I'll just name the ones I can really think of... ha.
Legend of Zelda NES
-Having to bomb RANDOM BUSHES and other random things to acquire rupees!
-Only being able to carry 8 bombs, and then having to purchase a bomb upgrade for only 12.
-Low Health beeping.
-Not having a full power sword because you have fifty gazillion heart containers
I'm sure that's not all. I'm playing it now, and I'm only halfway through.
-SLOW. TEXT. omg.
-Not being able to skip cutscenes.
-The Owl.
Also haven't finished this one.
Wind Waker
-Leaving sad grandmother. I just want to sit with her and hug her all day long. ):
-How unappreciative Tetra is when you save her.
-KING OF THE RED LIONS. I'm sorry, I found him almost as annoying as navi. No joke.
-Sailing for 20 minutes all the way across the map because you can't warp yet.
-Kalle Demos.
-REDEADS. They scare me so bad.
-Puppet Ganon
-Tingle doesn't annoy me. It annoys me that Tingle takes 3240 of my rupees to read my maps.
Legend of Zelda NES
-Having to bomb RANDOM BUSHES and other random things to acquire rupees!
-Only being able to carry 8 bombs, and then having to purchase a bomb upgrade for only 12.
-Low Health beeping.
-Not having a full power sword because you have fifty gazillion heart containers
I'm sure that's not all. I'm playing it now, and I'm only halfway through.
-SLOW. TEXT. omg.
-Not being able to skip cutscenes.
-The Owl.
Also haven't finished this one.
Wind Waker
-Leaving sad grandmother. I just want to sit with her and hug her all day long. ):
-How unappreciative Tetra is when you save her.
-KING OF THE RED LIONS. I'm sorry, I found him almost as annoying as navi. No joke.
-Sailing for 20 minutes all the way across the map because you can't warp yet.
-Kalle Demos.
-REDEADS. They scare me so bad.
-Puppet Ganon
-Tingle doesn't annoy me. It annoys me that Tingle takes 3240 of my rupees to read my maps.