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Worst Movie Sequels


Skull son

I have to say the worst one I've seen is Atlantis 2, I mean it had no plot at all, they just KILLED the first one.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
I think most sequels in general go overkill. there are exceptions (i.e. Toy Story 2 and 3) but in general, all sequels suck.

Movies that are open-ending normally deserve sequels, but movies like Cars and Alvin and the Chipmunks really didn't need sequels. i mean, i get they were popular, but seriously, girl-chipmunks and spies? WTF!?!?! Like, Toy Story had a good plot and was extremely popular. the sequel built off the first one and in turn made for a great story. they even added some characters. and the last one, made 10 years after the second, made you feel like those 10 years actually went by (cuz Andy's older now). that was a good story, and the ending was very open.
Now, a movie like Cars 2 was WAY overkill. i mean, the first one was cute, Larry the Cable Guy was awesome, but then they added spies to the second. WTF?! wow, Disney must be WAY in over their heads if they're added SPIES to a kids movie. but eh. nothing in this world is perfect, so i can't really complain.

so yeah, most sequels are pretty bad, but you will be lucky enough to find a good sequel. :yes:

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