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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Mtg was also very similar in design where the color of the Walker was not related to alignment. Having designed both, Green Lantern played on the relationships between the lantern corps and if you knew the universe you'd be able to guess alignment based on color. In mtg I went with the story of each character and made the game a no reveal game, having every color represented as best as I could on the Mafia team, that way it would be the character's lore that mattered for guessing alignment. Though some lore would be difficult to figure out who's side they were on.

I think this game is probably going to be more like MTG where the school doesn't matter as much. Not only that but I don't think this is a no reveal game so I don't think it'll be too much of an issue as we'll know alignments when people die. That said, for now let's not associate schools with alignment and take any school claim ad just that and nothing alignment related.
Talk about setup from a person who's familiar with this type of setup. Useful indeed, and turned out to be correct. Non alignment-indicative, however.

Mafia members probably have some interesting spells in their role pm we don't know about, so they may not cast from the normal spell list as much. But spells cost extra at night and I doubt they wouldn't have to pay the extra. Also keep in mind our attacks cost 2 pips, they aren't free and some people may have better options for their pips.
More setup talk. His reasoning for mafia reasoning seems pretty sound to me.

Working a 10 hour shift alone tonight. Will try to reap but If any posts happen they won't be big.
Look guys! It's a wild Libk doing nothing!
jk all fine bro. Know you've been busy.

I was also unaware, fam. I'm gonna go look back on that wagon though.
Only thing worth noting here really is looking back at the wagon. @Libk did you notice anything interesting when you did?

I'm saying this here since I said it in overwatch, I'm basically on vacation until next Saturday so only phone posts for the most part. And even then there will be few especially since gf will be mad if I'm like "hold on let me post in the Mafia game" while we're in the middle of dinner or mini golf or beach time or arcades on the boardwalk in Ocean city.

With that said, I will still try to read and pay attention to the game, and I so far agree with an Eduarda lynch. But I'll look into that later. I was suspicious of Koki tbe previous day but I'm no longer suspicious there.
More "not here" talk. Thankfully, today is "next Saturday" so he should be back to activity soon.
Sounds like a fun vacation though.

So we go after Sadia now right? I'm fairly certain that Tristan is town and that Koki is town
So... this post kinda weirds me out. Just asking people "So we kill da Sad now? Just making sure before I do anything"
Short version:
1/3 of his posts are setup talk
1/3 of his posts are "I've been busy"
1/3 of his posts have actual substance.
Out of all that, I feel iffy about him. He hasn't had a lot of substance, but he's also been gone a lot for legitimate reasons. I'm cutting him slack for that. That last post is the only real thing I could see as possibly alignment indicative, because it's just kinda weird. I think most people could agree with that.
Null really.

Shroom, I'm trying to set up other options before I play that card. If I don't get anything going by the time I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll play it. But I'm pretty damn sure about her.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Time to ISO Froze- wait, he's in this game? Hi Frozen! *waves*

I've never played Wizard 101, so I'm slightly confused about the set up. But I'm sure it will become clear later and I'm excited to play.

I also think Mafia must be split up among the schools. @Eduarda do you have any reason to think they are one group?
Set-up talk, I almost never care about this regarding alignment.

I imagine Madia would have both spells and a NK. Perhaps not killing or damaging spells, but normal scum roles like Mafia role cop or roleblocker.
More setup, but stuff that's actually slightly more important.

Who the heck is Madia?

I meant Mafia.
You spelled it wrong bro

Anyways, nothing post.

I'm not as confident as you guys about Kokirion. I believe lynching those who fail to play is worth a little more in the beginning when we have little to go off of, but if you really think Kokirion is scum, go right ahead. I personally think Kokiriok is too good of a player to lose so soon.

Although, that's like the pot calling the kettle black because I hit Kokirion night one in SSB Mafia...
May I ask, what's the reasoning behind the inactives Day One philosophy?

So does anyone else find it hard to believe that Mafia doesn't have a night kill? I guess they could be saving up there Peeps. Or pips or whatever they are called. But like Gumball said, it could be due to inactivity.

It looks like everyone is going for a Dekunut vote, but why? Is it just to get info or is there legit suspicion?
I like how he keeps pushing the fact that it's weird mafia didn't kill. Scum would probably just try to just kinda ignore that I feel.
Although I'm surprised that he thought nobody had a legit suspicion on me. Quite a few did. I agree with Gummy that he probably didn't read the thread very well.

I'm not seeing any great evidence against Dekunut, even looking back at Eduarda and Dekunut's conversation which LG kindly suggested.

