for trying to change a female protagonist. Honestly, if it's revealed that these rumors are 100% true and there are gender options, I'd be totally fine if it was just a different character entirely. Sure, feminism, cool, female protagonists, (even though there's been a massive flux in them in the past decade,) cool. I just don't see the point of completely trying to rip off Link and act like he's something he isn't. Say he's an avatar all you want, but Link is clearly his own defined character. All of the people saying that he reincarnates and therefore he can be anything is utter bull****. He's always reincarnated as a male with blue eyes, brown to blonde hair, as either a young boy or a growing teen. Why can't they just do an option of either playing as Link, or just playing as a customizable character? No female Link needed, just a whole customizable option. You want a black Link? Sure, go ahead. An older Link? Why the hell not. It just seems like a cleaner method than slapping tits on Link.

I still don't see the problem. Spirit put it rather nicely:

We won't HAVE to make him a girl, we can still choose male and call him Link, nothing will be lost with the gender option.

Even if it IS a female Link, you lose absolutely nothing by having that option. No one's forcing you to use it. Can you please explain to me what the big deal is? I'm not gonna convince you to change your mind, because why would I, but I'd love to understand where you're coming from. Link's staying the same as he ever was, unless you want him to be something else. What's wrong with having an option? Does it seriously bother you that much if someone else were to make him female? What does it have to do with you? Why would it lessen the enjoyment you're having with the game, when you might aswell just pick the Standard Male Link option?

*edit* Not trying to jump down your throat by the way. Anyone else is free to answer, I just happened to quote your post.
Feb 9, 2016
Well with a Female link option on the table im guessing there would be no love interest with princess Zelda, platonic or concrete. Its always an aspect of the franchise i enjoy. And it doesnt have to be Zelda, in TP it was Illia and on OT we had Saria as well. I really hope Zelda WiiU has a love interest, or something similar.


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
I still don't see the problem. Spirit put it rather nicely:

Even if it IS a female Link, you lose absolutely nothing by having that option. No one's forcing you to use it. Can you please explain to me what the big deal is? I'm not gonna convince you to change your mind, because why would I, but I'd love to understand where you're coming from. Link's staying the same as he ever was, unless you want him to be something else. What's wrong with having an option? Does it seriously bother you that much if someone else were to make him female? What does it have to do with you? Why would it lessen the enjoyment you're having with the game, when you might aswell just pick the Standard Male Link option?

*edit* Not trying to jump down your throat by the way. Anyone else is free to answer, I just happened to quote your post.
If you choose not to view Link as an avatar and suddenly he's customizable, you can no longer do that. So you could theoretically close your eyes and say the option doesn't exist, but it still exists whether you want to acknowledge it or not, and the existence of the option means that Link and what they intend to do with Link, not just slightly, but fundamentally, has been changed. Thus to say, just pick the male one, is to ignore why people were against customization in the first place.

This is a straight forward and easy to understand concept. To bring it back to my original post in this thread, I'm done with Zelda if Link is changed, he's canonically a male and should stay that way, and he should not be customizable period, he's not me and I do not want to view, or entertain the thought of viewing him, as me.

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