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Breath of the Wild Zelda Wii U Rumors


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
Nintendo have always referred to Link as a playable character and less of the hero. Miyamoto always wanted Link to be an avatar or sorts, the in game representation of yourself. Aonuma has kept this idea going. So technically playable character does not say we have a chocie of multiple characters. It really tells us not much at all based on how Nintendo have gone about it over the decades.

Nintendo is not being abstract to us on purpose with this information/rumour. It's just how they've always referred to Link as. If it's more than just Link, only time will tell.

1) This is Emily and not Nintendo.

2) They have not "always" referred to Link as the "player character."
Nov 14, 2015
Honestly, if Nintendo actually did decide to include a female character to play as in Zelda U, I'd prefer if they handled it like they did Pokemon. They didn't just make May a genderswap of Brendan; while they dress pretty similarly, that's simply because how the game designed the characters. May doesn't wear a big goofy white hat, and Brendan doesn't wear short shorts. And why even make it so it's an option? What if it included Linkle as the sister of Link, or something, so they could both be in the story and have their own independent roles? That way, it could include both characters in the game without having to alter the story or characters in any way.


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
Honestly, if Nintendo actually did decide to include a female character to play as in Zelda U, I'd prefer if they handled it like they did Pokemon. They didn't just make May a genderswap of Brendan; while they dress pretty similarly, that's simply because how the game designed the characters. May doesn't wear a big goofy white hat, and Brendan doesn't wear short shorts. And why even make it so it's an option? What if it included Linkle as the sister of Link, or something, so they could both be in the story and have their own independent roles? That way, it could include both characters in the game without having to alter the story or characters in any way.
This is what I want if we absolutely need a female Link or a female who is similar to Link as then, Link isn't changed in either regard. I'd prefer that Linkle look as different as she does in HWL though. I really don't want to quit Zelda because Nintendo decided to butcher Link.
Oct 14, 2013
This is what I want if we absolutely need a female Link or a female who is similar to Link as then, Link isn't changed in either regard. I'd prefer that Linkle look as different as she does in HWL though. I really don't want to quit Zelda because Nintendo decided to butcher Link.
If it was me I'd do it like this.

Zelda U is played in 3 locations. Hyrule, Sacred Realm, and Dark Realm. All three are connected and actions in one realm affect the other two realms.
You play as Link in Hyrule.
You play as Zelda trapped in the Sacred Realm
You play as Ganondorf in the Dark Realm.
There is no choice, you have to play as each of the 3 at different times to progress the story.
May 7, 2015
If it was me I'd do it like this.

Zelda U is played in 3 locations. Hyrule, Sacred Realm, and Dark Realm. All three are connected and actions in one realm affect the other two realms.
You play as Link in Hyrule.
You play as Zelda trapped in the Sacred Realm
You play as Ganondorf in the Dark Realm.
There is no choice, you have to play as each of the 3 at different times to progress the story.

Something like this (aside from Hyrule Warriors of course) would actually be very fascinating. Heck, one of the rumors I heard as to why the game was delayed was due to Aonuma getting some sort of inspiration from Hyrule Warriors, which heavily changed the direction of the game.

I suppose we'll have to hear it from the horse's mouth before we can say for sure what is going on. I have to say that after Aonuma's repeated insistence that Link is a guy (as recently as last fall), I don't buy the idea that he's been in the process of backpedaling on that for the past year.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Now, I have a huge question. Did people freak out this hard when it was revealed that Mass Effect 2 let you be a female character?

If so, then in around a year or so. Absolutely no one is going to care about this.


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
Now, I have a huge question. Did people freak out this hard when it was revealed that Mass Effect 2 let you be a female character?

If so, then in around a year or so. Absolutely no one is going to care about this.
First of all, fem shep wasn't there from the beginning?

Secondly, a female option being added to a character in the second game of the series is a lot different than being added to a thirty year old icon, but let's ignore that and continue to ridicule anyone who doesn't agree with you, because how dare they have a different opinion.
May 7, 2015
Now, I have a huge question. Did people freak out this hard when it was revealed that Mass Effect 2 let you be a female character?

