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Worst Movie Sequels

Apr 4, 2011
Has Transformers 2 been mentioned yet? Michael Bay did such a good job with the first one, but then goes back to typical Michael Bay with the 2nd one. I believe some of the crew actually apologized for how bad it was. That being said, I'll still more than likely see Transformers 3. The trailer looked decent.

Oh, and The Ring 2 was equally as awful.

Unlucky Monkey

The Great King of Apes
May 17, 2011
NRW, Germany
If no one has mentioned Battle Royale 2, I will. A horrible sequel. What a shame Kinji Fukasaku (R.I.P.) died before he could completed the movie. His untalented son Kenta finished it.

Another worse sequel may be Mortal Kombat 2. When I was young, I really loved this movie. Now, years later, I realise it is so cheap and bad acted, it is embarrasing.
But there are much more worse Sequels to name. But these would be too much to list (total movie Nerd).
Feb 1, 2011
The saw series got worse and worse as they progressed, the only one I really like is the first one.


The Dutch Kusagari
Oct 17, 2007
The Netherlands
I haven't seen all movies (of course), but these two really annoyed me as a kid.

Beethoven 3 and up: My sister and I loved the first two movies, but then they switched the family and the plot got more ridiculous.
Home Alone 3: Again, loved the first two, but they changed the family and it turned stupid.

WW IsDa Bombchu

I gotta disagree with all you people who didn't like the Star Wars prequels. They were better than the originals for me... as a kid, original Yoda scared the crack out of me. Back on topic, I hated Shrek 3. Then, to top it off, my fool of a sister dragged me to watch Shrek 4. They just lost complete interest in the series by then. Toy Story 3 wasn't that good, and while Planet of the Apes was a great movie, Battle For the Planet of the Apes... just from the title, you could've told it would be disappointing.
Jun 19, 2011
Jaws:The Revenge, I mean they follow the main characters down wherever they went, I mean how many times do they have to kilthe thing.
Nov 30, 2009
Id say Alvin and the Chipmunks Squeakual.

I took my girlfriend to see it, and we got the last two tickets. The two seats left were on opposite sides of the theater, so we sat on the stairs. It was a crappy movie. That day would have sucked with anyone else, but i was with her, so it was an awesome day, :D

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