But if it's the only option, I'll vote Deku. Unfortunately, I don't have any strong reads myself.
So he agrees with me that there isn't a lot of evidence against me, which makes sense. People were kind of split in my wagon.

But this was his last post. That means he hasn't posted since Day 2. Where are you man?
@Frozen Chosen
Short version: not a lot here. He didn't read the thread very well, and hasn't posted since before my death as Old Me. Come back to us mein frund.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Is that even correct German?
Eh, I don't care.

Is this Harry Potter and the Cursed Chicken?


ill just go
Three posts stemming from a botched joke. Literally nothing of substance here.
And there goes half his post count.

Ok so I think I have an idea how things are going to work here. We all have HP and an attack ability, but instead if this being the primary function of the game (like SSB Mafia), it's secondary this time. So lynch rules the day still, but now we have attacks to deal with as well. My thinking is that attacks will be more prevalent in the night because that's were people can remain anonymous. This won't exactly be a major factor for now though since we all only have 1 pip and it costs 2 during the day and three during the night. I'm just curious whether or not killing roles like Vig/Mafia/SK act like they did SSB Mafia where they just have a much higher damage output or whether they are independent like lynches are. Ugh this is going to be more confusing than Night 2 in SSB Mafia...

This has me thinking though:
So this means Mafia too. I think that HP will come into effect during the night where people can remain anonymous. So Mafia will most likely use their individual attacks where they can't be seen. It's basically like SSB but now they can actually attack and not be questioned. This is dangerous because, like I said in SSB, if Town is vulnerable then we could be picked off so easily even by friendly fire, which also happened in SSB. The thing is though, Mafia need to get on a Townie lynch to gain pips. Yes they can get them by surviving, but they will want that extra pip during the night. So it wouldn't surprise me if Mafia, early on, try and get on a lynch. Also it kind of puts Town at a disadvantage because we have to lynch scum to gain an extra pip where it's much easier vice versa.


This is interesting though, the general spells are quite powerful if you save up pips. Essentially everyone could be a RB'er by Day 3/4, which will be chaos. There's also heal yourself spell, but not a healer spell though. Shame because that would be super useful, but would probably cost double. And I don't even want to get into the global spell because that's too much thinking for one day.
Lots of set-up talk.
And a random unordered list dot, just kinda sitting there for no reason.
And it looks so sad...

Hi just letting you guys know I exist. I'll try be as active as I can. It's just like I always feel burnt out after playing such an active and intense game like SSB. Also where @Eduarda at when you need her to drive activity?
Inactivity talk.

Ok I think I'm caught up now. Though it wasn't nearly as hard as catching up in SSB Mafia, lolol.

So I'm Guessing Mafia don't have a proper NK. That would seem imbalanced as **** though, like it would take 3 nights to kill one player if it was HP based. I thought it would be like Jamie's game where their kill would equate to a specific damage total close to everyone's HP meaning either an instant KO or close enough. It just seems odd, maybe Mafia have to get a certain number of Pips to make a kill. Literally that's the only thing I can think.

Anyway, I'm not sure I agree with the Deku lynch. Plus we shouldn't waste a day focusing on one player, it gives us nothing else to work off. I'll b back with more later.
He's caught up! We can get stuff!
Setup talk. All right.
Doesn't agree with my lynch.
He says he'll come back with more later. But, unlike our dear friends Arnold and the Big J, he doesn't come back.

I am also currently looking for a replacement for Doc
In short:
There's nothing here.
Like, literally nothing
Someone hepl plz


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Welp, I'm going to bed soon, and thus far I have nothing. Time to show my hand.
Sadu and I are masons. That's how I know she's town. And I'd really like to not lose my mason-buddy.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Also, may I add, this would be suicide for a scum fakeclaim. We already killed 2 mafia members, and in a game this size 4 seems to be the most likely. That means that we'd be the last 2. If you continue and lynch her, then she'd flip scum and you'd know that I was the last one. I know it's very WIFOM, but it's also a more dangerous game for scum than it's worth.

Maniacal Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012

Hmm... I can see Sadia herself claiming Mason with an inactive townie as scum in order to save herself, but the fact that you were the one to claim makes it seem more genuine. I will remain iffy though, as I can see you claiming Mason and then saying it'd be suicide as a bluff to keep us off Sadia's trail. That said, it's quite likely that Masons exist in this game, so you'd be stupid to claim it as scum.

What does everyone else think of this claim? I almost wonder if we should lynch one of them just to be sure that it's true. Worst case scenario is we lose one townie (which, with two scum already dead, isn't as bad as it could be) and have a confirmed townie in the game. Best case scenario is we lynch scum and then we have an incredibly strong lead for the next day. Obviously, this idea has flaws, but we have less than one IRL day left (essentially only about half a day considering people need to sleep) left, and not really any other leads. What do you guys think?