If so, then in around a year or so. Absolutely no one is going to care about this.

Bioware games are typically about a character you make, not a character they bring to you.

As I said, if they replace Link with a character creator, that's it. He's dead, he's gone, no amount of "reincarnations" will ever really bring him back.

Now, here's my issue with the whole thing. 10 years ago if Nintendo had come out on their own and they said they'd make the next Link female, I wouldn't have had an issue with it. I've never believed the games to be "100% Zelink", so it would have been a non-issue back then.

The problem is, Aonuma and the rest of the devs clearly do not want it. They've also said clearly that if they *did* have a "female option" that it wouldn't be female Link. To them, Link has always been male, always will be. So what if they feel the change is forced on them by society, politics, what have you...?

Link to a lot of these media hack types is a trophy, something to be conquered. THAT is the issue.

It is simply not the same as Pokémon or Animal Crossing or Skyrim. Pokémon has always been about the critters; that's why it didn't matter who the player was. There are also plenty of games where you play as yourself. Legend of Zelda, on the other hand is told in second person, where a character is enforced on you. It's a different experience, and if we replace Link with a character creator, we lose him for another Skyrim. I play Skyrim for Skyrim, not Legend of Zelda. Also, keep in mind they already tried the character creator thing years ago with "BS" Zelda, not to mention replacing Mario and other characters. That faded into obscurity while the characters as we know them remained.

Honestly I think all this is moot and a result of media spin either way. Look how quickly "a playable female" turned into "OMG LINK CAN BE A GIRL!" I find it believable that there might be other playable characters, female or otherwise, as this has happened in other games already. (Spirit Tracks, a tiny bit in Majora's Mask and Phantom Hourglass, Hyrule Warriors, etc...) Also, watching my husband play through Quantum Break has given me other ideas on the concept of playable characters, as you also play as the villain at certain points, choosing the adventure the hero is about to go through.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Bioware games are typically about a character you make, not a character they bring to you.

As I said, if they replace Link with a character creator, that's it. He's dead, he's gone, no amount of "reincarnations" will ever really bring him back.

Now, here's my issue with the whole thing. 10 years ago if Nintendo had come out on their own and they said they'd make the next Link female, I wouldn't have had an issue with it. I've never believed the games to be "100% Zelink", so it would have been a non-issue back then.

The problem is, Aonuma and the rest of the devs clearly do not want it. They've also said clearly that if they *did* have a "female option" that it wouldn't be female Link. To them, Link has always been male, always will be. So what if they feel the change is forced on them by society, politics, what have you...?

Link to a lot of these media hack types is a trophy, something to be conquered. THAT is the issue.

It is simply not the same as Pokémon or Animal Crossing or Skyrim. Pokémon has always been about the critters; that's why it didn't matter who the player was. There are also plenty of games where you play as yourself. Legend of Zelda, on the other hand is told in second person, where a character is enforced on you. It's a different experience, and if we replace Link with a character creator, we lose him for another Skyrim. I play Skyrim for Skyrim, not Legend of Zelda. Also, keep in mind they already tried the character creator thing years ago with "BS" Zelda, not to mention replacing Mario and other characters. That faded into obscurity while the characters as we know them remained.

Honestly I think all this is moot and a result of media spin either way. Look how quickly "a playable female" turned into "OMG LINK CAN BE A GIRL!" I find it believable that there might be other playable characters, female or otherwise, as this has happened in other games already. (Spirit Tracks, a tiny bit in Majora's Mask and Phantom Hourglass, Hyrule Warriors, etc...) Also, watching my husband play through Quantum Break has given me other ideas on the concept of playable characters, as you also play as the villain at certain points, choosing the adventure the hero is about to go through.
Having a female Link option doesn't necessarily create "another Skyrim". For example, what if the Link in Wind Waker was a girl? Absolutely nothing. She would still feel like she is a part of the world, unlike Skyrim.

And how exactly do we know that Aonuma does not want it? People, of course change. SS, story wise, was a very different type of game and was extremely essential for the romance between Zelda and Link. However, considering Aonuma has been toying with the thought recently.