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
What does everyone else think of this claim? I almost wonder if we should lynch one of them just to be sure that it's true. Worst case scenario is we lose one townie (which, with two scum already dead, isn't as bad as it could be) and have a confirmed townie in the game. Best case scenario is we lynch scum and then we have an incredibly strong lead for the next day. Obviously, this idea has flaws, but we have less than one IRL day left (essentially only about half a day considering people need to sleep) left, and not really any other leads. What do you guys think?

I have no reason to not believe it as of this moment. If it's fake, as you said, it would be too risky a gambit to make. I think if we as a town are to approach another direction, I would suggest Libk or Frozen Chosen. I get small discreet vibes from the former's posts, and unlike the other inactive players, he has made himself present. The latter is more of a policy move if anything, which would probably be better suited for our moderator to handle.


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
I don't have much else to say in my defense. If you think about it, I wouldn't have sided so blatantly with my scumbud when he was dying, would've just bussed Pendio at that point.

I hope you all believe Dekunut, because his claim is true. I don't have much to back up that I'm town really, my scumhunting has been pretty much nonexistent this game. Sorry about that.

I believe Shroom and Johnny both still have their votes on me. I don't know if they've seen the claim or not, but the deadline for the day is in ~1 hour or so and I really don't want to get lynched. I'm going to start a counterwagon on one of the inactives Dekunut iso'd:

Vote: Frozen Chosen

I choose Froyo mainly because of his last post:

I'm not seeing any great evidence against Dekunut, even looking back at Eduarda and Dekunut's conversation which LG kindly suggested.

But if it's the only option, I'll vote Deku. Unfortunately, I don't have any strong reads myself.

It's very unproductive. Disagreeing with the lynch and yet not providing any alternatives. Also, sometimes when I'm scum, if there's someone on the hotseat who I know is town, I will defend them to make myself look better later on. If you look at this post in that sense, frocho looks kinda scummy. Overall, I didn't see any town-like behavior from him.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Vote: Frozen Brozen

Because at this point we'll tie, and we'll get a no lynch. I'm fine with the Frozen lynch anyways if it happens - see my previous ISO of him.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Vote: Frozen Chosen

If anything, we can put your claims to the test later. I personally have a slighter suspicion of Libk, but a policy approach like this one could work out in the small picture.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I'll go ahead and Unvote for now then. I am wary of your claim, but I'd rather not risk a tie at this point.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I know that Libk has good reasoning for being absent, which is why I'm less worried about him for now myself. But I'm also interested in hearing why in particular.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Final Vote Tally

Sadia (1) - Johnny Sooshi
Frozen Chosen (3) - Sadia, DekuNut, Mido

No votes cast: Jamie, Frozen Chosen, Libk, Doc, Timeless, Tristan, kokirion


It was a somewhat last-minute decision, but the group decided to attack Frozen Chosen. They all raised their wands and fired.

Frozen Chosen had no choice but to flee the onslaught, leaving behind his spell deck and wand.

When the students saw the sparks signaling the teleportation, they immediately knew they had made a mistake. Monsters could not teleport like that. Feeling guilty, they hurried to his spell deck to examine it.

Frozen Chosen had been an Exalted Diviner -- a member of the Storm school, just like LittleGumball had been. However, instead of using his magic to investigate others, Frozen Chosen's magic was geared toward a more traditional Storm school approach: extremely high damage. His Wild Bolt spell had a chance of dealing powerful damage at the risk of harming the user instead, and Stormzilla had the potential to inflict enough damage to make the target flee instantly.

There was sadly nothing that could be done now that Frozen Chosen was gone. All they could do was hope they would have better luck in the next day...

  • Johnny Sooshi - 1700

The Living (11)
The Fled (6)
  • DekuNut - Transcendent Pyromancer (Lynched Day 2)
  • Doc - Grandmaster Sorcerer (Killed Night 2)
  • Pendio - Ash Spider (Lynched Day 3)
  • Eduarda - Vengeful Fireheart (Killed Night 3)
  • LittleGumball - Master Diviner (Killed Night 3)
  • Frozen Chosen - Exalted Diviner (Lynched Day 4)


Night 4 will end on Tuesday, August 30th at 9 PM PT. If you would like to cast a spell during the night, send me a PM.

Everyone gains 1 pip for the night!

Wyldfire is still active! Fire spells deal 100 extra damage.
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