People are also assuming that SJW's are the cause of this. This could definitely not be the case. This could just be a design choice. Having a gender option is more immersive for more people, and if Zelda U is there to be more immersive. Then there. That's completely fine.

Overall, I think people are getting out of control over a simple option. You still get your Link, unchanged from his predecessors. You can still play it like you have been playing Zelda all of your life. However, that option is there for others.

This is of course, even assuming this a female link deal. It could very well be a character similar to Linkle that you play as. Which is the more obvious way this is going to happen I think.


Hey there, it's me.
Aug 7, 2010
Uranus (it's dark here...)
Non-binary cookie sheet.
Having a female Link option doesn't necessarily create "another Skyrim". For example, what if the Link in Wind Waker was a girl? Absolutely nothing. She would still feel like she is a part of the world, unlike Skyrim.

And how exactly do we know that Aonuma does not want it? People, of course change. SS, story wise, was a very different type of game and was extremely essential for the romance between Zelda and Link. However, considering Aonuma has been toying with the thought recently.

People are also assuming that SJW's are the cause of this. This could definitely not be the case. This could just be a design choice. Having a gender option is more immersive for more people, and if Zelda U is there to be more immersive. Then there. That's completely fine.

Overall, I think people are getting out of control over a simple option. You still get your Link, unchanged from his predecessors. You can still play it like you have been playing Zelda all of your life. However, that option is there for others.

This is of course, even assuming this a female link deal. It could very well be a character similar to Linkle that you play as. Which is the more obvious way this is going to happen I think.
No, no we don't and no we can't. Stop saying this, it is a lie. Link is changed and gone if he's made customizable at the will of the player. He's gone. The Link we knew, who was a actual, established, male character, in the lore is dead, and no amount of ignoring the option will change this.

So many people keep parading the idea of just ignoring the option, when they're not understanding that it's not just Link being changed to a girl canonically that we're against, plenty of us are against that as well as erasing his role in the story by making his aspects ambiguous, and while there's an overlap of why we're against this, between not wanting Link's gender changed and not wanting his place in the lore eradicated, the reasons for being against each one are different.

In this case the existence of the option is the problem, and ignoring it doesn't change the fact that it's there and it's significantly changed Link, and thus we do not have "our" Link. Likewise, it's very ovbious that it's SJWs who did this. Nintendo didn't want the option in TFH, they didn't want it originally in Zelda U, and Aonuma himself is the one who commissioned the changes to Linkle, so if this or any form of a female Link happens, other than a Linkle like compromise, it's because Nintendo has given into the cyberbullies. If Nintendo wanted this it would have happened, hell it would have happened in the BS games, and even back then they went out of their way to create new characters so Link wasn't changed.

Changing what Link is canonically or making him a boring ass avatar are both terrible ideas, and I want nothing to do with the series if either happen. Hell right now because of this stupid rumor, I'm right back to where I was shorty after the E3 debacle of 2014, and I'm having trouble looking at anything Zelda related as all it's doing is making me furious, anxious, and sad.


Mar 20, 2015
Zelda WiiU: New Rumors

Over at Zelda Informer they recently received a tip from an anonymous source who claims to work at Nintendo. This person says they have some new information about Zelda project for the WiiU. The following are the rumors regarding the game:

-The game won't be revealed until E3 2013
-It won't be released until 2014 at the earliest
-The graphics will be that of Skyward Sword
-Nintendo of America prefers the motion controls to the Gamepad’s features and buttons
-Nintendo of Japan was surprised at the well-received romance between Link and Zelda and plans to make it a larger part of the story.
-Developers are weighing the pros and cons for Link speaking
-A well-known character from a past game will be returning, but not in the same role or form as the past

So, what do you guys think? Keep in mind that these are rumors and may or may not be true. Do you want to see the graphics from Skyward Sword return? And do you want to see Link and Zelda's romance take it to the next step? Do you want the motion controls from SS back, but improved? What do you think about Link speaking? And who do you think this well-known character from the past might be? Again, keep in mind that these are rumors.

Note: I found this info at Zelda Wiki
LOL its been years and we still only have so little information like that!

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